Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DSIIC2.ZIP
Filename : MYDEF.H

Output of file : MYDEF.H contained in archive : DSIIC2.ZIP
/********************** MYDEF.H ***************************/

Set the following define statement to "#define TURBOC" if you are
using Borland "Turbo C", set it to "#define QUICKC" if you are using
Microsoft "QuickC".

#define TURBOC

#define MAX_WINDOW 20

#define MAX_STRING 500 /* maximum length of strings.
(includes '\0') */

#define MAKE_FP(seg,off) \
((char far *) (((unsigned long)(seg) << 16)|(unsigned)(off)))

#define set_color(foreground,background)\
#define set_intense(attribute)((attribute)|8)

/* Screen mode definations (the most common)*/

#define BW_40 0 /* 40 column B&W */
#define COLOR_40 1 /* 40 column color */
#define BW_80 2 /* 80 column B&W */
#define COLOR_80 3 /* 80 column color */
#define MED_COLOR 4 /* 320x200 4 color graphics mode */
#define MED_BW 5 /* 320x200 4 shade levels */
#define HI_RES 6 /* 640x200 B&W */
#define MONOCHROME 7 /* monochrome display */

#define FALSE 0 /* logic values */
#define TRUE 1

#define ON 1
#define OFF 0

#define __COLORS

#define BLACK 0 /* text attributes for color cards */
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define BROWN 6
#define WHITE 7
#define YELLOW 14 /* intensity set on */

/* definitions of box types */

#define STD_FRAME "\xda\xbf\xc0\xd9\xc4\xb3" /* Ú ¿ À Ù Ä ³ */
#define PD_FRAME "\xc2\xc2\xc0\xd9\xc4\xb3" /* Â Â À Ù Ä ³ */
#define TOP_FRAME "\xda\xbf\xc3\xb4\xc4\xb3" /* Ú ¿ Ã ´ Ä ³ */
#define MIDDLE_FRAME "\xc3\xb4\xc3\xb4\xc4\xb3" /* Ã ´ Ã ´ Ä ³ */
#define BOTTOM_FRAME "\xc3\xb4\xc0\xd9\xc4\xb3" /* Ã ´ À Ù Ä ³ */
#define NO_FRAME ""

#define UP 0x48
#define DOWN 0x50
#define LEFT 0x4b
#define RIGHT 0x4d
#define HOME 0x47
#define END 0x4f
#define INSERT 0x52
#define DELETE 0x53
#define PGDN 0x51
#define PGUP 0x49
#define ESCAPE 0x1b
#define RETURN 0x0d
#define BACKSPACE 0x08
#define BELL 0x07
#define F1 0x3b

#if defined QUICKC
#include /* for NULL definition */

#define NORMAL 7
#define BOLD 15
#define INVERSE 112

/* cursor types */
#define BIG_CURSOR 2
#define NO_CURSOR 0

/* for input screens */

#define OK 0
#define REDO 1
#define REDRAW 2

/* window structure */

struct screen_structure{
/* Screen buffer related variables */

char far *buffer; /* pointer to screen buffer */
int rows; /* number of rows the monitor can display */
int columns; /* number of columns the monitor can display */
int top; /* the top margin of active screen area (row) */
int bottom; /* the bottom margin of active screen area(row) */
int left; /* the left margin of active screen area(column) */
int right; /* the right margin of active screen area(column)*/
int mode; /* screen mode (as reported by BIOS) */
int page; /* the text page in use (color cards only) */
int snow; /* flag to indicate if snow avoidance ia used */

/* Attribute related variables */

char current; /* current text attribute used when printing text*/
char inverse; /* default inverse attribute (predefined for mode) */
char normal; /* default normal attribute (predefined for mode */
int bold_caps; /* flag to indicate if upper case letters are
printed with intensity set high */

/* window related variables */

int active; /* the handle (number) of the active window */
int ptr; /* pointer to the window list (how many windows) */
int list[MAX_WINDOW+1]; /* the list of windows (sequence) */
int update; /* flag to indicate if cursor should be updated */

struct window_structure{
int frame; /* flag to indicate if window is framed or unframed */
int x,y; /*cursor position (column,row) */
char attribute; /* The attribute specified for the window */
int start, end; /* cursor scan lines */
int top,bottom,left,right; /* window margins */
char *buffer; /* buffer to store image */

/* information for menus */

#define MAX_BAR 10 /* The maximum number of options in the */
/* moving light bar menu. */

/* menu structure for the pop-up menu */

struct pop_struc{
char *name; /* the menu option */
int (*fun)(); /* the pointer to function */
int select_id; /* the list-select return code */

/* menu structure for moving light bar menu */

struct bar_struc{
char *name; /* the name of the function */
char *info; /* the info line appearing under options */
int (*fun)(); /* the pointer to function */
int select_id; /* the list-select return code */

/* menu structure for the pull-down menus */

#define MAIN_OPT 5 /* the actual number of options appearing
in the main menu */
#define PD_SUB 3 /* the maximum number of sub-options in the
pull-down menus */
#define PD_SUB_ROW 4 /* the row that the pull-down window appears */

#define PD_MAIN_FRAME STD_FRAME /* frame used for the main menu
window */
#define PD_SUB_FRAME PD_FRAME /* frame used for the pull-down
menu window */

struct pd_str{
char *main; /* option to appear in main menu */
char *sub[PD_SUB]; /* array of options to appear in Pull-down*/
int (*fun[PD_SUB])(); /* array of function pointers for pull-down*/
int select_id[PD_SUB]; /* array of list-select return code */

struct window_colors{
char main_frame; /* attribute used for main menu frame */
char main_interior; /* " " " " menu interior */
char main_inverse; /* " " " " menu highlighter */

char pd_frame; /* " " " pull-down frame */
char pd_interior; /* " " " pull-down interior */
char pd_inverse; /* " " " pull-down highlighter */

/* structure for help files */

struct help_structure{
char filename[80]; /* the current help file */
char message[80]; /* the window title */
int x; /* the column for the upper left corner of
the help window */
int y; /* the row for the upper left corner of
the help window */
int page; /* page within file to use */
char frame_attr; /* character attribute for help interior */
char interior_attr; /* character attribute for help frame */

/* structure for input screens */
struct in_struc {
int x; /* x position for data input field (start of label)*/
int y; /* y position for data input field (start of label)*/

char *prompt;/* the prompt for the field */
char *ptr; /* pointer to string to edit */
int length; /* the maximum length of the field */

unsigned int label_f,label_b; /* label foreground,background color */
unsigned int input_f,input_b; /* input field foreground,background
color */

/* function prototypes */

int start(int argc, char *argv[]); /* for start function */

/*********** l_main.c ***********/

static void init_window(void);
static void set_screen_attr(void);
static void test_dv(void);
void update_margins(void);
int test_ega(void);

/*********** l_scrn1.c ***********/

void ceol(int x, int y);
void cls(void);
void goxy(int x,int y);
void scroll_up(int lines);
void scroll_down(int lines);
void set_mode(int mode);
void what_mode(int *mode,int *page);

/*********** l_scrn2.c ***********/

void wherexy(int *x,int *y);
void readxy(char *ch,char *attr);
void what_cursor(int *start, int *end);

/*********** l_scrn3.c ***********/

void cursor(int size);
void set_cursor(int start, int end);

/*********** l_scrn4.c ***********/

void alt_screen(int action);

/*********** l_win1.c ***********/

int win_make(int x,int y,int width,int height,char *array,\
char *title, char frame_attr, char win_attr);
void win_save(void);
void win_delete(int handle);
int win_validate (int handle);
void win_delete_top(void);
void draw_frame (int x,int y,int width,int height,\
char *array,char *title,char attribute);
int win_center(int width,int height,char *array,char *title,\
char frame_attr, char win_attr);

/*********** l_win2.c ***********/

void win_pop_top(int handle);
void display_cursor(void);
static void win_redraw(int handle);
void win_redraw_all(void);

/*********** l_win3.c ***********/

void win_ceol(int handle, int x, int y);
void win_cls(int handle);
void win_scroll_up(int handle,int lines);
void win_scroll_down(int handle,int lines);
void win_goxy(int handle,int x,int y);
void win_print( int handle, int x,int y, char *string);
static void win_point(int handle);

/*********** l_win4.c ***********/

void win_up(int handle, int amount);
void win_right(int handle, int amount);
void win_left(int handle, int amount);
void win_down(int handle, int amount);
void win_insert(int handle, int position);

/*********** l_win5.c ***********/

char win_what_attr(int handle);
void win_set_attr(int handle, char attribute);

/*********** l_print.c ***********/

void print(int x,int y,char *string);
void print_here(char *string);
void dma_print(int *x, int *y,char *string);
void move_scr_mem (char far *string,char far *video,int number);

/*********** l_getkey.c ***********/
void get_key(char *ch, char *ext);

/*********** l_popup.c ***********/

int pop_up(struct pop_struc pop_menu[],int x,int y,\
char normal, char inverse);

/*********** l_bar.c ***********/

int bar_menu(struct bar_struc menu[], char normal, char inverse);

/*********** l_chip.c ***********/

void chip_left(char *chip,char *block,int number);
void chip_right(char *chip,char *block, int number);

/*********** l_copy.c ***********/

void copy (char *from,char *to,int first,int length);

/*********** l_getfld.c ***********/

char getfield(char *string, int inlength, int start, char attribute);
void hilight_field (int x, int y, int length, char attribute);

/*********** l_trim.c ***********/
void make_string(char *string,char letter,int count);
void trim_left(char *string);
void trim_right(char *string);
void trim(char *string);

/*********** l_input.c ***********/

int input(struct in_struc in_scrn[]);
/* note: val_field() is not in l_input, but is called by it */
int val_field( char *string,int length,int field_number);

/*********** l_string.c ***********/

int pos(char *string,char *pattern);
void caps(char *string);

/*********** l_list.c ***********/

int list_select(char *ptr[]);

/*********** l_dir.c ***********/

int dir(char *filespec, char *selection);
int file_count(char *filespec);

/*********** pd.c ***********/

int pull_down (struct pd_str m_menu[], struct window_colors color);
static int pull_down_sub(struct pd_str m_menu[],struct window_colors\
color,int option, char *ext, int *expert);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DSIIC2.ZIP
Filename : MYDEF.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: