Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GPLTS202.ZIP

Output of file : MAKEFILE.MSC contained in archive : GPLTS202.ZIP
# Make file for use with Microsoft C Version 5.10
# and Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility Version 4.07

# where to place gnuplot.gih helpfile
HELPFILE = gnuplot.gih

# /c means don't link
# /AL means large memory model (large code, large data)
# /DPC means define symbol PC
CFLAGS = /c /AL /DPC #/DMSDOS #/Zi #/Od

# see other terminal defines in term.h

# /NOE means NO EXTernal Dictionary
# /EX means pack EXE file
# /ST:8000 means stack size 8000 bytes
LINKFLAGS = /NOE /EX /ST:8000 #/codeview

OBJS = bitmap.obj command.obj eval.obj graphics.obj help.obj internal.obj \
misc.obj parse.obj plot.obj scanner.obj setshow.obj standard.obj \
term.obj util.obj version.obj pcgraph.obj hrcgraph.obj corgraph.obj

CSOURCE5 = term\aed.trm term\cgi.trm term\dxy.trm term\eepic.trm \
term\epson.trm term\fig.trm term\hp26.trm term\hp2648.trm \
term\hpgl.trm term\hpljii.trm
CSOURCE6 = term\imPcodes.h term\imagen.trm term\object.h \
term\iris4d.trm term\kyo.trm term\latex.trm term\pc.trm
CSOURCE7 = term\post.trm term\qms.trm term\regis.trm term\sun.trm \
term\t410x.trm term\tek.trm term\unixpc.trm term\unixplot.trm \
term\v384.trm term\x11.trm

# default rules
cl $(CFLAGS) $*.c

masm $*;

pcgraph.obj: pcgraph.asm header.mac lineproc.mac

corgraph.obj: corgraph.asm header.mac lineproc.mac

hrcgraph.obj: hrcgraph.asm header.mac lineproc.mac

bitmap.obj: bitmap.c bitmap.h plot.h

command.obj: command.c plot.h setshow.h help.h
cl $(CFLAGS) /DHELPFILE=\"$(HELPFILE)\" command.c

eval.obj: eval.c plot.h

graphics.obj: graphics.c plot.h setshow.h

help.obj: help.c plot.h help.h

internal.obj: internal.c plot.h

misc.obj: misc.c plot.h setshow.h

parse.obj: parse.c plot.h

plot.obj: plot.c plot.h setshow.h

scanner.obj: scanner.c plot.h

setshow.obj: setshow.c plot.h setshow.h

standard.obj: standard.c plot.h

term.obj: term.c term.h plot.h setshow.h bitmap.h $(CSOURCE5) $(CSOURCE6) $(CSOURCE7)
cl $(CFLAGS) $(TERMFLAGS) /Iterm term.c

util.obj: util.c plot.h

version.obj: version.c

# convert gnuplot.doc to gnuplot.gih
doc2gih.exe: docs\doc2gih.c
cl docs\doc2gih.c

$(HELPFILE): doc2gih.exe docs\gnuplot.doc
doc2gih docs\gnuplot.doc $(HELPFILE)

# Object files in link command line are ordered to avoid far jumps.
# use linkopt.msc to avoid command-line overflow

gnuplot.exe: $(OBJS)
link $(LINKFLAGS) @linkopt.msc

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GPLTS202.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: