Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DTE50.ZIP
Filename : UTILS.C

Output of file : UTILS.C contained in archive : DTE50.ZIP
* Written by Douglas Thomson (1989/1990)
* This source code is released into the public domain.

* Name: dte - Doug's Text Editor program - miscellaneous utilities
* Purpose: This file contains miscellaneous functions that were required
* in more than one of the other files, or were thought to be
* likely to be used elsewhere in the future.
* File: utils.c
* Author: Douglas Thomson
* System: this file is intended to be system-independent
* Date: October 1, 1989

#ifdef HPXL
#include "commonh"
#include "utilsh"
#include "common.h"
#include "utils.h"
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#include /* for making temporary file names etc */

* prototypes for all functions in this file
int myisalnum ARGS((char c));
int linelen ARGS((text_ptr s));
int prelinelen ARGS((text_ptr s));
text_ptr find_next ARGS((text_ptr s));
text_ptr find_prev ARGS((text_ptr current));
void copy_line ARGS((windows *window));
void un_copy_line ARGS((windows *window));
int expand ARGS((text_ptr dest, text_ptr end));
int load_file ARGS((char *name, int fixup));
void set_prompt ARGS((char *prompt, int lines));
int get_name ARGS((char *prompt, int lines, char *name));
void fix_marks ARGS((windows *window, text_ptr pos, long len));
int get_ynaq ARGS((windows *window));
int get_yn ARGS((windows *window));
int get_oa ARGS((windows *window));
char get_attr ARGS((windows *window, text_ptr text));
int update_line ARGS((windows *window, text_ptr orig, int line,
text_ptr cursor));
int display_window ARGS((windows *window, int last, text_ptr cursor, int wn));
int display ARGS((do_func doit, int reserved));
void setup_window ARGS((windows *window));
int first_non_blank ARGS((char *s));
void page_up ARGS((windows *window));
void page_down ARGS((windows *window));
void scroll_down ARGS((windows *window));
void scroll_up ARGS((windows *window));
void save_file ARGS((windows *window, int kind));
void save_as_file ARGS((windows *window));

* Name: myisalnum
* Purpose: To determine whether or not a character is part of a "word",
* which in languages like Pascal means a letter, digit or
* underscore.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: c: the character to be tested
* Returns: TRUE if c is an alphanumeric or '_' character, FALSE otherwise
int myisalnum(c)
char c;
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c == '_')) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

* Name: linelen
* Purpose: To determine the length of a line, up to either a \n or a
* \0, whichever comes first.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: s: the line to be measured
* Returns: the length of the line
int linelen(s)
text_ptr s;
int len = 0;

while (*s && *s != '\n') {
return len;

* Name: prelinelen
* Purpose: To determine the length of a line, from the current position
* backwards to either a \n or a \0, whichever comes first.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: s: the line to be measured
* Returns: the length of the line up to the current position
* Notes: It is assumed there will be a "terminating" \0 before the
* start of the first line. This is the case with the main
* text buffer, but elsewhere beware.
int prelinelen(s)
text_ptr s;
int len = 0;

while (*--s && *s != '\n') {
return len;

* Name: find_next
* Purpose: To find the first character in the next line after the starting
* point.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: s: the starting point
* Returns: the first character in the next line
text_ptr find_next(s)
text_ptr s;
while (*s && *s != '\n') {
if (*s) {
return ++s;
return NULL;

* Name: find_prev
* Purpose: To find the start of the line before the current line.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: current: the current line
* Returns: the start if the previous line
* Notes: current must be at the start of the current line to begin with.
* There must be a \0 preceding the first line.
text_ptr find_prev(current)
text_ptr current;
if (*--current == '\0') {
return NULL;
for (;;) {
if (*--current == '\n' || *current == '\0') {
return ++current;

* Name: copy_line
* Purpose: To copy the cursor line, if necessary, into the current line
* buffer, so that changes can be made efficiently.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: access to the current line
* Notes: As the cursor line is being copied, any markers that are set
* within the line are also copied.
* Trailing spaces left on the line (presumably from earlier
* editing) are removed during the copy.
* See un_copy_line, the reverse operation.
void copy_line(window)
windows *window;
text_ptr p, q; /* destination and source of copy */
int count; /* number of characters copied */
int i; /* for updating markers */
text_ptr end_line; /* end of line after removing trailing spaces */

* If the line has already been copied, then do not copy it again
if (g_status.copied) {

* record that the current line buffer is active
g_status.copied = TRUE;

* clear any old buffer markers left from last time
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
g_status.buff_marker[i] = NULL;

* find out where the line should end after removing trailing
* spaces.
end_line = q = window->cursor;
while (*q && *q != '\n') {
if (*q++ != ' ') {
end_line = q;

* copy the cursor line to the line buffer, noting any markers
* passed along the way
p = g_status.line_buff;
q = window->cursor;
for (count=0; ; ) {
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
if (q == window->file_info->marker[i]) {
g_status.buff_marker[i] = p;
if (*q == '\n') {
*p++ = *q++;
if (*q == '\0') {

* avoid copying trailing spaces
if (q < end_line) {
if (++count >= BUFF_SIZE) {
error(WARNING, "line buffer overflow - line truncated!");
*p++ = *q;
*p = '\0';

* Name: un_copy_line
* Purpose: To copy the cursor line, if necessary, from the current line
* buffer, shifting the main text to make the right amount of
* room.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: access to the current line
* Notes: As the cursor line is being copied, any markers that are set
* within the line buffer are also copied.
* For various reasons, trailing spaces are NOT removed when
* returning the line buffer to the main text. Typically,
* padding is added at the end of a line by deliberately
* adding trailing spaces, and then uncopying the line.
* See copy_line, the reverse operation.
void un_copy_line(window)
windows *window;
text_ptr source; /* source for block move and for copying buffer line */
text_ptr dest; /* destination for block move and copy */
long number; /* length of block move */
int len; /* length of current line buffer text */
int curs_len; /* length of cursor line */
int i; /* used for checking markers */

* do not uncopy unless the line buffer is active

if (!g_status.copied) {

* record that the line buffer is not active
g_status.copied = FALSE;

* work out the lengths of the old cursor line (including the \n if any)
* and the new current line buffer text.
curs_len = linelen(window->cursor);
if (window->cursor[curs_len] == '\n') {
len = strlen(g_status.line_buff);

* if the main text buffer has run out of space, then only part of the
* current line can be moved back into the main buffer. Warn the user
* that some of the current line has been lost
if (g_status.end_mem + len - curs_len >= g_status.max_mem) {
error(WARNING, "buffer full, part line truncated");
len = curs_len + (int) (g_status.max_mem - g_status.end_mem);
g_status.line_buff[len] = '\0';

* move text to either make room for the extra characters in the new
* line, or else close up the gap.
source = window->cursor + curs_len;
dest = source + len - curs_len;
number = g_status.end_mem - source;
hw_move(dest, source, number);

* adjust any markers that were set after the original cursor line
fix_marks(window, window->cursor, (long) (len - curs_len));

* now copy the line buffer into the space just created, updating any
* markers found in the line buffer
source = g_status.line_buff;
dest = window->cursor;
for (;;) {
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
if (g_status.buff_marker[i] == source) {
window->file_info->marker[i] = dest;
if (*source == '\0') {
*dest++ = *source++;

* Name: expand
* Purpose: To expand tabs in text from an input file.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: dest: start of text to expand
* end: end of text to expand
* Returns: OK if text fitted in buffer and was reasonable text
* ERROR if any problem
* Notes: Tabs are expanded using the current tab interval.
* Lines are checked to make sure they are not too long.
* Characters are checked to ensure a NULL character does not
* get into the buffer.
* Originally, this function was called for all file reads.
* However, it proved rather slow, and unnecessary for most
* files. The only real danger is a NULL character, which the
* editor will treat as the end of the buffer.
int expand(dest, end)
text_ptr dest;
text_ptr end;
int spaces = 0; /* spaces still to be inserted to make tab */
int count = 0; /* characters on the current line */
long number; /* bytes in original text */
text_ptr source; /* current position in copied original text */
char c; /* current character from source */
char lastc = 0; /* character before c */
int noinc; /* do not increment source? */

* first copy entire text to the very end of the buffer, so
* that it can be copied back to the start while expanding tabs
number = end - dest;
source = dest + (g_status.max_mem - end);
hw_move(source, dest, number); /* note source and dest reversed here */
end = g_status.max_mem;

* keep on processing until end of text or some kind of error
while (source < end) {
c = *source;

* check main text buffer still has room
if (dest >= end) {
error(WARNING, "buffer full");
return ERROR;

* if the last character was a tab, then pretend the right number
* of spaces occurred in the file
if ((noinc = spaces) != 0) {
c = ' ';

* process next character

if (++count >= BUFF_SIZE) {
* current line too long to handle
error(WARNING, "line too long");
return ERROR;
else if (c == '\n') {
* end of line - now remove trailing spaces
if (lastc == ' ') {
while (*--dest == ' ') {
count = 0;
else if (c == '\t') {
* work out how many spaces are required to expand the tab
spaces = g_status.tab_size - ((count-1) % g_status.tab_size) - 1;
c = ' ';
else if (c == 0) {
* this would confuse things rather...
error(WARNING, "cannot handle NULL characters");
return ERROR;
if (!noinc) {
*dest++ = c;
lastc = c;

* record the end of the text just read
g_status.temp_end = dest;
return OK;

* Name: load_file
* Purpose: To read in a given file to the end of the main text buffer.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: name: path name of file to be read
* fixup: should tabs be expanded after reading?
* Returns: OK if file read successfully
* ERROR if any problem (such as out of buffer space)
* Notes: If the file does not exist, the user is informed of an error,
* so check first if it is OK for the file to be new.
int load_file(name, fixup)
char *name;
int fixup;
* make sure this gets set properly even if there is no file!
g_status.temp_end = g_status.end_mem;

if (hw_load(name, g_status.end_mem, g_status.max_mem,
&g_status.temp_end) == ERROR) {
return ERROR;

if (fixup) {
* expand tabs and check for printable characters only
error(TEMP, "expanding tabs...");
return expand(g_status.end_mem, g_status.temp_end);
else {
return OK;

* Name: set_prompt
* Purpose: To display a prompt, highlighted, at the bottom of the screen.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: prompt: prompt to be displayed
* lines: how many lines up from the bottom (usually just 1)
* Notes: We use update_line to display the prompt, since it can deal
* with clearing to end of line even on terminals without such
* a command.
void set_prompt(prompt, lines)
char *prompt;
int lines;
text_ptr old_start; /* for saving match location */
text_ptr old_end; /* " */
windows empty_window; /* window with no marked text */
file_infos empty_file; /* file with no marked text */

* save current matched text
old_start = g_status.match_start;
old_end = g_status.match_end;

* work out where the answer should go
g_status.prompt_col = strlen(prompt);
g_status.prompt_line = g_display.nlines - lines;

* cause the prompt to be highlighted
g_status.match_start = prompt;
g_status.match_end = prompt + g_status.prompt_col;

* set up a window which will not have anything except normal
* attributes
empty_window.file_info = &empty_file;
empty_file.visible = FALSE;

* output the prompt
update_line(&empty_window, prompt, g_display.nlines-lines,

* restore the old matched text
g_status.match_start = old_start;
g_status.match_end = old_end;

* ensure the cursor is in the right place
xygoto(g_status.prompt_col, g_status.prompt_line);

* Name: get_name
* Purpose: To prompt the user, and read the string the user enters in
* response.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: prompt: prompt to offer the user
* lines: no. of lines up from the bottom of the screen
* name: default answer
* Returns: name: user's answer
* OK if user entered something
* ERROR if user aborted the command
* Notes: Editing of the line is supported.
int get_name(prompt, lines, name)
char *prompt;
int lines;
char *name;
int col; /* cursor column for answer */
int line; /* cursor line for answer */
int c; /* character user just typed */
char *cp; /* cursor position in answer */
char *answer; /* user's answer */
int first = TRUE; /* first character typed */
int len; /* length of answer */
int plen; /* length of prompt */
char *p; /* for copying text in answer */
char buffer[MAX_COLS+1];/* line on which name is being entered */
windows empty_window; /* window with no marked text */
file_infos empty_file; /* file with no marked text */

* set up prompt and default
strcpy(buffer, prompt);
plen = strlen(prompt);
answer = buffer + plen;
strcpy(answer, name);

* set up a window which will not have anything except normal
* attributes
empty_window.file_info = &empty_file;
empty_file.visible = FALSE;

* let user edit default into desired string
len = strlen(answer);
col = strlen(buffer);
line = g_display.nlines - lines;
cp = answer + len;
for (;;) {
* cause the prompt to be highlighted
g_status.match_start = buffer;
g_status.match_end = buffer + len + plen;

* output the line
update_line(&empty_window, buffer, line, NULL);

* remove highlighting
g_status.match_start = g_status.match_end = NULL;

* place cursor in correct position
xygoto(col, line);

* process next keystroke
if ((c = c_input()) == '\r') {
* finished
if (c == '\b') {
* delete to left of cursor
if (cp > answer) {
for (p=cp-1; p < answer+len; p++) {
*p = *(p+1);
xygoto(col, line);
else if (c == CONTROL('G')) {
* delete char under cursor
if (*cp) {
for (p=cp; p < answer+len; p++) {
*p = *(p+1);
else if (c == CONTROL('Y')) {
* delete current line
col = plen;
cp = answer;
*cp = '\0';
len = 0;
else if (c == CONTROL('R')) {
* restore original line
strcpy(answer, name);
len = strlen(answer);
col = plen + len;
cp = answer + len;
else if (c == CONTROL('S')) {
* move cursor left
if (cp > answer) {
else if (c == CONTROL('D')) {
* move cursor right
if (*cp) {
else if (c == CONTROL('E')) {
* move cursor to start of line
col = plen;
cp = answer;
else if (c == CONTROL('X')) {
* move cursor to end of line
col = plen + len;
cp = answer + len;
else if (hw_printable(c)) {
* insert character at cursor
if (first) {
* delete previous answer
col = plen;
cp = answer;
*cp = '\0';
len = 0;

* insert new character
if (col < g_display.ncols-1) {
for (p=answer+len; p >= cp; p--) {
*(p+1) = *p;
*cp = c;
else if (c == 27 || c == CONTROL('U')) {
* abort operation
return ERROR;
first = FALSE;

* finally, replace the default
strcpy(name, answer);
return OK;

* Name: fix_marks
* Purpose: To make the necessary adjustments to the appropriate markers
* after characters have been inserted or deleted.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: access to the current window, buffers and markers
* pos: position of insertion or deletion
* len: length of insertion or (if negative) deletion
void fix_marks(window, pos, len)
windows *window;
text_ptr pos;
long len;
int i; /* used to can through markers */
text_ptr other; /* end of deleted area */
file_infos *file; /* for scanning markers in other files */
windows *wp; /* for checking cursor lines */

* If the cursor line was copied into the line buffer (perhaps
* for moving the cursor by a word) and then copied back with
* no change, then there is nothing to do here.
if (len == 0) {

if (pos >= g_status.start_mem && pos < g_status.end_mem) {
* the insert/delete affected the total text
if (len >= 0) {
* adjust file position markers of all files
for (file=g_status.file_list; file; file = file->next) {
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
if (file->marker[i] > pos) {
file->marker[i] += len;

* adjust cursor lines of other windows
for (wp=g_status.window_list; wp; wp = wp->next) {
if (wp != window) {
if (wp->cursor > pos) {
wp->cursor += len;

else {
other = pos - len;
* adjust file position markers of all files
for (file=g_status.file_list; file; file = file->next) {
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
if (file->marker[i] >= other) {
file->marker[i] += len;
else if (file->marker[i] > pos) {
file->marker[i] = pos;

* adjust cursor lines of other windows
for (wp=g_status.window_list; wp; wp = wp->next) {
if (wp != window) {
if (wp->cursor >= other) {
wp->cursor += len;
else if (wp->cursor > pos) {
wp->cursor = pos;

* adjust file buffer beginning and ending positions for
* all files
for (file=g_status.file_list; file; file = file->next) {
if (file->start_text > pos) {
file->start_text += len;
if (file->end_text > pos) {
file->end_text += len;

* adjust total memory buffer size
g_status.end_mem += len;
else {
* the insert/delete only affected the current line
if (len >= 0) {
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
if (g_status.buff_marker[i] > pos) {
g_status.buff_marker[i] += len;
else {
other = pos - len;
for (i=0; i < NO_MARKS; i++) {
if (g_status.buff_marker[i] >= other) {
g_status.buff_marker[i] += len;
else if (g_status.buff_marker[i] > pos) {
g_status.buff_marker[i] = pos;

* If the window changed size, then it must have been edited in
* some way.
window->file_info->modified = TRUE;
if (!g_status.unsaved) {
g_status.save_time = time(NULL);
g_status.unsaved = TRUE;

* Name: get_ynaq
* Purpose: To input a response of yes, no, always or quit.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: access to the current window
* Returns: the user's answer (A_??? - see common.h)
int get_ynaq(window)
windows *window;
char c; /* user's response */

* leave the cursor marking the find / replace text
xygoto(window->ccol, window->cline);

* keep trying until the user enters something acceptable
for (;;) {
c = c_input();
if (hw_printable(c)) {
xygoto(g_status.prompt_col, g_status.prompt_line);
switch (toupper(c)) {
case 'Y':
return A_YES;
case 'N':
return A_NO;
case 'A':
return A_ALWAYS;
case 'Q':
return A_QUIT;
case 27:
case CONTROL('U'):
return A_ABORT;
xygoto(window->ccol, window->cline);

* Name: get_yn
* Purpose: To input a response of yes or no.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: access to the current window (not used, but
* required to match other functions of type do_func)
* Returns: the user's answer (A_??? - see common.h)
int get_yn(window)
windows *window;
char c; /* the user's response */

for (;;) {
xygoto(g_status.prompt_col, g_status.prompt_line);
c = c_input();
if (hw_printable(c)) {
switch (toupper(c)) {
case 'Y':
return A_YES;
case 'N':
return A_NO;
case 27:
case CONTROL('U'):
return A_ABORT;

* Name: get_oa
* Purpose: To input a response of overwrite or append.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: access to the current window (not used, but
* required to match other functions of type do_func)
* Returns: the user's answer (A_??? - see common.h)
int get_oa(window)
windows *window;
char c; /* the user's response */

for (;;) {
xygoto(g_status.prompt_col, g_status.prompt_line);
c = c_input();
if (hw_printable(c)) {
switch (toupper(c)) {
case 'O':
case 'A':
return A_APPEND;
case 27:
case CONTROL('U'):
return A_ABORT;

* Name: get_attr
* Purpose: To find what attribute should be displayed at the current
* location.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* text: location to be considered
* Returns: the attribute required
char get_attr(window, text)
windows *window;
text_ptr text;
char wanted; /* wanted attribute */
int marked; /* was text possibly marked? */

if (window == NULL) {
* This is a status line
wanted = g_display.block;
else if (*text < 32 && *text != '\n' && *text != '\0') {
* this is a control character, always "flashing"
wanted = g_display.flash;
else if (text >= g_status.match_start && text < g_status.match_end) {
* this is used for marking matched text in find/replace
wanted = g_display.flash;
else if (!window->file_info->visible) {
* no visible block, so return quickly
wanted = g_display.normal;
else if (text >= window->file_info->start_text &&
text < window->file_info->end_text) {
* the current location is in the main text
if (text >= window->file_info->marker[START_BLOCK] &&
text < window->file_info->marker[END_BLOCK]) {
wanted = g_display.block;
else {
wanted = g_display.normal;
else {
* the current location is in the current line buffer. Here,
* the text is marked if it is between the start and end
* markers within the current line, but it may also be marked
* if a block started before the current line, or ended
* after the current line.
if (g_status.buff_marker[START_BLOCK] == NULL) {
marked = window->cursor > window->file_info->marker[START_BLOCK];
else {
marked = text >= g_status.buff_marker[START_BLOCK];

if (marked) {
if (g_status.buff_marker[END_BLOCK] == NULL) {
marked = window->cursor <
else {
marked = text < g_status.buff_marker[END_BLOCK];

if (marked) {
wanted = g_display.block;
else {
wanted = g_display.normal;
return wanted;

* this define is needed so we can display control characters
* sensibly
#define fixup(c) ((c) < 32 ? (c)+'A'-1 : (c))

* Name: update_line
* Purpose: To make as few changes as possible to cause the current line
* to be what it should be.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* orig: how the line SHOULD be
* line: line number to be compared
* cursor: the main text cursor location if line buffer is active
* Returns: OK if line updated completely
* ERROR if update aborted by user typing a key
* Notes: This function checks both the text and the attributes, including
* the blank space beyond the right end of lines.
* The update is aborted if the user has typed a character.
int update_line(window, orig, line, cursor)
windows *window;
text_ptr orig;
int line;
text_ptr cursor;
int done = FALSE; /* has line been completely compared? */
text_ptr text; /* current character of orig begin considered */
int col; /* update is current up to col */
int new_col; /* match is good up to new_col */
int diff; /* attribute was different */
char wanted; /* attribute wanted for current character */
int check; /* check for user input? */

* return immediately if the user has typed a command.
if (c_avail()) {
return ERROR;

* If this is the cursor line and it has been copied, then use the
* line buffer instead.
if (cursor == orig) {
orig = g_status.line_buff;
check = TRUE;
else {
check = FALSE;

if (orig == NULL) {
* we just want a blank line
new_col = 0;
wanted = g_display.normal;
else {
* Keep on patching differences until we reach the end of the
* text line
col = 0;
for (;;) {
diff = FALSE;
text = orig + col;
* see how far the lines match
for (new_col=col; ; new_col++, text++) {
if (*text == '\n') {
done = TRUE;
if (*text == '\0') {
done = TRUE;
if (new_col == g_display.ncols) {
done = TRUE;
wanted = get_attr(window, text);
if (g_screen[line][new_col].attr != wanted) {
diff = TRUE;
if (g_screen[line][new_col].c != fixup(*text)) {
if (done) {
* complete match up to end of text line

* check for anything else to be before updating screen (but
* only if this is the cursor line)
if (check && c_avail()) {
return ERROR;

* use cursor addressing only if this means sending fewer
* characters to the terminal.
* Often, the xygoto will be a no-op, since the cursor
* will already be in position.
if (new_col - col > g_display.ca_len || diff) {
col = new_col;
xygoto(col, line);

* output the required character
text = orig + col++;
wanted = get_attr(window, text);
* lines now match up to the end of the text line
* work out what attribute to use for the rest of the line
text = orig + new_col;
wanted = get_attr(window, text);

* now make the rest of the line spaces with the right attribute
col = new_col;
done = FALSE;
for (;;) {
diff = FALSE;
for (new_col=col; ; new_col++) {
if (new_col == g_display.ncols) {
done = TRUE;
if (g_screen[line][new_col].attr != wanted) {
diff = TRUE;
if (g_screen[line][new_col].c != ' ') {
if (done) {
if (check && c_avail()) {
return ERROR;
if (new_col - col > g_display.ca_len || diff) {
col = new_col;
xygoto(col, line);

* the clear to end of line function is a quick way to get the
* normal attribute for the rest of the line. Unfortunately,
* it cannot be relied upon to set any other attribute!
if (wanted == g_display.normal) {
if (eol_clear()) {
c_output(' ');
return OK;

* Name: display_window
* Purpose: To update one window to look the way it should, making as few
* changes as possible.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* last: number of lines to update (so we can reserve lines
* for things like answering prompts)
* cursor: cursor line if line buffer active
* wn: window number
* Returns: OK if window updated completely
* ERROR if update aborted by user typing a key
* Notes: First the cursor line is updated, and then lines above and
* below the cursor are updated alternately.

int display_window(window, last, cursor, wn)
windows *window;
int last;
text_ptr cursor;
int wn;
text_ptr prev; /* successive lines above the cursor */
text_ptr next; /* successive lines below the cursor */
int line_above; /* line number of lines above cursor */
int line_below; /* line number of lines below cursor */
int count; /* number of lines updated so far */
int turn = FALSE; /* turn to do above or below line? */
int number; /* number of lines visible in window */
char status_line[MAX_COLS+1]; /* status line at top of window */
char *p; /* for setting up status line */
char check; /* used to check character before start of line */
int len; /* characters by which cursor should be adjusted */

* work out bottom line (+1) to be displayed
if (window->bottom_line+last >= g_display.nlines) {
last = g_display.nlines - last;
else {
last = window->bottom_line + 1;

* work out how many lines need to be displayed
number = last - window->top_line;

* display the required number of lines, starting from the
* cursor line
for (count=0; count < number; turn = !turn) {
if (count == 0) {
* as a result of editing in other windows into the same
* file, it is possible that the cursor position may be
* in the middle of a line.
* If this is the case, then the cursor position must be
* adjusted so that the line can be displayed properly.
check = *(window->cursor-1);
if (check != '\n' && check != '\0') {
len = prelinelen(window->cursor);
window->cursor -= len;
window->ccol += len;
if (window->ccol >= g_display.ncols) {
window->ccol = g_display.ncols - 1;

* if line is to be displayed, then update it
if (window->cline < last) {
if (update_line(window, window->cursor, window->cline,
cursor)) {
return ERROR;

* set up next and previous lines
next = find_next(window->cursor);
prev = find_prev(window->cursor);
line_above = window->cline - 1;
line_below = window->cline + 1;

* one more line has been displayed

if (wn == 0) {
* move the cursor to its correct position, since often
* other lines will not be affected.
xygoto(window->ccol, window->cline);
else if (turn && line_below < last) {
if (update_line(window, next, line_below, cursor)) {
return ERROR;
if (next) {
next = find_next(next);
else if (!turn && line_above >= window->top_line) {
if (update_line(window, prev, line_above, cursor)) {
return ERROR;
if (prev) {
prev = find_prev(prev);

* display status line
sprintf(status_line, "== %s [%2d] ==", window->file_info->file_name, wn);
count = strlen(status_line);
p = status_line + count;
while (count++ < g_display.ncols) {
*p++ = '=';
*p = '\0';

if (update_line(NULL, status_line, window->top_line-1, NULL)) {
return ERROR;
return OK;

* Name: display
* Purpose: To update the display to look the way it should, making as few
* changes as possible.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: doit: function to be called if a key is typed
* reserved: number of lines reserved for things like answering
* prompts
* Returns: the result returned by the function doit
* Notes: First the current window is updated, and then windows above and
* below the cursor are updated alternately.
int display(doit, reserved)
do_func doit;
int reserved;
windows *window; /* current active window */
int above_count; /* window number above current */
int below_count; /* window number below current */
windows *above; /* window above current */
windows *below; /* window below current */
text_ptr cursor; /* cursor line in current window */

* since some commands change the current window, display must check
* rather than relying on a passed parameter.
window = g_status.current_window;

* If the line buffer is active, then other routines need to know
* which line should be taken from the line buffer instead.
* This approach allows multiple windows into the same file to
* display the cursor line correctly.
if (g_status.copied) {
cursor = window->cursor;
else {
cursor = (text_ptr) -1; /* no line should start here! */

* display the current window
if (display_window(window, reserved, cursor, 0)) {
return (*doit)(window);

* move the cursor to its correct position, since usually other
* windows will not be affected.
xygoto(window->ccol, window->cline);

* now update all the other windows
above = below = window;
above_count = below_count = 0;
while (above->prev || below->next) {
if (above->prev) {
above = above->prev;
if (display_window(above, reserved, cursor, above_count)) {
return (*doit)(window);
if (below->next) {
below = below->next;
if (display_window(below, reserved, cursor, below_count)) {
return (*doit)(window);

* all done, so position the cursor and wait for the user to enter
* something
xygoto(window->ccol, window->cline);
return (*doit)(window);

* Name: setup_window
* Purpose: To set the page length and the center line of a window, based
* on the top and bottom lines.
* Date: October 10, 1989
* Passed: window: window to be set up
void setup_window(window)
windows *window;
window->place_line = (window->bottom_line + window->top_line) / 2;
window->page = window->bottom_line - window->top_line -
g_status.overlap + 1;
if (window->page < 1) {
window->page = 1;

* Name: first_non_blank
* Purpose: To find the column in which the first non-blank character in
* the string occurs.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: s: the string to search
* Returns: the first non-blank column
int first_non_blank(s)
char *s;
int count = 0;

while (*s && *s++ == ' ') {
return count;

* Name: page_up
* Purpose: To move the cursor one page up the window (probably more
* intuitive to think of the text being moved down)
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* Notes: The cursor line is moved back the required number of lines
* towards the start of the file.
* If the start of the file is reached, then the movement stops.
* In this case, the cursor is placed at the top of the window.
void page_up(window)
windows *window;
int i; /* count of lines scanned */
text_ptr p; /* previous lines */

for (i=0; i < window->page; i++) {
if ((p = find_prev(window->cursor)) != NULL) {
window->cursor = p;
else {
window->cline = window->top_line;

* Name: page_down
* Purpose: To move the cursor one page down the window (probably more
* intuitive to think of the text being moved up)
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* Notes: The cursor line is moved forwards the required number of lines
* towards the end of the file.
* If the end of the file is reached, then the movement stops.
* In this case, the cursor is placed at the bottom of the window.
void page_down(window)
windows *window;
int i; /* count of lines scanned so far */
text_ptr p; /* lines below cursor */

for (i=0; i < window->page; i++) {
if ((p = find_next(window->cursor)) != NULL) {
window->cursor = p;
else {
window->cline = window->bottom_line;

* Name: scroll_down
* Purpose: To make the necessary changes after the user has given the
* command to scroll down the screen.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* Notes: Normally, we can just delete the top line on the window, and
* then move the cursor up one line (so the cursor remains at
* the same position in the file).
* However, if the cursor was already on the top line of the
* window, then the cursor must be moved down a line first.
void scroll_down(window)
windows *window;
text_ptr next;

if (window->cline == window->top_line) {
* Since the cursor must be moved, it is necessary to flush the
* current line buffer back into the main text.
* If the line was not already copied, then this function will
* have no effect.

if ((next = find_next(window->cursor)) != NULL) {
window->cursor = next;
else {

* Note that in order to scroll the window down the file, we must
* scroll the text UP the screen!
window_scroll_up(window->top_line, window->bottom_line);

* Name: scroll_up
* Purpose: To make the necessary changes after the user has given the
* command to scroll up the screen.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* Notes: Normally, we can just insert one line at the top of the window,
* and then move the cursor down one line (so the cursor remains at
* the same position in the file).
* However, if the cursor was already on the bottom line of the
* window, then the cursor must be moved up a line first.
void scroll_up(window)
windows *window;
text_ptr prev;

if (window->cline == window->bottom_line) {
if ((prev = find_prev(window->cursor)) != NULL) {
window->cursor = prev;
else {
window_scroll_down(window->top_line, window->bottom_line);

* Name: save_file
* Purpose: To save the current file to disk.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
* kind: whether we are saving the recovery file or not
* Notes: The file is first written under a temporary name, and only
* once this is successful is the original file removed.
* File names may not contain "/", "\" or ":" characters, or
* the editor will get confused when creating the temporary
* name.
* If anything goes wrong, then the modified flag is set.
* If the file is saved successfully, then modified flag is
* cleared.
void save_file(window, kind)
windows *window;
int kind;
char name[MAX_COLS]; /* name of file to be saved */
char temp[MAX_COLS]; /* temporary file name */
int *pmodified; /* modified flag location */
int new_file; /* are we saving a new file? */
int *pnew_file; /* location of above */

* make sure we are writing the latest version of the current line

* set up file name and location of various flags depending on
* whether we are writing a normal file or a recovery file
if (kind == SAVE_NORMAL) {
strcpy(name, window->file_info->file_name);
pmodified = &(window->file_info->modified);
pnew_file = &(window->file_info->new_file);
else {
if (g_status.recovery[0] == '\0') {
hw_copy_path(window->file_info->file_name, RECOVERY,
strcpy(name, g_status.recovery);
pmodified = &(g_status.unsaved);
new_file = hw_fattrib(g_status.recovery) == ERROR;
pnew_file = &new_file;

* see if there was a file name - if not, then make the user
* supply one.
if (strlen(name) == 0) {

* It is not safe to simply overwrite the old file, since a system
* crash could cause both the old and edited versions to be lost!
* Hence we write to a temporary file first.
strcpy(temp, name);
if (!(*pnew_file)) {
hw_copy_path(name, "DTXXXXXX", temp);

* save the file
error(TEMP, "Saving '%s'", name);
if (hw_save(temp, window->file_info->start_text,
window->file_info->end_text-1) == ERROR) {
if (kind == SAVE_NORMAL) {
error(WARNING, "cannot write to '%s'", temp);
else {
error(WARNING, "cannot write recovery file");
* if we cannot write to the recovery file, then do not
* try to write again for at least the normal interval
g_status.save_time += g_status.save_interval;
*pmodified = FALSE;

* If everything went OK, then rename files and remove the original
if (!(*pmodified)) {
if (*pnew_file) {
* if the file was new, then it is no longer new
*pnew_file = FALSE;

if (kind == SAVE_NORMAL && g_status.recovery[0]) {
* if the main file has been saved, then the recovery
* file is redundant
g_status.recovery[0] = '\0';
g_status.unsaved = FALSE;

* if the file already existed, then now is the time to remove
* the original file and rename the temporary one.
if (hw_unlink(name) == ERROR) {
error(WARNING, "error deleting '%s'", name);
*pmodified = TRUE;
else {
if (hw_rename(temp, name) == ERROR) {
error(WARNING, "error renaming '%s' to '%s'",
temp, name);
*pmodified = TRUE;
else { /* complete success - now change access modes */
hw_set_fattrib(name, window->file_info->file_attrib);
if (kind == SAVE_NORMAL && g_status.recovery[0]) {
g_status.recovery[0] = '\0';
g_status.unsaved = FALSE;

* Name: save_as_file
* Purpose: To save the current file to disk, but under a new name.
* Date: October 1, 1989
* Passed: window: information allowing access to the current window
void save_as_file(window)
windows *window;
char name[MAX_COLS]; /* new name for file */

* make sure we are writing the latest version of the current line

* read in name, no default
name[0] = '\0';
if (get_name("New file name: ", 1, name) != OK) {

* make sure it is OK to overwrite any existing file
if (hw_fattrib(name) != ERROR) { /* file exists */
set_prompt("Overwrite existing file? (y/n): ", 1);
if (display(get_yn, 1) != A_YES) {
if (hw_unlink(name) == ERROR) {

* record the new file name
strcpy(window->file_info->file_name, name);

* save the file, maintaining attributes
error(TEMP, "Saving '%s'", name);
if (hw_save(name, window->file_info->start_text,
window->file_info->end_text-1) == ERROR) {
error(WARNING, "cannot write to '%s'", name);
hw_set_fattrib(name, window->file_info->file_attrib);

* record that file is saved and not yet modified again
window->file_info->modified = FALSE;
if (g_status.recovery[0]) {
g_status.recovery[0] = '\0';
g_status.unsaved = FALSE;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DTE50.ZIP
Filename : UTILS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: