Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GRAFGEM1.ZIP
Filename : BOUNDSPH.C

Output of file : BOUNDSPH.C contained in archive : GRAFGEM1.ZIP
An Efficient Bounding Sphere
by Jack Ritter
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990

/* Routine to calculate tight bounding sphere over */
/* a set of points in 3D */
/* This contains the routine find_bounding_sphere(), */
/* the struct definition, and the globals used for parameters. */
/* The abs() of all coordinates must be < BIGNUMBER */
/* Code written by Jack Ritter and Lyle Rains. */

#include "GraphicsGems.h"

#define BIGNUMBER 100000000.0 /* hundred million */

/* GLOBALS. These are used as input and output parameters. */

struct Point3Struct caller_p,cen;
double rad;

/* Call with no parameters. Caller must set NUM_POINTS */
/* before calling. */
/* Caller must supply the routine GET_iTH_POINT(i), which loads his */
/* ith point into the global struct caller_p. (0 <= i < NUM_POINTS). */
/* The calling order of the points is irrelevant. */
/* The final bounding sphere will be put into the globals */
/* cen and rad. */

register int i;
register double dx,dy,dz;
register double rad_sq,xspan,yspan,zspan,maxspan;
double old_to_p,old_to_p_sq,old_to_new;
struct Point3Struct xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,dia1,dia2;

/* FIRST PASS: find 6 minima/maxima points */
xmin.x=ymin.y=zmin.z= BIGNUMBER; /* initialize for min/max compare */
xmax.x=ymax.y=zmax.z= -BIGNUMBER;
for (i=0;i {
GET_iTH_POINT(i); /* load global struct caller_p with */
/* his ith point. */
if (caller_p.x xmin = caller_p; /* New xminimum point */
if (caller_p.x>xmax.x)
xmax = caller_p;
if (caller_p.y ymin = caller_p;
if (caller_p.y>ymax.y)
ymax = caller_p;
if (caller_p.z zmin = caller_p;
if (caller_p.z>zmax.z)
zmax = caller_p;
/* Set xspan = distance between the 2 points xmin & xmax (squared) */
dx = xmax.x - xmin.x;
dy = xmax.y - xmin.y;
dz = xmax.z - xmin.z;
xspan = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

/* Same for y & z spans */
dx = ymax.x - ymin.x;
dy = ymax.y - ymin.y;
dz = ymax.z - ymin.z;
yspan = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

dx = zmax.x - zmin.x;
dy = zmax.y - zmin.y;
dz = zmax.z - zmin.z;
zspan = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

/* Set points dia1 & dia2 to the maximally seperated pair */
dia1 = xmin; dia2 = xmax; /* assume xspan biggest */
maxspan = xspan;
if (yspan>maxspan)
maxspan = yspan;
dia1 = ymin; dia2 = ymax;
if (zspan>maxspan)
dia1 = zmin; dia2 = zmax;

/* dia1,dia2 is a diameter of initial sphere */
/* calc initial center */
cen.x = (dia1.x+dia2.x)/2.0;
cen.y = (dia1.y+dia2.y)/2.0;
cen.z = (dia1.z+dia2.z)/2.0;
/* calculate initial radius**2 and radius */
dx = dia2.x-cen.x; /* x componant of radius vector */
dy = dia2.y-cen.y; /* y componant of radius vector */
dz = dia2.z-cen.z; /* z componant of radius vector */
rad_sq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
rad = sqrt(rad_sq);

/* SECOND PASS: increment current sphere */

for (i=0;i {
GET_iTH_POINT(i); /* load global struct caller_p */
/* with his ith point. */
dx = caller_p.x-cen.x;
dy = caller_p.y-cen.y;
dz = caller_p.z-cen.z;
old_to_p_sq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
if (old_to_p_sq > rad_sq) /* do r**2 test first */
{ /* this point is outside of current sphere */
old_to_p = sqrt(old_to_p_sq);
/* calc radius of new sphere */
rad = (rad + old_to_p) / 2.0;
rad_sq = rad*rad; /* for next r**2 compare */
old_to_new = old_to_p - rad;
/* calc center of new sphere */
cen.x = (rad*cen.x + old_to_new*caller_p.x) / old_to_p;
cen.y = (rad*cen.y + old_to_new*caller_p.y) / old_to_p;
cen.z = (rad*cen.z + old_to_new*caller_p.z) / old_to_p;
/* Suppress if desired */
printf("\n New sphere: cen,rad = %f %f %f %f",
cen.x,cen.y,cen.z, rad);
} /* end of find_bounding_sphere() */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GRAFGEM1.ZIP
Filename : BOUNDSPH.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: