Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GIF_LIB.ZIP
Filename : GETARG.C

Output of file : GETARG.C contained in archive : GIF_LIB.ZIP
* Routines to grab the parameters from the command line : *
* All the routines except the main one, starts with GA (Get Arguments) to *
* prevent from names conflicts. *
* It is assumed in these routine that any pointer, for any type has the *
* same length (i.e. length of int pointer is equal to char pointer etc.) *
* *
* The following routines are available in this module: *
* 1. int GAGetArgs(argc, argv, CtrlStr, Variables...) *
* where argc, argv as received on entry. *
* CtrlStr is the contrl string (see below) *
* Variables are all the variables to be set according to CtrlStr. *
* Note that all the variables MUST be transfered by address. *
* return 0 on correct parsing, otherwise error number (see GetArg.h). *
* 2. GAPrintHowTo(CtrlStr) *
* Print the control string to stderr, in the correct format needed. *
* This feature is very useful in case of error during GetArgs parsing. *
* Chars equal to SPACE_CHAR are not printed (regular spaces are NOT *
* allowed, and so using SPACE_CHAR you can create space in PrintHowTo). *
* 3. GAPrintErrMsg(Error) *
* Print the error to stderr, according to Error (usually returned by *
* GAGetArgs). *
* *
* CtrlStr format: *
* The control string passed to GetArgs controls the way argv (argc) are *
* parsed. Each entry in this string must not have any spaces in it. The *
* First Entry is the name of the program which is usually ignored except *
* when GAPrintHowTo is called. All the other entries (except the last one *
* which we will come back to it later) must have the following format: *
* 1. One letter which sets the option letter. *
* 2. '!' or '%' to determines if this option is really optional ('%') or *
* it must exists ('!')... *
* 3. '-' allways. *
* 4. Alpha numeric string, usually ignored, but used by GAPrintHowTo to *
* print the meaning of this input. *
* 5. Sequences starts with '!' or '%'. Again if '!' then this sequence *
* must exists (only if its option flag is given of course), and if '%' *
* it is optional. Each sequence will continue with one or two *
* characters which defines the kind of the input: *
* a. d, x, o, u - integer is expected (decimal, hex, octal base or *
* unsigned). *
* b. D, X, O, U - long integer is expected (same as above). *
* c. f - float number is expected. *
* d. F - double number is expected. *
* e. s - string is expected. *
* f. *? - any number of '?' kind (d, x, o, u, D, X, O, U, f, F, s) *
* will match this one. If '?' is numeric, it scans until *
* none numeric input is given. If '?' is 's' then it scans *
* up to the next option or end of argv. *
* *
* If the last parameter given in the CtrlStr, is not an option (i.e. the *
* second char is not in ['!', '%'] and the third one is not '-'), all what *
* remained from argv is linked to it. *
* *
* The variables passed to GAGetArgs (starting from 4th parameter) MUST *
* match the order of the CtrlStr: *
* For each option, one integer address must be passed. This integer must *
* initialized by 0. If that option is given in the command line, it will *
* be set to one. *
* In addition, the sequences that might follow an option require the *
* following parameters to pass: *
* 1. d, x, o, u - pointer to integer (int *). *
* 2. D, X, O, U - pointer to long (long *). *
* 3. f - pointer to float (float *). *
* 4. F - pointer to double (double *). *
* 5. s - pointer to char (char *). NO allocation is needed! *
* 6. *? - TWO variables are passed for each wild request. the first *
* one is (address of) integer, and it will return number of *
* parameters actually matched this sequence, and the second *
* one is a pointer to pointer to ? (? **), and will return an *
* address to a block of pointers to ? kind, terminated with *
* NULL pointer. NO pre-allocation is needed. *
* note that these two variables are pretty like the argv/argc *
* pair... *
* *
* Examples: *
* *
* "Example1 i%-OneInteger!d s%-Strings!*s j%- k!-Float!f Files" *
* Will match: Example1 -i 77 -s String1 String2 String3 -k 88.2 File1 File2*
* or match: Example1 -s String1 -k 88.3 -i 999 -j *
* but not: Example1 -i 77 78 (option i expects one integer, k must be). *
* Note the option k must exists, and that the order of the options is not *
* not important. In the first examples File1 & File2 will match the Files *
* in the command line. *
* A call to GAPrintHowTo with this CtrlStr will print to stderr: *
* Example1 [-i OneIngeter] [-s Strings...] [-j] -k Float Files... *
* *
* Notes: *
* *
* 1. This module assumes that all the pointers to all kind of data types *
* have the same length and format, i.e. sizeof(int *) == sizeof(char *).*
* *
* Gershon Elber Ver 0.2 Mar 88 *
* History: *
* 11 Mar 88 - Version 1.0 by Gershon Elber. *

#include "GetArg.h"

#define MYMALLOC /* If no "MyAlloc" routine elsewhere define this */

#define MAX_PARAM 100 /* maximum number of parameters allowed. */
#define CTRL_STR_MAX_LEN 1024

#define SPACE_CHAR '|' /* The character not to print using HowTo */

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 0

#define ISSPACE(x) ((x) <= ' ') /* Not conventional - but works fine! */
/* The two characters '%' and '!' are used in the control string: */
#define ISCTRLCHAR(x) (((x) == '%') || ((x) == '!'))

static char *GAErrorToken;/* On error code, ErrorToken is set to point on it */

static int GATestAllSatis(char *CtrlStrCopy, char *CtrlStr, int *argc,
char ***argv, int *Parameters[MAX_PARAM], int *ParamCount);
static int GAUpdateParameters(int *Parameters[], int *ParamCount,
char *Option, char *CtrlStrCopy, char *CtrlStr, int *argc,
char ***argv);
static int GAGetParmeters(int *Parameters[], int *ParamCount,
char *CtrlStrCopy , char *Option, int *argc, char ***argv);
static int GAGetMultiParmeters(int *Parameters[], int *ParamCount,
char *CtrlStrCopy, int *argc, char ***argv);
static void GASetParamCount(char *CtrlStr, int Max, int *ParamCount);
static void GAByteCopy(char *Dst, char *Src, unsigned n);
static int GAOptionExists(int argc, char **argv);
static char *MyMalloc(unsigned size);
#endif MyMALLOC

* Routine to access the command line argument and interpret them: *
* Return OK (0) is case of succesfull parsing, error code else... *
int GAGetArgs(int argc, char **argv, char *CtrlStr, ...)
int i, Error = FALSE, ParamCount = 0,
*Parameters[MAX_PARAM]; /* Save here parameter addresses */
char *Option, CtrlStrCopy[CTRL_STR_MAX_LEN];

strcpy(CtrlStrCopy, CtrlStr);
/* Using base address of parameters we access other parameters addr: */
/* Note that me (for sure!) samples data beyond the current function */
/* frame, but we only read it, so we are almost o.k ... */
for (i=1; i<=MAX_PARAM; i++) Parameters[i-1] = (int *) *(i+&CtrlStr);

--argc; argv++; /* Skip the program name (first in argv/c list) */
while (argc >= 0) {
if (!GAOptionExists(argc, argv)) break; /* The loop */
Option = *(argv++);
if ((Error = GAUpdateParameters(Parameters, &ParamCount, Option,
CtrlStrCopy, CtrlStr, &argc, &argv)) != FALSE) return Error;
/* Check for results and update trail of command line: */
return GATestAllSatis(CtrlStrCopy, CtrlStr, &argc, &argv, Parameters,

* Routine to search for unsatisfied flags - simply scan the list for !- *
* sequence. Before this scan, this routine updates the rest of the command *
* line into the last two parameters if it is requested by the CtrlStr *
* (last item in CtrlStr is NOT an option). *
* Return OK if all satisfied, CMD_ERR_AllSatis error else. *
static int GATestAllSatis(char *CtrlStrCopy, char *CtrlStr, int *argc,
char ***argv, int *Parameters[MAX_PARAM], int *ParamCount)
int i;
static char *LocalToken = "-?";

/* Check is last item is an option. If not then copy rest of command */
/* line into it as 1. NumOfprm, 2. pointer to block of pointers. */
for (i=strlen(CtrlStr)-1; ((i>0) && (!ISSPACE(CtrlStr[i]))); i--);
if (!ISCTRLCHAR(CtrlStr[i+2])) {
GASetParamCount(CtrlStr, i, ParamCount); /* Point in correct prm. */
*Parameters[(*ParamCount)++] = *argc;
GAByteCopy((char *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++], (char *) argv,
sizeof(char *));

i = 0;
while (++i < strlen(CtrlStrCopy))
if ((CtrlStrCopy[i] == '-') && (CtrlStrCopy[i-1] == '!')) {
GAErrorToken = LocalToken;
LocalToken[1] = CtrlStrCopy[i-2]; /* Set the corrent flag */
return CMD_ERR_AllSatis;

return OK;

* Routine to update the parameters according to the given Option: *
static int GAUpdateParameters(int *Parameters[], int *ParamCount,
char *Option, char *CtrlStrCopy, char *CtrlStr, int *argc, char ***argv)
int i;

if (Option[0] != '-') {
GAErrorToken = Option;
return CMD_ERR_NotAnOpt;
i = 0; /* Scan the CtrlStrCopy for that option: */
while (i+2 < strlen(CtrlStrCopy)) {
if ((CtrlStrCopy[i] == Option[1]) && (ISCTRLCHAR(CtrlStrCopy[i+1]))
&& (CtrlStrCopy[i+2] == '-')) {
/* We found that option! */
if (i+2 >= strlen(CtrlStrCopy)) {
GAErrorToken = Option;
return CMD_ERR_NoSuchOpt;

/* If we are here, then we found that option in CtrlStr - Strip it off: */
CtrlStrCopy[i] = CtrlStrCopy[i+1] = CtrlStrCopy[i+2] = (char) ' ';
GASetParamCount(CtrlStr, i, ParamCount);/*Set it to point in correct prm */
i += 3;
*Parameters[(*ParamCount)++] = 1; /* Set boolean flag for that option */
if (ISSPACE(CtrlStrCopy[i])) return OK; /* Only a boolean flag is needed */

/* Skip the text between the bolean option and data follows: */
while (!ISCTRLCHAR(CtrlStrCopy[i])) i++;
/* Get the parameters and return the propriete return code: */
return GAGetParmeters(Parameters, ParamCount, &CtrlStrCopy[i],
Option, argc, argv);

* Routine to get parameters according to the CtrlStr given from argv/c : *
static int GAGetParmeters(int *Parameters[], int *ParamCount,
char *CtrlStrCopy , char *Option, int *argc, char ***argv)
int i = 0, ScanRes;

while (!(ISSPACE(CtrlStrCopy[i]))) {
switch (CtrlStrCopy[i+1]) {
case 'd': /* Get signed integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%d",
(int *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'u': /* Get unsigned integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%u",
(unsigned *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'x': /* Get hex integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%x",
(int *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'o': /* Get octal integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%o",
(int *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'D': /* Get signed long integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%ld",
(long *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'U': /* Get unsigned long integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lu",
(unsigned long *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'X': /* Get hex long integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lx",
(long *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'O': /* Get octal long integers */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lo",
(long *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'f': /* Get float number */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%f",
(float *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 'F': /* Get double float number */
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lf",
(double *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++]);
case 's': /* It as a string */
ScanRes = 1; /* Allways O.K. */
GAByteCopy((char *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++],
(char *) ((*argv)++), sizeof(char *));
case '*': /* Get few parameters into one : */
ScanRes = GAGetMultiParmeters(Parameters, ParamCount,
&CtrlStrCopy[i], argc, argv);
if ((ScanRes == 0) && (CtrlStrCopy[i] == '!')) {
GAErrorToken = Option;
return CMD_ERR_WildEmpty;
/* If reading fails and this number is a must (!) then error : */
if ((ScanRes == 0) && (CtrlStrCopy[i] == '!')) {
GAErrorToken = Option;
return CMD_ERR_NumRead;
if (CtrlStrCopy[i+1] != '*') {
(*argc)--; /* Everything is OK - update to next parameter: */
i += 2; /* Skip to next parameter (if any) */
else i += 3; /* Skip the '*' also ! */

return OK;

* Routine to get few parameters into one pointer such that the returned *
* pointer actually points on a block of pointers to the parameters... *
* For example *F means a pointer to pointers on floats. *
* Returns number of parameters actually read. *
* This routine assumes that all pointers (on any kind of scalar) has the *
* same size (and the union below is totally ovelapped bteween dif. arrays) *
static int GAGetMultiParmeters(int *Parameters[], int *ParamCount,
char *CtrlStrCopy, int *argc, char ***argv)
int i = 0, ScanRes, NumOfPrm = 0, **Pmain, **Ptemp;
union TmpArray { /* Save here the temporary data before copying it to */
int *IntArray[MAX_PARAM]; /* the returned pointer block. */
long *LngArray[MAX_PARAM];
float *FltArray[MAX_PARAM];
double *DblArray[MAX_PARAM];
char *ChrArray[MAX_PARAM];
} TmpArray;

do {
switch(CtrlStrCopy[2]) { /* CtrlStr == '!*?' or '%*?' where ? is */
case 'd': /* Format to read the parameters: */
TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm] = (int *) MyMalloc(sizeof(int));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%d",
(int *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'u':
TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm] = (int *) MyMalloc(sizeof(int));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%u",
(unsigned int *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'o':
TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm] = (int *) MyMalloc(sizeof(int));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%o",
(int *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'x':
TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm] = (int *) MyMalloc(sizeof(int));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%x",
(int *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'D':
TmpArray.LngArray[NumOfPrm] = (long *) MyMalloc(sizeof(long));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%ld",
(long *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'U':
TmpArray.LngArray[NumOfPrm] = (long *) MyMalloc(sizeof(long));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lu",
(unsigned long *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'O':
TmpArray.LngArray[NumOfPrm] = (long *) MyMalloc(sizeof(long));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lo",
(long *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'X':
TmpArray.LngArray[NumOfPrm] = (long *) MyMalloc(sizeof(long));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lx",
(long *) TmpArray.IntArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'f':
TmpArray.FltArray[NumOfPrm] = (float *) MyMalloc(sizeof(float));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%f",
(float *) TmpArray.LngArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 'F':
TmpArray.DblArray[NumOfPrm] =
(double *) MyMalloc(sizeof(double));
ScanRes = sscanf(*((*argv)++), "%lf",
(double *) TmpArray.LngArray[NumOfPrm++]);
case 's':
while ((*argc) && ((**argv)[0] != '-')) {
TmpArray.ChrArray[NumOfPrm++] = *((*argv)++);
ScanRes = 0; /* Force quit from do - loop */
NumOfPrm++; /* Updated again immediately after loop! */
(*argv)++; /* "" */
while (ScanRes == 1); /* Exactly one parameter was read. */
(*argv)--; NumOfPrm--; (*argc)++;

/* Now allocate the block with the exact size, and set it: */
Ptemp = Pmain = (int **) MyMalloc((unsigned) (NumOfPrm+1) * sizeof(int *));
/* And here we use the assumption that all pointers are the same: */
for (i=0; i *(Ptemp) = (int *) NULL; /* Close the block with NULL pointer */

/* That it save the number of parameters read as first parameter to */
/* return and the pointer to the block as second, and return: */
*Parameters[(*ParamCount)++] = NumOfPrm;

GAByteCopy((char *) Parameters[(*ParamCount)++], (char *) &Pmain,
sizeof(char *));
return NumOfPrm;

* Routine to scan the CtrlStr, upto Max and count the number of parameters *
* to that point: *
* 1. Each option is counted as one parameter - boolean variable (int) *
* 2. Within an option, each %? or !? is counted once - pointer to something*
* 3. Within an option, %*? or !*? is counted twice - one for item count *
* and one for pointer to block pointers. *
* Note ALL variables are passed by address and so of fixed size (address). *
static void GASetParamCount(char *CtrlStr, int Max, int *ParamCount)
int i;

*ParamCount = 0;
for (i=0; i if (CtrlStr[i+1] == '*') *ParamCount += 2;
else (*ParamCount)++;

* Routine to copy exactly n bytes fro Src to Dst. Note system library *
* routine strncpy should do the same, but it stops on NULL char ! *
static void GAByteCopy(char *Dst, char *Src, unsigned n)
while (n--) *(Dst++) = *(Src++);

* Routine to check if more option (i.e. first char == '-') exists in the *
* given list argc, argv: *
static int GAOptionExists(int argc, char **argv)
while (argc--) if ((*(argv++))[0] == '-') return TRUE;
return FALSE;

* Routine to print some error messages, for this module: *
void GAPrintErrMsg(int Error)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in command line parsing - ");
switch (Error) {
case 0:;
case CMD_ERR_NotAnOpt:
fprintf(stderr, "None option Found");
case CMD_ERR_NoSuchOpt:
fprintf(stderr, "Undefined option Found");
case CMD_ERR_WildEmpty:
fprintf(stderr, "Empty input for '!*?' seq.");
case CMD_ERR_NumRead:
fprintf(stderr, "Failed on reading number");
case CMD_ERR_AllSatis:
fprintf(stderr, "Fail to satisfy");
fprintf(stderr, " - '%s'\n", GAErrorToken);

* Routine to print correct format of command line allowed: *
void GAPrintHowTo(char *CtrlStr)
int i = 0, SpaceFlag;

fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ");
/* Print program name - first word in ctrl. str. (optional) : */
while (!(ISSPACE(CtrlStr[i])) && (!ISCTRLCHAR(CtrlStr[i+1])))
fprintf(stderr, "%c", CtrlStr[i++]);

while (i < strlen(CtrlStr)) {
while ((ISSPACE(CtrlStr[i])) && (i < strlen(CtrlStr))) i++;
switch (CtrlStr[i+1]) {
case '%':
fprintf(stderr, " [-%c", CtrlStr[i++]);
i += 2; /* Skip the '%-' or '!- after the char! */
SpaceFlag = TRUE;
while (!ISCTRLCHAR(CtrlStr[i]) && (i < strlen(CtrlStr)) &&
if (SpaceFlag) {
if (CtrlStr[i++] == SPACE_CHAR)
fprintf(stderr, " ");
else fprintf(stderr, " %c", CtrlStr[i-1]);
SpaceFlag = FALSE;
else if (CtrlStr[i++] == SPACE_CHAR)
fprintf(stderr, " ");
else fprintf(stderr, "%c", CtrlStr[i-1]);
while (!ISSPACE(CtrlStr[i]) && (i < strlen(CtrlStr))) {
if (CtrlStr[i] == '*') fprintf(stderr, "...");
i++; /* Skip the rest of it */
fprintf(stderr, "]");
case '!':
fprintf(stderr, " -%c", CtrlStr[i++]);
i += 2; /* Skip the '%-' or '!- after the char! */
SpaceFlag = TRUE;
while (!ISCTRLCHAR(CtrlStr[i]) && (i < strlen(CtrlStr)) &&
if (SpaceFlag) {
fprintf(stderr, " %c", CtrlStr[i++]);
SpaceFlag = FALSE;
else fprintf(stderr, "%c", CtrlStr[i++]);
while (!ISSPACE(CtrlStr[i]) && (i < strlen(CtrlStr))) {
if (CtrlStr[i] == '*') fprintf(stderr, "...");
i++; /* Skip the rest of it */
default: /* Not checked, but must be last one! */
fprintf(stderr, " ");
while (!ISSPACE(CtrlStr[i]) && (i < strlen(CtrlStr)) &&
fprintf(stderr, "%c", CtrlStr[i++]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");


* My Routine to allocate dynamic memory. All program requests must call *
* this routine (no direct call to malloc). Dies if no memory. *

static char *MyMalloc(unsigned size)
char *p;

if ((p = malloc(size)) != NULL) return p;

fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory, exit\n");

return NULL; /* Makes warning silent */


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GIF_LIB.ZIP
Filename : GETARG.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: