Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DYNAM_S1.ZIP
Filename : YDES.C

Output of file : YDES.C contained in archive : DYNAM_S1.ZIP
/******************* (C) 1986,7,8 by JAMES A. YORKE **************************/
/******************************* YDEs.C ***************************************
This file is where the differential equations are defined. They are
called (generally) by DifEqu() which is called by rungekutta(),
and rungekutta() is in YTOOLS.C. Notice that Y[] is a temporary
position vector which is set by rungekutta to be either y[] or temp[].
DED(k,Y) DUFFING: x'' + C1*x' -C2*x +C3*x*x*x = rho*sin(C4*t)
-x + C2*(1+C5*sin(C4*t))*x +C3*(1+C6*sin(C4*t))*x*x*x = 0
DEP(k,Y) Forced Damped Pendulum x''+C1*x'+C2*sinx =rho*(C3+cos(C4*t))
DEV(k,Y) V: a VanDerPol differential equation due to UEDA
initDEV() for V: a VanDerPol differential equation due to UEDA

********************** (C) 1986,7,8 by JAMES A. YORKE ************************/
#include "yinclud.h"

/* Y varies in different stages of the rungekutta
and is usually not equal to y */

DED(k,Y) /* DUFFING: x'' + C1*x' -C2*x +C3*x*x*x = rho*sin(C4*t) */
double k[],Y[];
int base,i;
double t,x,y,xx,xxx;
t = Y[0];
x = Y[1];
y = Y[2];
xx = x*x;
xxx = x*xx;

k[0] = 1;
k[1] = y ;
k[2] = -C1*y + C2*x -C3*xxx + rho*sin(C4*t) ;
k[3] = 1; /* coordinate 0 is set to 0 after each cycle */
if (num_lyap > 0)
for (i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++)
base = lyapzero + vec_dim*i;
k[base] = Y[ base + 1];
k[base +1 ] = (C2 - 3*C3*xx) *Y[ base ] -C1*Y[ base + 1];
int d_mod();
zeroth = 1;
vec_dim = 2; /*the dimension of the
Lyapunov vectors = phase space dim*/
num_lyap = 0; /*the number of Lyapunov numbers
to be computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 4;/* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */
/* variables: time mod twopi/C4 ,x,y,t */

X_upper = 2.2 ; /* x scale */
X_lower = -2.2;
Y_upper = 2.; /* y scale */
Y_lower = -2.;
X_coord = 1;
Y_coord = 2;
C1 = 1.;
C2 = 10;
C3 = 100;
rho = .85;
C4 = 3.5;
modPointer = d_mod;
DE = DED; /* DE is a pointer to a function */
steps_per_cycle = 80;
/* now PickMap in YPickMap.C will automatically set:
step = (twopi/C4)/steps_per_cycle; */
d_mod()/* this is invoked by Duffing and by Parametrically Driven Duffing */
double moduloAB();
modFlag = NO;
y[0] = moduloAB(y[0],0.,twopi/C4);

x'' +C1*x' -x +C2*(1+rho*sin(C4*t))*x^2 +C3*(1+rho*sin(C4*t))*x^3 = 0 */
double k[],Y[];
int base,i;
double t,x,y,xx,xxx,s,xxCoef,xxxCoef;
t = Y[0];
x = Y[1];
y = Y[2];
xx = x*x;
xxx = x*xx;
s = 1 + rho*sin(C4*t);
xxCoef = C2*s;
xxxCoef = C3*s;
k[0] = 1;
k[1] = y ;
k[2] = -C1*y +x -xxCoef*xx -xxxCoef*xxx;
k[3] = 1; /* coordinate 0 is set to 0 after each cycle */
if (num_lyap > 0)
for (i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++)
base = lyapzero + vec_dim*i;
k[base] = Y[base + 1];
k[base +1 ] = (1. -2.*xxCoef*x - 3.*xxxCoef*xx) *Y[ base ]
-C1*Y[ base + 1];

initDEPD()/* Parametrically Driven Duffing */
int d_mod();
zeroth = 1;
vec_dim = 2; /*the dimension of the
Lyapunov vectors = phase space dim*/
num_lyap = 0; /*the number of Lyapunov numbers
to be computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 4;/* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */
/* variables: time mod twopi/C4 ,x,y,t */

X_lower = -5.;
X_upper = 3. ; /* x scale */
Y_lower = -3.;
Y_upper = 6.; /* y scale */
X_coord = 1;
Y_coord = 2;
C1 = 1.;
C2 = 1.;
C3 = 1.;
C4 = 1.;
rho = .5;
rho_step = .05;

modPointer = d_mod;
DE = DEPD; /* DE is a pointer to a function */
steps_per_cycle = 50;
/* now PickMap in YPickMap.C will automatically set:
step = (twopi/C4)/steps_per_cycle; */

/* y[0] = moduloAB(y[0],0.,1.);
y[1] = moduloAB(y[1],0.,1.);

DEP(k,Y)/* Forced Damped Pendulum x''+C1*x'+C2*sinx =rho*(C3+cos(C4*t))*/
double k[],Y[];
int i;
double t,x,y,sinx,C2cosx;
int base;
t = Y[0];
x = Y[1];
y = Y[2];

k[0] = 1;
k[1] = y;
k[2] = -C1*y -C2*sinx + rho*(C3+cos(C4*t));
k[3] = 1; /* coordinate 0 is set to 0 after each cycle */

if (num_lyap > 0)
C2cosx = C2*cos(x);

for (i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++)
base = lyapzero + vec_dim*i;
= Y[ base + 1];
k[base +1 ]
= -C2cosx *Y[ base ]
-C1*Y[ base + 1];

/* y[0] = moduloAB(y[0],0.,1.);
y[1] = moduloAB(y[1],0.,1.);

double moduloAB();
y[0] = moduloAB(y[0],0.,twopi/C4);
modFlag = NO;
double moduloAB();
y[0] = moduloAB(y[0],0.,twopi/C4);/* time */
modFlag = NO;
if (X_coord != 1)
y[1] = moduloAB(y[1],-pi,pi);
y[1] = moduloAB(y[1],X_lower,X_lower + twopi);


int mod_p();
zeroth = 1;
vec_dim = 2; /*the dimension of the
Lyapunov vectors = phase space dim*/
num_lyap = 0; /*the number of Lyapunov numbers
to be computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 4;/* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */
/* variables: time mod twopi/C4 ,x,y,t */

X_upper = pi ; /* x scale */
X_lower = -pi;
Y_upper = 4.; /* y scale */
Y_lower = -2.;
X_coord = 1;
Y_coord = 2;
C1 = .2;
C2 = 1.0;
C3 = 0.;
rho = 2.5;
C4 = 1.;
steps_per_cycle = 30;
period = 1;/* for Newton method */
its_per_plot = steps_per_cycle;
/* now PickMap in YPickMap.C will automatically set:
step = (twopi/C4)/steps_per_cycle; */
DE = DEP; /* DE is a pointer to a function */
modPointer = p_mod;/* takes angle mod two pi, more or less */

DEV(k,Y) /* V: a VanDerPol differential equation due to UEDA */
double k[],Y[];
int i,base;
double t,xx,x,y;
t = Y[0];
x = Y[1];
y = Y[2];
xx = x*x;
k[0] = 1;
k[1] = y;
k[2] = C1*y*(1-xx) -C2*x -C3*x*xx + rho*sin(C4*t);
k[3] = 1; /* coordinate 0 is set to 0 after each cycle */
if (num_lyap > 0)
for (i = 0; i < num_lyap; i++)
base = lyapzero + vec_dim*i;
k[base] = Y[ base + 1];
k[base +1 ] = (-2*x*C1*y -C2 - 3*C3*xx) *Y[ base ]
+C1*(1-xx)*Y[ base + 1];

initDEV()/* for V: a VanDerPol differential equation due to UEDA */
int v_mod();

zeroth = 1;
vec_dim = 2; /*the dimension of the
Lyapunov vectors = phase space dim*/
num_lyap = 0; /*the number of Lyapunov numbers
to be computed <= vec_dim */
lyapzero = 4;/* y[lyapzero] is the zeroth coord of the
zeroth lyapunov vector */
/* variables: time mod twopi/C4 ,x,y,t */
dim = lyapzero + num_lyap*vec_dim;
/* needed for rungekutta */

X_upper = 2. ; /* x scale */
X_lower = -2.;
Y_upper = 2.; /* y scale */
Y_lower = -2.;
X_coord = 1;
Y_coord = 2;
C1 = .2;
C2 = 0.;
C3 = 1.;
rho = 2.0;
C4 = 1.;
rho = 2.0;
steps_per_cycle = 40;
/* now PickMap in YPickMap.C will automatically set:
step = (twopi/C4)/steps_per_cycle; */
DE = DEV; /* DE is a pointer to a function */
modPointer = v_mod;/* specifies a modulo calculation */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DYNAM_S1.ZIP
Filename : YDES.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: