Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ELM23SRC.ZIP
Filename : ELM.H

Output of file : ELM.H contained in archive : ELM23SRC.ZIP

/* $Id: elm.h,v 90/10/24 15:31:24 syd Exp $ */

* The Elm Mail System - $Revision: $ $State: Exp $
* Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 Dave Taylor
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 USENET Community Trust
* Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to:
* Syd Weinstein, Elm Coordinator
* [email protected] dsinc!elm
* $Log: elm.h,v $
* Revision 90/10/24 15:31:24 syd
* Remove variables no longer used
* From: W. David Higgins
* Revision 4.1 90/04/28 22:42:08 syd
* checkin of Elm 2.3 as of Release PL0

/** Main header file for ELM mail system. **/


#include "../hdrs/curses.h"
#include "../hdrs/defs.h"

#if defined(BSD) || defined(OS2)

/******** static character string containing the version number *******/

static char ident[] = { WHAT_STRING };

/******** and another string for the copyright notice ********/

static char copyright[] = {
"@(#) (C) Copyright 1986, 1987, Dave Taylor\n@(#) (C) Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, The Usenet Community Trust\n" };

/******** global variables accessable by all pieces of the program *******/

int check_size = 0; /* don't start mailer if no mail */
int current = 0; /* current message number */
int header_page = 0; /* current header page */
int last_header_page = -1; /* last header page */
int message_count = 0; /* max message number */
int headers_per_page; /* number of headers/page */
int original_umask = 0; /* original umask, for restore before subshell */
int sendmail_verbose = 0; /* Extended mail debugging */
int no_save = 0; /* Do not save outgoing mail */
int mmdf_strict = 0; /* Strict MMDF mailbox scanning */
char cur_folder[SLEN]; /* name of current folder */
char cur_tempfolder[SLEN]; /* name of temp folder open for a mailbox */
char defaultfile[SLEN]; /* name of default folder */
char temp_dir[SLEN] = {0}; /* name of temp directory */
char hostname[SLEN]; /* name of machine we're on*/
char hostdomain[SLEN]; /* name of domain we're in */
char hostfullname[SLEN]; /* name of FQDN we're in */
char username[SLEN]; /* return address name! */
char full_username[SLEN]; /* Full username - gecos */
char home[SLEN]; /* home directory of user */
char folders[SLEN]; /* folder home directory */
char raw_folders[SLEN]; /* unexpanded folder home directory */
char recvd_mail[SLEN]; /* folder for storing received mail */
char raw_recvdmail[SLEN]; /* unexpanded recvd_mail name */
char editor[SLEN]; /* editor for outgoing mail*/
char raw_editor[SLEN]; /* unexpanded editor for outgoing mail*/
char alternative_editor[SLEN]; /* alternative editor... */
char printout[SLEN]; /* how to print messages */
char raw_printout[SLEN]; /* unexpanded how to print messages */
char sent_mail[SLEN]; /* name of file to save copies to */
char raw_sentmail[SLEN]; /* unexpanded name of file to save to */
char calendar_file[SLEN]; /* name of file for clndr */
char raw_calendar_file[SLEN]; /* unexpanded name of file for clndr */
char attribution[SLEN]; /* attribution string for replies */
char prefixchars[SLEN] = "> "; /* prefix char(s) for msgs */
char shell[SLEN]; /* current system shell */
char raw_shell[SLEN]; /* unexpanded current system shell */
char pager[SLEN]; /* what pager to use */
char raw_pager[SLEN]; /* unexpanded what pager to use */
char batch_subject[SLEN]; /* subject buffer for batchmail */
char local_signature[SLEN]; /* local msg signature file */
char raw_local_signature[SLEN]; /* unexpanded local msg signature file */
char remote_signature[SLEN]; /* remote msg signature file */
char raw_remote_signature[SLEN];/* unexpanded remote msg signature file */
char version_buff[SLEN]; /* version buffer */

char backspace, /* the current backspace char */
escape_char = TILDE_ESCAPE,/* '~' or something else.. */
kill_line; /* the current kill-line char */

char up[SHORT], down[SHORT], /* cursor control seq's */
left[SHORT], right[SHORT];
int cursor_control = FALSE; /* cursor control avail? */

int has_highlighting = FALSE; /* highlighting available? */

char *weedlist[MAX_IN_WEEDLIST];
int weedcount;

int allow_forms = NO; /* flag: are AT&T Mail forms okay? */
int mini_menu = 1; /* flag: menu specified? */
int prompt_after_pager = 1; /* flag: prompt after pager exits */
int folder_type = 0; /* flag: type of folder */
int auto_copy = 0; /* flag: automatically copy source? */
int filter = 1; /* flag: weed out header lines? */
int resolve_mode = 1; /* flag: delete saved mail? */
int auto_cc = 0; /* flag: mail copy to user? */
int noheader = 1; /* flag: copy + header to file? */
int title_messages = 1; /* flag: title message display? */
int forwarding = 0; /* flag: are we forwarding the msg? */
int hp_terminal = 0; /* flag: are we on HP term? */
int hp_softkeys = 0; /* flag: are there softkeys? */
int save_by_name = 1; /* flag: save mail by login name? */
int force_name = 0; /* flag: save by name forced? */
int mail_only = 0; /* flag: send mail then leave? */
int check_only = 0; /* flag: check aliases then leave? */
int batch_only = 0; /* flag: send without prompting? */
int move_when_paged = 0; /* flag: move when '+' or '-' used? */

int point_to_new = 1; /* flag: start pointing at new msg? */
int bounceback = 0; /* flag: bounce copy off remote? */
int always_keep = 1; /* flag: always keep unread msgs? */
int always_store = 0; /* flag: always store read msgs? */
int always_del = 0; /* flag: always delete marked msgs? */
int arrow_cursor = 0; /* flag: use "->" cursor regardless?*/
int debug = 0; /* flag: default is no debug! */
int warnings = 1; /* flag: output connection warnings?*/
int user_level = 0; /* flag: how good is the user? */
int selected = 0; /* flag: used for select stuff */
int names_only = 1; /* flag: display user names only? */
int question_me = 1; /* flag: ask questions as we leave? */
int keep_empty_files = 0; /* flag: leave empty folder files? */
int clear_pages = 0; /* flag: act like "page" (more -c)? */
int prompt_for_cc = 1; /* flag: ask user for "cc:" value? */
int sig_dashes = 1; /* flag: include dashes above sigs? */

int sortby = REVERSE SENT_DATE; /* how to sort incoming mail... */

long timeout = 600L; /* timeout (secs) on main prompt */

/** set up some default values for a 'typical' terminal *snicker* **/

int LINES=23; /** lines per screen **/
int COLUMNS=80; /** columns per page **/

long size_of_pathfd; /** size of pathfile, 0 if none **/

FILE *mailfile; /* current folder */
FILE *debugfile; /* file for debug output */
FILE *pathfd; /* path alias file */
FILE *domainfd; /* domain file */

long mailfile_size; /* size of current mailfile */

int max_headers; /* number of headers allocated */

struct header_rec **headers; /* array of header structure pointers */

struct alias_rec user_hash_table[MAX_UALIASES];
struct alias_rec system_hash_table[MAX_SALIASES];

struct lsys_rec *talk_to_sys = NULL; /* what machines do we talk to? */

struct addr_rec *alternative_addresses; /* how else do we get mail? */

int system_data = -1; /* fileno of system data file */
int user_data = -1; /* fileno of user data file */

int userid; /* uid for current user */
int groupid; /* groupid for current user */

#if defined(BSD) || defined(OS2)
jmp_buf GetPromptBuf; /* setjmp buffer */
int InGetPrompt; /* set if in GetPrompt() in read() */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ELM23SRC.ZIP
Filename : ELM.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: