Category : C Source Code
Archive   : FRASRC18.ZIP
Filename : PLOT3D.C

Output of file : PLOT3D.C contained in archive : FRASRC18.ZIP
This file includes miscellaneous plot functions and logic
for 3D, used by lorenz.c and line3d.c
By Tim Wegner and Marc Reinig.

#include "fractint.h"
#include "fractype.h"
#include "prototyp.h"

/* Use these palette indices for red/blue - same on ega/vga */
#define PAL_BLUE 1
#define PAL_RED 2
#define PAL_MAGENTA 3

extern void (_fastcall * standardplot)(int,int,int);
extern int Targa_Out, sxoffs, syoffs;

int whichimage;
extern int fractype;
extern int mapset;
extern int xadjust;
extern int yadjust;
extern int xxadjust;
extern int yyadjust;
extern int xshift;
extern int yshift;
extern char MAP_name[];
extern int init3d[];
extern int xdots;
extern int ydots;
extern int colors;
extern BYTE dacbox[256][3];
extern int debugflag;

extern int max_colors;

int xxadjust1;
int yyadjust1;
int eyeseparation = 0;
int glassestype = 0;
int xshift1;
int yshift1;
int xtrans = 0;
int ytrans = 0;
int red_local_left;
int red_local_right;
int blue_local_left;
int blue_local_right;
int red_crop_left = 4;
int red_crop_right = 0;
int blue_crop_left = 0;
int blue_crop_right = 4;
int red_bright = 80;
int blue_bright = 100;


/* Bresenham's algorithm for drawing line */
void _fastcall draw_line (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int color)

{ /* uses Bresenham algorithm to draw a line */
int dX, dY; /* vector components */
int row, col,
final, /* final row or column number */
G, /* used to test for new row or column */
inc1, /* G increment when row or column doesn't change */
inc2; /* G increment when row or column changes */
char pos_slope;
extern int xdots,ydots;

dX = X2 - X1; /* find vector components */
dY = Y2 - Y1;
pos_slope = (dX > 0); /* is slope positive? */
if (dY < 0)
pos_slope = !pos_slope;
if (abs (dX) > abs (dY)) /* shallow line case */
if (dX > 0) /* determine start point and last column */
col = X1;
row = Y1;
final = X2;
col = X2;
row = Y2;
final = X1;
inc1 = 2 * abs (dY); /* determine increments and initial G */
G = inc1 - abs (dX);
inc2 = 2 * (abs (dY) - abs (dX));
if (pos_slope)
while (col <= final) /* step through columns checking for new row */
(*plot) (col, row, color);
if (G >= 0) /* it's time to change rows */
row++; /* positive slope so increment through the rows */
G += inc2;
else /* stay at the same row */
G += inc1;
while (col <= final) /* step through columns checking for new row */
(*plot) (col, row, color);
if (G > 0) /* it's time to change rows */
row--; /* negative slope so decrement through the rows */
G += inc2;
else /* stay at the same row */
G += inc1;
} /* if |dX| > |dY| */
else /* steep line case */
if (dY > 0) /* determine start point and last row */
col = X1;
row = Y1;
final = Y2;
col = X2;
row = Y2;
final = Y1;
inc1 = 2 * abs (dX); /* determine increments and initial G */
G = inc1 - abs (dY);
inc2 = 2 * (abs (dX) - abs (dY));
if (pos_slope)
while (row <= final) /* step through rows checking for new column */
(*plot) (col, row, color);
if (G >= 0) /* it's time to change columns */
col++; /* positive slope so increment through the columns */
G += inc2;
else /* stay at the same column */
G += inc1;
while (row <= final) /* step through rows checking for new column */
(*plot) (col, row, color);
if (G > 0) /* it's time to change columns */
col--; /* negative slope so decrement through the columns */
G += inc2;
else /* stay at the same column */
G += inc1;
} /* draw_line */

/* use this for continuous colors later */
void _fastcall plot3dsuperimpose16b(int x,int y,int color)
int tmp;
if (color != 0) /* Keeps index 0 still 0 */
color = colors - color; /* Reverses color order */
color = color / 4;
if(color == 0)
color = 1;
color = 3;
tmp = getcolor(x,y);

/* map to 4 colors */
if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
color = color <<2;
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);

void _fastcall plot3dsuperimpose16(int x,int y,int color)
int tmp;

tmp = getcolor(x,y);

if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
color = PAL_RED;
if(tmp > 0 && tmp != color)
color = PAL_MAGENTA;
if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color);
else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
color = PAL_BLUE;
if(tmp > 0 && tmp != color)
color = PAL_MAGENTA;
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color);

void _fastcall plot3dsuperimpose256(int x,int y,int color)
int tmp;
BYTE t_c;

t_c = 255-color;

if (color != 0) /* Keeps index 0 still 0 */
color = colors - color; /* Reverses color order */
if (max_colors == 236)
color = 1 + color / 21; /* Maps colors 1-255 to 13 even ranges */
color = 1 + color / 18; /* Maps colors 1-255 to 15 even ranges */

tmp = getcolor(x,y);
/* map to 16 colors */
if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
/* Overwrite prev Red don't mess w/blue */
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color|(tmp&240));
targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, t_c, 0, 0);
else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
/* Overwrite previous blue, don't mess with existing red */
color = color <<4;
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color|(tmp&15));
targa_readdisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, &T_RED, (BYTE *)&tmp, (BYTE *)&tmp);
targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, T_RED, 0, t_c);

void _fastcall plotIFS3dsuperimpose256(int x,int y,int color)
int tmp;
BYTE t_c;

t_c = 255-color;

if (color != 0) /* Keeps index 0 still 0 */
/* my mind is fried - lower indices = darker colors is EASIER! */
color = colors - color; /* Reverses color order */
if (max_colors == 236)
color = 1 + color / 21; /* Maps colors 1-255 to 13 even ranges */
color = 1 + color / 18; /* Looks weird but maps colors 1-255 to 15
relatively even ranges */

tmp = getcolor(x,y);
/* map to 16 colors */
if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, t_c, 0, 0);
else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
color = color <<4;
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
targa_readdisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, &T_RED, (BYTE *)&tmp, (BYTE *)&tmp);
targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, T_RED, 0, t_c);

void _fastcall plot3dalternate(int x,int y,int color)
int tmp;
BYTE t_c;

t_c = 255-color;
/* lorez high color red/blue 3D plot function */
/* if which image = 1, compresses color to lower 128 colors */

/* my mind is STILL fried - lower indices = darker colors is EASIER! */
color = colors - color;
if((whichimage == 1) && !((x+y)&1)) /* - lower half palette */
if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, color>>1);
targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, t_c, 0, 0);
else if((whichimage == 2) && ((x+y)&1) ) /* - upper half palette */
if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
if (Targa_Out)
targa_color(x, y, (color>>1)+(colors>>1));
targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, T_RED, 0, t_c);

void plot_setup()
double d_red_bright, d_blue_bright;
int i;

/* set funny glasses plot function */
case 1:
standardplot = plot3dalternate;

case 2:
if(colors == 256)
if (fractype != IFS3D)
standardplot = plot3dsuperimpose256;
standardplot = plotIFS3dsuperimpose256;
standardplot = plot3dsuperimpose16;

standardplot = putcolor;

xshift1 = xshift = (XSHIFT * (double)xdots)/100;
yshift1 = yshift = (YSHIFT * (double)ydots)/100;

red_local_left = (red_crop_left * (double)xdots)/100.0;
red_local_right = ((100 - red_crop_right) * (double)xdots)/100.0;
blue_local_left = (blue_crop_left * (double)xdots)/100.0;
blue_local_right = ((100 - blue_crop_right) * (double)xdots)/100.0;
d_red_bright = (double)red_bright/100.0;
d_blue_bright = (double)blue_bright/100.0;

case 1:
xshift += (eyeseparation* (double)xdots)/200;
xxadjust = ((xtrans+xadjust)* (double)xdots)/100;
xshift1 -= (eyeseparation* (double)xdots)/200;
xxadjust1 = ((xtrans-xadjust)* (double)xdots)/100;

case 2:
xshift -= (eyeseparation* (double)xdots)/200;
xxadjust = ((xtrans-xadjust)* (double)xdots)/100;
xxadjust = (xtrans* (double)xdots)/100;
yyadjust = -(ytrans* (double)ydots)/100;

if (mapset)
ValidateLuts(MAP_name); /* read the palette file */
if(glassestype==1 || glassestype==2)
if(glassestype == 2 && colors < 256)
dacbox[PAL_RED ][0] = 63;
dacbox[PAL_RED ][1] = 0;
dacbox[PAL_RED ][2] = 0;

dacbox[PAL_BLUE ][0] = 0;
dacbox[PAL_BLUE ][1] = 0;
dacbox[PAL_BLUE ][2] = 63;

dacbox[PAL_MAGENTA][0] = 63;
dacbox[PAL_MAGENTA][1] = 0;
dacbox[PAL_MAGENTA][2] = 63;
for (i=0;i<256;i++)
dacbox[i][0] = dacbox[i][0] * d_red_bright;
dacbox[i][2] = dacbox[i][2] * d_blue_bright;
spindac(0,1); /* load it, but don't spin */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : FRASRC18.ZIP
Filename : PLOT3D.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: