Category : C Source Code
Archive   : FBM10.ZIP
Filename : FBM2POD.C

Output of file : FBM2POD.C contained in archive : FBM10.ZIP
* fbm2pod.c: FBM Release 1.0 25-Feb-90 Michael Mauldin
* Copyright (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin. Permission is granted
* to use this file in whole or in part for any purpose, educational,
* recreational or commercial, provided that this copyright notice
* is retained unchanged. This software is available to all free of
* charge by anonymous FTP and in the UUNET archives.
* fbm2pod.c: Take an 8bit gray image, resize it to a maximum total
* number of pixels, optionally sharpen it with a digital
* Laplacian filter, and halftone it using one of three
* standard algorithms. Output the result in Diablo
* graphics format.
* % fbm2pod [ -args ] [ size ] < foo.fbm > foo.pod
* size Choose a width and height as large as possible so that
* width is a factor of 8 and width*height <= size (default
* is width and height of original 8bit file, ignoring aspect
* ratio).
* -f Do Floyd-Steinberg halftoning (the default algorithm)
* -bNNN Do Blue noise halftoning (-b50 or 50% noise is default)
* -cNNN Do Constained average halftoning (-c4 is the default)
* -sNNN Sharpen the image with a given beta (-s2.0 is default)
* LastEditDate = Mon Jun 25 00:03:25 1990 - Michael Mauldin
* LastFileName = /usr2/mlm/src/misc/fbm/fbm2pod.c
* 25-Jun-90 Michael Mauldin ([email protected]) Carnegie Mellon
* Package for Release 1.0
* 07-Mar-89 Michael Mauldin (mlm) at Carnegie Mellon University
* Beta release (version 0.9) [email protected]
* 8-Sep-88 Michael Mauldin (mlm) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Created.

# include
# include
# include "fbm.h"

# define PODASPECT 1.25

# define USAGE \
"Usage: fbm2pod [ -fbc ] [-s ] [ size ] < 8bit > pod"

#ifndef lint
static char *fbmid =
"$FBM fbm2pod.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source \
code available free from [email protected] and from UUNET archives$";

main (argc, argv)
char *argv[];
{ int w, h, ow = -1, oh = -1, size = -1, alg = 'b';
double beta = -1e9, parm = -1e9;
char *title;
FBM input, resized, sharpened, output, *image;

/* Clear the memory pointers so alloc_fbm won't be confused */ = = (unsigned char *) NULL; = = (unsigned char *) NULL; = = (unsigned char *) NULL; = = (unsigned char *) NULL;

/* Read the image */
if (read_bitmap (&input, (char *) NULL))
if (input.hdr.bits != 8 || input.hdr.physbits != 8)
{ fprintf (stderr,
"Can't handle images with %d bits and %d physbits per pixel\n",
input.hdr.bits, input.hdr.physbits);
exit (1);

if (input.hdr.title[0]) title = input.hdr.title;

/* Get the options */
while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-')
{ while (*++(*argv))
{ switch (**argv)
{ case 's': if (argv[0][1]) { beta = atof (*argv+1); SKIPARG; }
else beta = 2.0;

case 'f': alg = 'f'; break;

case 'b': alg = 'b';
if (argv[0][1]) { parm = atof (*argv+1); SKIPARG; }

case 'c': alg = 'c';
if (argv[0][1]) { parm = atof (*argv+1); SKIPARG; }

default: fprintf (stderr, "%s", USAGE);
exit (1);

if (argc > 0) size = atoi (argv[0]);

/* Default parms for algorithms */
if (parm <= -1e9)
{ if (alg == 'b') parm = 50.0;
else if (alg == 'c') parm = 4.0;

/* Determine output height & width (oh*ow <= size) */
h = input.hdr.rows;
w = input.hdr.cols;

if (size < 0)
{ oh = h; ow = w; }
{ ow = sqrt ((double) size * w / (h * input.hdr.aspect / PODASPECT));
ow &= ~7; /* Make width multiple of 8 */
oh = ow * input.hdr.aspect/PODASPECT * h / w;

fprintf (stderr,
"Halftone \"%s\" size [%dx%d] => %d pixels\n",
input.hdr.title[0] ? input.hdr.title : "(untitled)",
ow, oh, ow*oh);

/* Start with image in variable 'input' */
image = &input;

/* If necessary, resize it */
if (w != ow || h != oh)
{ if (extract_fbm (&input, &resized, 0, 0, w, h, ow, oh, title, (char *) NULL))
{ image = &resized; }
{ exit (1); }

/* Sharpen the image if requested */
if (beta > -1e9)
{ if (sharpen_fbm (image, &sharpened, beta))
{ image = &sharpened; }
{ exit (1); }

/* Now use the appropriate algorithm to halftone it */
switch (alg)
{ case 'b': bluenoise_fbm (image, &output, parm); break;
case 'c': constravg_fbm (image, &output, parm); break;
default: floyd_fbm (image, &output);

if (write_pod (&output, stdout)) exit (0);

exit (1);

* write_pod: Write out a binary bitmap as a Diablo file, for use
* by the podtype or mp programs.

# define FF "\014"
# define LF "\012"
# define CR "\015"
# define GON "\033\037\005\033\036\003"
# define GOFF "\033\037\015\033\036\011"
# define ABSTAB "\033\011"
# define STARTCOL 10

write_pod (image, stream)
FBM *image;
FILE *stream;
{ register int i, j, h, w;

h = image->hdr.rows;
w = image->hdr.cols;

/* Bracket commands with form feeds (for podtype) */
fprintf (stream, "%s%s%s", FF, CR, GOFF);

for (j=0; j { fprintf (stream, "%s%c%s", ABSTAB, STARTCOL+1, GON);
for (i=0; i { putchar (image->bm[j*w + i] ? ' ' : '.'); }
fprintf (stream, "%s%s%s", LF, GOFF, CR);


fprintf (stream, "%s", FF);

return (1);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : FBM10.ZIP
Filename : FBM2POD.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: