Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GCOOPE10.ZIP
Filename : CHAR.C

Output of file : CHAR.C contained in archive : GCOOPE10.ZIP


Char class definition for GCOOPE Version 1.0

7/13/94 by Brian Lee Price

Released as Public Domain July, 1994.

This is a flag class. (Uses the object handle for instance
variable storage).

Compatible with strong typing option.


#define CLASS Char

#include "gcoope10.h"


object CLASS;

extern object String;
extern object ShortInt;
extern object LongInt;
extern object Unsigned;


cmethod object m4New(object instance, char initVal)
if(((objHndl *) &instance)->fext)
char * ivptr;
if(NULL==(ivptr=getIVptr(instance))) return 0;
((objHndl *) &instance)->fext=(tag)instance | ~SIGNMASK;
(tag) instance=0;
(char) instance=initVal;
return instance;

imethod object m4changeVal(object instance, char newVal)

char * ivptr;
if(NULL==(ivptr=getIVptr(instance))) return FUNCFAIL;
else (char) instance=newVal;
return FUNCOKAY;

imethod char m4valueOf(object instance)
char * ivptr;
return *ivptr;
else return (char) instance;

imethod object m4asString(object instance)
char strBuf[16];
char a;

if(instance>=0) a=*((char *) getIVptr(instance));
else a=(char) instance;
sprintf(strBuf,"%d",(int) a);
return g(New)(String,strBuf);

imethod object m4asHexStr(object instance)
char strBuf[16];
char a;

if(instance>=0) a=*((char *) getIVptr(instance));
else a=(char) instance;
sprintf(strBuf, "%x", (unsigned) a);
return g(New)(String,strBuf);

imethod object m4asShortInt(object instance)
char a;

if(instance>=0) a=*((char *) getIVptr(instance));
else a=(char) instance;
return g(New)(ShortInt,(short) a);

imethod object m4asLongInt(object instance)
char a;

if(instance>=0) a=*((char *) getIVptr(instance));
else a=(char) instance;
return g(New)(LongInt,(long) a);

imethod object m4asUnsigned(object instance)
char a;

if(instance>=0) a=*((char *) getIVptr(instance));
else a=(char) instance;
return g(New)(Unsigned,(unsigned short) a);

stat x=FUNCFAIL;

if(END==(CLASS=g(New)(Class, 0, sizeof(char), END)))
goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, New, (method) m4New)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(changeVal), (method) m4changeVal)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(valueOf), (method) m4valueOf)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(asString), (method) m4asString)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(asHexStr), (method) m4asHexStr)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(asShortInt), (method) m4asShortInt)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(asLongInt), (method) m4asLongInt)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(asUnsigned), (method) m4asUnsigned)) goto end;
if(addGMthd(CLASS, GEN(asChar), bounceBack)) goto end;

return x;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GCOOPE10.ZIP
Filename : CHAR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: