Category : C Source Code
Archive   : FRASRC18.ZIP

Output of file : LYAPUNOV.ASM contained in archive : FRASRC18.ZIP
; Wesley Loewer's attempt at writing his own
; 80x87 assembler implementation of Lyapunov fractals
; based on lyapunov_cycles_in_c() in miscfrac.c
; Nicholas Wilt, April 1992, originally wrote an 80x87 assembler
; implementation of Lyapunov fractals, but I couldn't get his
; lyapunov_cycles() to work right with fractint.
; So I'm starting mostly from scratch with credits to Nicholas Wilt's
; code marked with NW.

.MODEL medium,c

; Increase the overflowcheck value at your own risk.
; Bigger value -> check less often -> faster run time, increased risk of overflow.
; I've had failures with 6 when using "set no87" as emulation can be less forgiving.
overflowcheck EQU 5

EXTRN colors:WORD, maxit:WORD, lyaLength:WORD
EXTRN filter_cycles:WORD

BigNum DD 100000.0
half DD 0.5 ; for rounding to integers
e_10 DQ 22026.4657948 ; e^10
e_neg10 DQ 4.53999297625e-5 ; e^(-10)


; BifurcLambda - not used in lyapunov.asm, but used in miscfrac.c
PUBLIC BifurcLambda
BifurcLambda PROC
; Population = Rate * Population * (1 - Population);
; return (fabs(Population) > BIG);
push bp ; Establish stack frame
mov bp,sp ;
sub sp,2 ; Local for 80x87 flags
fld Population ; Get population
fld st ; Population Population
fld1 ; 1 Population Population
fsubr ; 1 - Population Population
fmul ; Population * (1 - Population)
fmul Rate ; Rate * Population * (1 - Population)
fst Population ; Store in Population
fabs ; Take absolute value
fcomp BigNum ; Compare to 100000.0
fstsw [bp-2] ; Return 1 if greater than 100000.0
mov ax,[bp-2] ;
sahf ;
ja Return1 ;
xor ax,ax ;
jmp short Done ;
mov ax,1 ;
Done: inc sp ; Deallocate locals
inc sp ;
pop bp ; Restore stack frame
ret ; Return
BifurcLambda ENDP

; OneMinusExpMacro - calculates e^x
; parameter : x in st(0)
; returns : e^x in st(0)
OneMinusExpMacro MACRO
LOCAL not_387, positive_x, was_positive_x
LOCAL long_way_386, long_way_286
LOCAL positive_x_long, was_positive_x_long, done

; To take e^x, one can use 2^(x*log_2(e)), however on on 8087/287
; the valid domain for x is 0 <= x <= 0.5 while the 387/487 allows
; -1.0 <= x <= +1.0.

; I wrote the following 387+ specific code to take advantage of the
; improved domain in the f2xm1 command, but the 287- code seems to work
; about as fast.

cmp fpu,387 ; is fpu >= 387 ?
jl not_387

;.386 ; a 387 or better is present so we might as well use .386/7 here
;.387 ; so "fstsw ax" can be used. Note that the same can be accomplished
.286 ; with .286/7 which is recognized by more more assemblers.
.287 ; (ie: MS QuickAssembler doesn't recognize .386/7)

; |x*log_2(e)| must be <= 1.0 in order to work with 386 or greater.
; It usually is, so it's worth taking these extra steps to check.
fldl2e ; log_2(e) x
fmul ; x*log_2(e)
;begining of short_way code
fld1 ; 1 x*log_2(e)
fld st(1) ; x*log_2(e) 1 x*log_2(e)
fabs ; |x*log_2(e)| 1 x*log_2(e)
fcompp ; x*log_2(e)
fstsw ax
ja long_way_386 ; do it the long way
f2xm1 ; e^x-1=2^(x*log_2(e))-1
fchs ; 1-e^x which is what we wanted anyway
jmp done ; done here.

; mostly taken from NW's code
fld st ; x x
frndint ; i x
fsub st(1),st ; i x-i
fxch ; x-i i
f2xm1 ; e^(x-i)-1 i
fld1 ; 1 e^(x-i)-1 i
fadd ; e^(x-i) i
fscale ; e^x i
fstp st(1) ; e^x
fld1 ; 1 e^x
fsubr ; 1-e^x
jmp done

; |x*log_2(e)| must be <= 0.5 in order to work with 286 or less.
; It usually is, so it's worth taking these extra steps to check.
fldl2e ; log_2(e) x
fmul ; x*log_2(e)

;begining of short_way code
fld st ; x*log_2(e) x*log_2(e)
fabs ; |x*log_2(e)| x*log_2(e)
fcomp half ; x*log_2(e)
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
ja long_way_286 ; do it the long way

; 286 or less requires x>=0, if x is negative, use e^(-x) = 1/e^x
ftst ; x
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
jae positive_x
fabs ; -x
f2xm1 ; e^(-x)-1=2^(-x*log_2(e))-1
fld1 ; 1 e^(-x)-1
fadd st,st(1) ; e^(-x) e^(-x)-1
fdiv ; 1-e^x=(e^(-x)-1)/e^(-x)
jmp SHORT done ; done here.

f2xm1 ; e^x-1=2^(x*log_2(e))-1
fchs ; 1-e^x which is what we wanted anyway
jmp SHORT done ; done here.

; mostly taken from NW's code
fld st ; x x
frndint ; i x
fsub st(1),st ; i x-i
fxch ; x-i i
; x-i could be pos or neg
; 286 or less requires x>=0, if negative, use e^(-x) = 1/e^x
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
jae positive_x_long_way
fabs ; i-x
f2xm1 ; e^(i-x)-1 i
fld1 ; 1 e^(i-x)-1 i
fadd st(1),st ; 1 e^(i-x) i
fdivr ; e^(x-i) i
fscale ; e^x i
fstp st(1) ; e^x
fld1 ; 1 e^x
fsubr ; 1-e^x
jmp SHORT done ; done here.

positive_x_long_way: ; x-i
f2xm1 ; e^(x-i)-1 i
fld1 ; 1 e^(x-i)-1 i
fadd ; e^(x-i) i
fscale ; e^x i
fstp st(1) ; e^x
fld1 ; 1 e^x
fsubr ; 1-e^x
ENDM ; OneMinusExpMacro

; modeled from lyapunov_cycles_in_c() in miscfrac.c
;int lyapunov_cycles_in_c(int filter_cycles, double a, double b) {
; int color, count, i, lnadjust;
; double lyap, total, temp;

PUBLIC lyapunov_cycles
lyapunov_cycles PROC USES si di, a:QWORD, b:QWORD
LOCAL color:WORD, i:WORD, lnadjust:WORD
LOCAL halfmax:WORD, status_word:WORD

; for (i=0; i ; for (count=0; count ; Rate = lyaRxy[count] ? a : b;
; if (curfractalspecific->orbitcalc()) {
; overflow = TRUE;
; goto jumpout;
; }
; }
; }

; Popalation is left on the stack during most of this procedure
fld Population ; Population
mov dx,1 ; using dx for overflowcheck counter
xor si, si ; using si for i
cmp si, filter_cycles ; si < filter_cycles ?
jnl filter_cycles_bottom ; if not, end loop

mov cx, lyaLength ; using cx for count
mov di,OFFSET lyaRxy ; use di as lyaRxy[] index
; no need to compare cx with lyaLength at top of loop
; since lyaLength is guaranteed to be > 0

cmp WORD PTR [di],0 ; lyaRxy[count] ?
jz filter_cycles_use_b
fld a ; if lyaRxy[count]==true, use a
jmp SHORT filter_cycles_used_a
fld b ; if lyaRxy[count]==false, use b
; leave Rate on stack for use in BifurcLambdaMacro
; BifurcLambdaMacro ; returns in flag register

fld st(1) ; Population Rate Population
fmul st,st ; Population^2 Rate Population
fsubp st(2),st ; Rate Population-Population^2
; =Population*(1-Population)
fmul ; Rate*Population*(1-Population)
dec dx ; decrement overflowcheck counter
jnz filter_cycles_skip_overflow_check ; can we skip check?
fld st ; NewPopulation NewPopulation
fabs ; Take absolute value
fcomp BigNum ; Compare to 100000.0
fstsw status_word ;
mov dx,overflowcheck ; reset overflowcheck counter
mov ax,status_word ;
sahf ; NewPopulation

ja overflowed_with_Pop
add di,2 ; di += sizeof(*lyaRxy)
loop filter_cycles_count_top ; if --cx > 0 then loop

inc si
jmp filter_cycles_top ; let's do it again


; total = 1.0;
; lnadjust = 0;

fstp total
mov lnadjust,0

; for (i=0; i < maxit/2; i++) {
; for (count = 0; count < lyaLength; count++) {
; Rate = lyaRxy[count] ? a : b;
; if (curfractalspecific->orbitcalc()) {
; overflow = TRUE;
; goto jumpout;
; }
; temp = fabs(Rate-2.0*Rate*Population);
; if ((total *= (temp))==0) {
; overflow = TRUE;
; goto jumpout;
; }
; }
; while (total > 22026.4657948) {
; total *= 0.0000453999297625;
; lnadjust += 10;
; }
; while (total < 0.0000453999297625) {
; total *= 22026.4657948;
; lnadjust -= 10;
; }
; }

; don't forget Population is still on stack
mov ax,maxit ; calculate halfmax
shr ax,1
mov halfmax,ax
xor si, si ; using si for i
cmp si, halfmax ; si < halfmax ?
; too far for a short jump, need a near jump here
jl init_halfmax_count ; yes, continue on with loop
jmp halfmax_bottom ; if not, end loop
mov cx, lyaLength ; using cx for count
mov di,OFFSET lyaRxy ; use di as lyaRxy[] index
; no need to compare cx with lyaLength at top of loop
; since lyaLength is guaranteed to be > 0

cmp WORD PTR [di],0 ; lyaRxy[count] ?
jz halfmax_use_b
fld a ; if lyaRxy[count]==true, use a
jmp SHORT halfmax_used_a
fld b ; if lyaRxy[count]==false, use b
; save Rate, but leave it on stack for use in BifurcLambdaMacro
fst Rate ; save for not_overflowed use
;BifurcLambdaMacro ; returns in flag register

fld st(1) ; Population Rate Population
fmul st,st ; Population^2 Rate Population
fsubp st(2),st ; Rate Population-Population^2
; =Population*(1-Population)
fmul ; Rate*Population*(1-Population)
dec dx ; decrement overflowcheck counter
jnz not_overflowed ; can we skip overflow check?
fld st ; NewPopulation NewPopulation
fabs ; Take absolute value
fcomp BigNum ; Compare to 100000.0
fstsw status_word ;
mov dx,overflowcheck ; reset overflowcheck counter
mov ax,status_word ;
sahf ;

jbe not_overflowed

; putting overflowed_with_Pop: here saves 2 long jumps in inner loops
fstp Population ; save Population and clear stack
jmp color_zero ;

not_overflowed: ; Population
fld st ; Population Population
; slightly faster _not_ to fld Rate here
fmul Rate ; Rate*Population Population
fadd st,st ; 2.0*Rate*Population Population
fsubr Rate ; Rate-2.0*Rate*Population Population
fabs ; fabs(Rate-2.0*Rate*Population) Population
fmul total ; total*fabs(Rate-2.0*Rate*Population) Population
ftst ; compare to 0
fstp total ; save the new total
fstsw status_word ; Population
mov ax,status_word
jz overflowed_with_Pop ; if total==0, then treat as overflow

add di,2 ; di += sizeof(*lyaRxy)
loop halfmax_count_top ; if --cx > 0 then loop

fld total ; total Population
fcom e_10 ; total Population
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
jna too_big_bottom
fmul e_neg10 ; total*e_neg10 Population
add lnadjust,10
jmp SHORT too_big_top

too_small_top: ; total Population
fcom e_neg10 ; total Population
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
jnb too_small_bottom
fmul e_10 ; total*e_10 Population
sub lnadjust,10
jmp SHORT too_small_top

fstp total ; save as total
inc si
jmp halfmax_top ; let's do it again

; better make another check, just to be sure
; NewPopulation
cmp dx,overflowcheck ; was overflow just checked?
jl last_overflowcheck ; if not, better check one last time
fstp Population ; save Population and clear stack
jmp short jumpout ; skip overflowcheck

fst Population ; save new Population
fabs ; |NewPopulation|
fcomp BigNum ; Compare to 100000.0
fstsw status_word ;
mov ax,status_word
ja color_zero ; overflowed


; if (overflow || total <= 0 || (temp = log(total) + lnadjust) > 0)
; color = 0;
; else {
; if (LogFlag)
; lyap = -temp/((double) lyaLength*i);
; else
; lyap = 1 - exp(temp/((double) lyaLength*i));
; color = 1 + (int)(lyap * (colors-1));
; }
; return color;

; no use testing for the overflow variable as you
; cannot get here and have overflow be true
fld total ; total
ftst ; is total <= 0 ?
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
ja total_not_neg ; if not, continue
fstp st ; pop total from stack
jmp SHORT color_zero ; if so, set color to 0

total_not_neg: ; total is still on stack
fldln2 ; ln(2) total
fxch ; total ln(2)
fyl2x ; ln(total)=ln(2)*log_2(total)
fiadd lnadjust ; ln(total)+lnadjust
ftst ; compare against 0
fstsw status_word
mov ax,status_word
jbe not_positive
fstp st ; pop temp from stack

xor ax,ax ; return color 0
jmp thats_all

not_positive: ; temp is still on stack
fild lyaLength ; lyaLength temp
fimul halfmax ; lyaLength*halfmax temp
fdiv ; temp/(lyaLength*halfmax)
cmp LogFlag,0 ; is LogFlag set?
jz LogFlag_not_set ; if !LogFlag goto LogFlag_not_set:
fchs ; -temp/(lyaLength*halfmax)
jmp calc_color

LogFlag_not_set: ; temp/(lyaLength*halfmax)
OneMinusExpMacro ; 1-exp(temp/(lyaLength*halfmax))
; what is now left on the stack is what the C code calls lyap
; lyap
mov ax,colors ; colors
dec ax ; colors-1
mov i,ax ; temporary storage
fimul i ; lyap*(colors-1)
; the "half" makes ASM round like C does
fsub half ; sub 0.5 for rounding purposes
fistp i ; temporary = (int)(lyap*(colors-1))
fwait ; one moment please...
mov ax,i ; ax = temporary
inc ax ; ax = 1 + (int)(lyap * (colors-1));

mov color, ax
lyapunov_cycles endp


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : FRASRC18.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: