Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DSIIC2.ZIP
Filename : L_DIR.C

Output of file : L_DIR.C contained in archive : DSIIC2.ZIP
/* Copyright (c) James L. Pinson 1990,1991 */

/********************** L_DIR.C ***************************/

#include "mydef.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "dos.h"
#include "stdio.h"

#define DIR_NAME_LENGTH 13 /* length of directory entry
(includes '\0') */
#if defined QUICKC

#include "malloc.h"
#include "memory.h"


#if defined TURBOC

#include "alloc.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "dir.h"



Usage: int dir(char *filespec,char *selection);

char *filespec= Wildcard specification for directory
("*.*" ,"*.c") etc.

char *selection= Pointer to a location suitable for storage of
a DIR_NAME_LENGTH character array. The name of
the selected file is copied to this location. If
the user presses Escape, no selection is made
and *selection = "".

Returns a 1 if memory is unavailable, otherwise returns a 0.

Allows list selection of directory files specified by filespec.
Makes use of the list_select() function. Allows point-and-shoot
or Speed key selection. The list is displayed in the currently
active (top) window.


int dir(char *filespec, char *selection)
extern struct screen_structure scr;
extern struct window_structure w[];

int done; /* flag */
int filecount=file_count(filespec);

#if defined TURBOC
struct ffblk DTA;

#if defined QUICKC
struct find_t DTA;

char **list; /* a pointer to a character pointer */

int i,j,number;

/* allocate array */

/* note: we allocate an extra list pointer for the null terminator */
list =(char **)malloc ((filecount+1)*sizeof(char *));

if (list==NULL)return(1);

/* null the list of pointers */
for(i=0;i<=filecount;i++) list[i]=NULL;

/* get the first directory listing */
/* different techniques used by Turbo C an QuickC */

#if defined TURBOC

#if defined QUICKC
done= _dos_findfirst(filespec,_A_NORMAL,&DTA);

/* the first step is to set pointer array to memory allocated
for each directory entry */

while(!done){ /* loop to get any additional entries */

if(i==filecount) break; /* stop if we exceed our pointers */
/* allocate memory */
list[i]= (char *)malloc (DIR_NAME_LENGTH*sizeof(char));

if(list[i] !=NULL){ /* if we have memory for directory entry */

/* copy the directory listing to the allocated space */

#if defined TURBOC

#if defined QUICKC

/* get the next directory listing */
#if defined TURBOC

#if defined QUICKC

} /* end if != NULL */
else return (1); /* error allocating memory */
i++; /* inc index */

} /* end while(!done) */

/* now we call on list_select() to process directory list */

if(i>0){ /* if any entries were found */

number=list_select(list); /* Call list_select so user can
make selection. Upon return,
"number" equals the file selected
or -1 if user "Escaped". */
if(number==-1) strcpy(selection,"");
strcpy(selection, list[number]);

for(j=0;j<=filecount-1;j++){ /* free up allocated memory */
if (list[j]!= NULL){
if (list!=NULL){
free (list);

int file_count(char *filespec)
extern struct screen_structure scr;
extern struct window_structure w[];

int done; /* flag */
int count=0;

#if defined TURBOC
struct ffblk DTA;

#if defined QUICKC
struct find_t DTA;

#if defined TURBOC

#if defined QUICKC
done= _dos_findfirst(filespec,_A_NORMAL,&DTA);

/* first step is set pointer array to memory allocated
for each directory entry */

while(!done){ /* if we have at least one entry,
loop to get the rest */

/* get the next directory listing */

#if defined TURBOC

#if defined QUICKC

if(!done) count++;

} /* end while(!done) */

return (count);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DSIIC2.ZIP
Filename : L_DIR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: