Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DRAWFN3S.ZIP
Filename : GRAPHGNG.H

Output of file : GRAPHGNG.H contained in archive : DRAWFN3S.ZIP
* Global definitions of GraphGen.c for all the world... *

#ifndef GRAPH_GEN_H /* Define only once */
#define GRAPH_GEN_H

#ifndef __MSDOS__
#endif /* __MSDOS__ */

/* The following conditional compilation flags are also in GraphGen.c! */
/* #define NOGRAPHICS /* If no graphics to perform (only routine calls). */
/* #define NOWINDOWS /* If no windows routines to be included. */
/* #define NOMENUS /* If no menus routines to be included. */
/* #define NOHELP /* If no print help routines to be included. */
/* #define DEBUG /* Print graphics driver info and dies... */
#define SINGLEPAGE /* If more than one pages should be supported. */

#define MENU_MAX_ITEMS 14 /* Maximum number of items in menu. */
#define MENU_MAX_LEN 20 /* Maximum length of string entry. */

typedef struct MenuItem {
int color;
char string[MENU_MAX_LEN];
} MenuItem;

extern int GGGraphMode; /* The Graphics mode value. */
extern double GGAspectRatio; /* Aspect ratio of a pixel in the screen. */
extern int GGScreenMaxX, GGScreenMaxY;/* The maximum res. of the screen. */
extern int GGScreenMaxColors; /* The maximum # of colors available. */
extern int GGScreenMaxPages; /* The maximum # of pages available. */
extern int GGScreenErrorCode; /* Reports any graphics errors. */
extern struct palettetype palette; /* Used to read palette info. */
extern int GGCurrentCursorX, GGCurrentCursorY;/* Cursor current position.*/
extern int GGScreenGraphicMode; /* TRUE if current mode is graphic. */

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0

#define MSG_AREA_X 1.25 /* General notes goes to here... */
#define MSG_AREA_Y -0.9
#define MSG_AREA_WIDTH 0.7

#define MAX_HELP_MENU_CHAR 20 /* Maximum of chars per help line. */



#define SW_MIN_X 1.2 /* The STATUS window. */
#define SW_MAX_X 2.0
#define SW_MIN_Y -0.97
#define SW_MAX_Y 0.97

#define VW_MIN_X -0.97 /* The VIEW window. */
#define VW_MAX_X 1.1
#define VW_MIN_Y -0.97
#define VW_MAX_Y 0.97


/* And finally the external routine prototypes: */

void GGMyMove(double x, double y);
void GGMyDraw(double x, double y);
void GGMySetColor(int color);
#ifdef __MSDOS__
void GGInitGraph(void);
void GGInitGraph(int argc, char **argv);
void GGMySetLineStyle(int Style);
#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
void GGCloseGraph(void);
void GGGetPoint(double *x, double *y);
void GGDrawPoint(double p[], char title[], int PointColor);

#ifndef NOMENUS
int GGMenuDraw(int n, struct MenuItem m[], int erase);
int GGMenuPick(void);
int GGConfirm(char *s);
#endif NOMENUS

#ifndef NOHELP
void GGPrintHelpMenu(char *FileName, char *MenuName);
#endif NOHELP

void GGClearMenuArea(void);
void GGClearViewArea(void);
void GGClearAllScreen(void);
void GGViewPortMenuArea(void);
void GGViewPortViewArea(void);
void GGViewPortAllScreen(void);
void GGPutErrorMsg(char *s);
void GGPutMsgXY(char *s, double x, double y);
void GGGetGraphicLine(double x, double y, char s[], int color);
void GGTone(int Frequency, int Duration);

#define GGXYPutStr(x, y, s) GGPutMsgXY(s, x, y)/* Same duty - different name.*/

#endif GRAPH_GEN_H

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DRAWFN3S.ZIP
Filename : GRAPHGNG.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: