Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GCOBJECT.ZIP

Output of file : GCSTRING.CPP contained in archive : GCOBJECT.ZIP
These C++ classes are copyright 1989, 1990, by William Herrera.
All those who put this code or its derivatives in a commercial product MUST
mention this copyright in their documentation for users of the products in
which this code or its derivative classes are used. Otherwise, this code
may be freely distributed and used for any purpose.
FidoNet: c_plusplus
#include "gcstring.hpp"
//#define __TURBOC__
void gcstring::Initialize(unsigned int bufsize, int gc_interval)
gcobject::Initialize(bufsize, gc_interval);

gcstring::gcstring() // string s; default constructor
str = new (data_record *);
if(str == NULL)
*str = Allocate(1, str);
if(*str == NULL)
FatalError(gcobject_alloc_err, " gcstring()");
(*str)->data[0] = 0;

gcstring::gcstring(const char * s)
int len = strlen(s) + 1;
str = new (data_record *);
if(str == NULL)
*str = Allocate(len, str);
if(*str == NULL)
FatalError(gcobject_alloc_err, " gcstring(const char *)");
memcpy((*str)->data, s, len);

gcstring::gcstring(const gcstring &st)
// copy-initializer avoids dup of char vector.
str = st.str; // minimizes copying.
(*str)->ref_count++; // increment reference count.

gcstring::gcstring(const char * p1, const char * p2)
int len = strlen(p1) + strlen(p2) + 1;
str = new (data_record *);
if(str == NULL)
*str = Allocate(len, str);
if(*str == NULL)
FatalError(gcobject_alloc_err, " gcstring(const char*,const char*)");
strcpy((*str)->data, p1);
strcat((*str)->data, p2);

gcstring::~gcstring() // destructor
int & refcount = (*str)->ref_count;
if(refcount < 0)
FatalError("deallocate error");
else if(refcount == 0)

delete str;

gcstring gcstring::operator =(const gcstring & st)
str = st.str;
return *this;

gcstring gcstring::operator =(const char * s)
int len = strlen(s) + 1;
str = new (data_record *);
if(str == NULL)
*str = Allocate(len, str);
if(*str == NULL)
FatalError(gcobject_alloc_err, " operator=gcstring&");
memcpy((*str)->data, s, len);
return *this;

int gcstring::operator [](const int i) // reference a char in string.
char * p = (*str)->data;
return (p == NULL || i > strlen(p)) ? '\0' : p[i];

gcstring gcstring::operator +(const gcstring & st)
gcstring s((char *)(*str)->data, (char *)(*(st.str))->data);
return s; // return by value will copy s.

int gcstring::cmp(const gcstring & s)
return strcmp((*str)->data, (*(s.str))->data);

int gcstring::cmp(char * p)
return strcmp((*str)->data, p);

istream & operator >>(istream & ist, gcstring & st)
//#ifdef __ZTC__
// whitespace WS;
// ist >> WS;
// char buf[256];
// ist.get(buf, 255, '\r');
// ist >> WS;
// st = buf;
// return ist;
//#else ifdef __TURBOC__
ist >> ws;
char buf[256];
ist.get(buf, 255, '\n');
ist >> ws;
st = buf;
return ist;

ostream & operator <<(ostream & ost, const gcstring & st)
return ost << (char *)(*st.str)->data;

// end of file gcstring.cpp

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GCOBJECT.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: