Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DYNAM_S1.ZIP
Filename : YMAPS.C

Output of file : YMAPS.C contained in archive : DYNAM_S1.ZIP
/********************************** YMAPS ************************************/
/********************* (C) 1986,7,8 by JAMES A. YORKE ************************/

#include "yinclud.h"

/**************** MAPS and INITIALIZATIONS OF MAPS *******************/

mapCubic() { /* Cubic polynomial C Cubic in complex
plane rho*Z^3 + (C1+iC2)*Z^2 + (C3+iC4)*Z +
C5+iC6 */
int i;
double y_temp[6];
double X,
int base;

X = y[0];
Y = y[1];
XX = X * X;
YY = Y * Y;
XXmYY = XX - YY;
XY = X * Y;
XY2 = 2 * XY;
/* y_temp[0] = real part of polynomial: */
/* y_temp[0] = imaginary part of polynomial: */
/***** y_temp[0] = rho*X*(XX-3*YY)
+C1*XXmYY -C2*XY2
+C3*X - C4*Y
y_temp[1] = rho*Y*(3*XX -YY)
+C2*XXmYY +C1*XY2
+C4*X + C3*Y
+C6; ************/

y_temp[0] = C5;
y_temp[1] = C6;
if(C4 != 0) {
y_temp[0] -= C4 * Y;
y_temp[1] += C4 * X;
if(C3 != 0) {
y_temp[0] += C3 * X;
y_temp[1] += C3 * Y;
if(C2 != 0) {
y_temp[0] -= C2 * XY2;
y_temp[1] += C2 * XXmYY;
if(C1 != 0) {
y_temp[0] += C1 * XXmYY;
y_temp[1] += C1 * XY2;
if(rho != 0) {
y_temp[0] += rho * X * (XX - 3 * YY);
y_temp[1] += rho * Y * (3 * XX - YY);

if(XX + YY >= 10000) { /* to prevent overflows */
y[0] = 100;
y[1] = 100;
dot = dots;
printf("trajectory is going to infinity ");
for(i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++) {
/* this is used both in Lyapunov number
computation and for the Newton method and
orbit continuation routines */
base = lyapzero + vec_dim * i;
/* Cauchy-Riemann equations: Fx = Gy, Fy = -Gx */
Fx = rho * 3 * (XXmYY)
+ 2 * (C1 * X - C2 * Y)
+ C3;
Fy = -rho * 6 * XY
- 2 * (C1 * Y + C2 * X)
- C4;
= Fx * y[base]/* partial of real part w.r.t. X */
+Fy * y[base + 1];/* partial of real part wrt Y */
y_temp[base + 1]
= -Fy * y[base]/* partial of imag part wrt X */
+Fx * y[base + 1];
for(i = 0; i < lyapzero + vec_dim * num_lyap; i++)
y[i] = y_temp[i];

initcubic() {
vec_dim = 2; /* the dimension of the Lyapunov vectors =
phase space dim */
num_lyap = 0; /* the number of Lyapunov numbers to be
computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 2; /* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */
X_upper = 1.; /* x scale */
X_lower = -1.2;
Y_upper = 1.1; /* y scale */
Y_lower = -1.1;
y[eqn0 + 0] = 0.; /* initialize x coord of y1 */
y[eqn0 + 1] = 0.; /* initialize y coord of y1 */
setequal(0, 1, eqn1); /* reinitializes y[] = y1 */
/* Now initialize all constants that are used in the map even if the initial
value is 0 */
rho = 1.;
C1 = 0.;
C2 = 0.; /* even constants that are zero must be
initialized here since otherwise they will
be initialized = -9999. and the menu knows
that constants so initialized should not be
accessible from the menu */
C3 = 0.0;
C4 = 0.;
C5 =.38;
C6 = 0.;
map = mapCubic; /* note mapCubic is defined in this file prior
to its mention here so it does not have to
be declared in initCubic */

rotor() { /* x->x+y then y->Cy+rho*sin(x) */
double moduloAB();
double s,
int i;
double y_temp[6];
int base;

y_temp[0] = y[0] + y[1];
s = sin(y_temp[0]);
y_temp[1] = C1 * y[1] + rho * s;

if(num_lyap > 0)
c = cos(y_temp[0]);
for(i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++) {
base = lyapzero + vec_dim * i;
= y[base]
+ y[base + 1];
y_temp[base + 1]
= rho * c * (y[base] + y[base + 1])
+ C1 * y[base + 1];
for(i = 0; i < lyapzero + vec_dim * num_lyap; i++)
y[i] = y_temp[i];

y[0] = moduloAB(y[0], -pi, pi);
if(C1 == 1) /* area preserving case */
y[1] = moduloAB(y[1], -pi, pi);

mapComplex() { /* Tinkerbell -- this map is not analytic */
int i;
double y_temp[6];
double X,
int base;
X = y[0];
Y = y[1];
XX = X * X;
YY = Y * Y;
y_temp[0] = XX - YY + C1 * X + C2 * Y;
y_temp[1] = 2 * X * Y + C3 * X + C4 * Y;
/* if(XX + YY >= 100000000) /to prevent overflows /
{y[0] = 100;
y[1] =100;
dot = dots;
printf("trajectory is going to infinity ");
for(i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++) {
/* this is used both in Lyapunov number
computation and for the Newton method and
orbit continuation routines */
base = lyapzero + vec_dim * i;
= (2 * X + C1) * y[base]
+ (-2 * Y + C2) * y[base + 1];
y_temp[base + 1]
= (2 * Y + C3) * y[base]
+ (2 * X + C4) * y[base + 1];
for(i = 0; i < lyapzero + vec_dim * num_lyap; i++)
y[i] = y_temp[i];

initComplex() {
vec_dim = 2; /* the dimension of the Lyapunov vectors =
phase space dim */
num_lyap = 0; /* the number of Lyapunov numbers to be
computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 2; /* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */
X_upper =.5; /* x scale */
X_lower = -1.3;
Y_upper = -1.6; /* y scale */
Y_lower = 0.6;
y[eqn0 + 0] = -.72;
y[eqn0 + 1] = -.64;
setequal(0, 1, eqn1); /* reinitializes y[] */
C1 =.9;
C2 = -.6013;
C3 = 2.0;
C4 =.5;
map = mapComplex;
initRotor() {
vec_dim = 2; /* the dimension of the Lyapunov vectors =
phase space dim */
num_lyap = 0; /* the number of Lyapunov numbers to be
computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 2; /* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */

X_upper = pi; /* x scale */
X_lower = -pi;
Y_upper = pi; /* y scale */
Y_lower = -pi;
C1 = 1;
rho = 1.;
map = rotor; /* 31 */

LaserMap() { /* Ring Laser map:(Z= x+iy) Z -> rho+ C2*Z*exp{
i[C1 - C3/(1 + |Z|**2)] } */
double y_temp[6];
int base,
double cs,

ynval, /* YN is a global variable */
double tempprime,
dgdy; /* first derivatives */
xn = y[0];
ynval = y[1];
C3over = C3 / (1 + xn * xn + ynval * ynval);
temp = C1 - C3over;
cs = C2 * cos(temp);
sn = C2 * sin(temp);
real = xn * cs - ynval * sn;
imag = xn * sn + ynval * cs;
y_temp[0] = rho + real;
y_temp[1] = imag;

if(num_lyap > 0) {
tempprime = 2 * C3over * C3over / C3;
dfdx = cs - imag * tempprime * xn;
dfdy = -sn - imag * tempprime * ynval;
dgdx = sn + real * tempprime * xn;
dgdy = cs + real * tempprime * ynval;

for(i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++) {
base = lyapzero + vec_dim * i;
= dfdx * y[base]
+ dfdy * y[base + 1];
y_temp[base + 1]
= dgdx * y[base]
+ dgdy * y[base + 1];

for(i = 0; i < lyapzero + vec_dim * num_lyap; i++)
y[i] = y_temp[i];

LaserInverseMap() { /* Ring Laser map:(Z= x+iy) Z -> rho+ C2*Z*exp{
i[C1 - C3/(1 + |Z|**2)] } */
double C2over,
double arg,
double y_temp[6];
int base,
double cs,
double dfdx,
dgdy; /* first derivatives */

if(C2 == 0) {
PRINT "IMPOSSIBLE VALUE: C2 = 0; no inverse exists\n");
xn = y[0];
ynval = y[1];
C2over = 1 / C2;
xpsi = (xn - rho) * C2over;
ypsi = ynval * C2over;
psi = 1 + xpsi * xpsi + ypsi * ypsi;
arg = C1 - C3 / psi;
cs = C2over * cos(arg);
sn = C2over * sin(arg);
y_temp[0] = (xn - rho) * cs - ynval * sn;
y_temp[1] = ynval * cs + (xn - rho) * sn;

if(num_lyap > 0) {
dxpsi = 2 * (xn - rho) * C2over;
dypsi = 2 * ynval * C2over;
dxarg = -C3 * dxpsi / (psi * psi);
dyarg = -C3 * dypsi / (psi * psi);
dfdx = cs - ((xn - rho) * sn + ynval * cs) * dxarg;
dfdy = ((-xn + rho) * sn - ynval * cs) * dyarg - cs;
dgdx = (-ynval * sn + (xn - rho) * cs) * dxarg - sn;
dgdy = cs + (-ynval * sn + (xn - rho) * cs) * dyarg;

for(i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++) {
base = lyapzero + vec_dim * i;
= dfdx * y[base]
+ dfdy * y[base + 1];
y_temp[base + 1]
= dgdx * y[base]
+ dgdy * y[base + 1];

for(i = 0; i < lyapzero + vec_dim * num_lyap; i++)
y[i] = y_temp[i];

initLaser() {
vec_dim = 2; /* the dimension of the Lyapunov vectors =
phase space dim */
num_lyap = 0; /* the number of Lyapunov numbers to be
computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 2; /* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */

X_upper = 3; /* x scale */
X_lower = -1;
Y_upper = 4.5; /* y scale */
Y_lower = -4.0;
C2 = 0.9;
rho = 1.;
C3 = 6.;
C1 =.4;
map = LaserMap; /* 50 */

bob() { /* this routine defines the map */
int rand(); /* a Microsoft random integer generator */
double temp0,

if(rand () < C2 * 32768.) {
/* rand() returns a random integer between 0
and 32768, so C2 should be a number between
0 and 1, so that the first process will be
carried out C2 of the time */
y[0] = 2.- y[0];
y[1] = -y[1];
else {
angle = C1 * twopi / 360.;
c = cos(angle);
s = sin(angle);
temp0 = rho * (c * y[0] + s * y[1]);
temp1 = rho * (-s * y[0] + c * y[1]);
y[0] = temp0;
y[1] = temp1;

init_bob() { /* this process initializes the constants and
with the first line tells the program the
name of the routine that defines the map;
since C1, C2, and rho are used in bob(),
htey must be initiallized in this routine;
if they are not, the program will not let be
accessed interactively and they will be
given default values, namely -9999. */
map = bob; /* this tells the program the name of the
routine that is evaluated; map is a pointer
to routines and bob() must be defined in the
file prior to this line; */
rho =.65;
C1 = 135.;
C2 =.5;
/* the following 4 determine the x and y scale */
X_lower = -3.;
X_upper = 5.; /* x scale */
Y_lower = -3.;
Y_upper = 3.; /* y scale */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DYNAM_S1.ZIP
Filename : YMAPS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: