Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DBPRO.ZIP
Filename : SIMPLEDB.C

Output of file : SIMPLEDB.C contained in archive : DBPRO.ZIP
A simple dialog box example -- a fill in the blank and a multiple choice
question with two buttons (Confirm and Abort.)

#include "pro.h"
#include "xglobals.h"
#include "dbpro.h"
#include "colors.h"
#include "xcodes.h"
#include "video.h"

void main(void);
int blip(void *);

/* target variables -- target variables can be linked to a question and are
updated when the dialog box is exited. DO NOT free() target variables for
free_form's, the pointer to the current response is simply assigned to
the target variable. When the dialog box is rerun it will free the last
response and substitute it with the current response. If you have already
freed the same memory block -- well you know.

char *name; /* first question target variable */
int job; /* second question target variable */

/* miscellaneous data for the dialog box */
char *responses[] = { /* possible responses to the multiple choice */
"Doctor", /* question */

char available[] = { /* indicates types of responses in multiple */
1, /* choice question, 0 - not available, */
1, /* 1 - available, 2 - title (not available) */

char db_available[] = { /* the dialog box consists of four questions */
1, /* this array indicates which questions can */
1, /* be modified, 1-yes, 0-no */

char *exit_codes[] = { /* corresponds to the possible exit values */
"ABORT", /* generated by a dialog box */

char *db_help[] = { /* dialog box help screen text */
" ",
" Press ENTER to confirm.",
" Press ESC to abort.",
" Press arrow keys to choose a question.",
" Press alpha to change text questions.",
" Press spacebar or grey+ to change multiple choice questions. ",
" ",
" Press any key to continue ",

/* help routine -- this function displays the dialog box help text */
int help(db_ptr)
dialog_box *db_ptr;
unsigned handle;

db_ptr = db_ptr;
scroll_bars_on = NONE;
wn_openw(handle = wn_putslist(db_help,white,black,wherex(),wherey(),

links the F1 key to the help() function (creating a macro
called context_help)

/* a null terminated list of macros used by this dialog box */
unsigned *allmacros[] = {

/* definition of each the question used in the dialog box */

free_form first_question = {
FREE_FORM, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle -- if your dialog box consists
of several virtual screens you can indicate
which virtual screen the question is
displayed in
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in - this routine will be executed when the
question is initially highlighted.
out - this routine will be executed when the
question is dehighlighted,
action - this routine will be executed each
time the question is exited (e.g. when you
exit the free_form line editor)
"~Name", /* statement */
2, 2, /* statement x, y */
XALTN, /* shortcut key - the actual keypress value
which when recognized will navigate directly
to this question
NULL, "Unknown", /* response & default response - the response
contains the current response to the question
typically you would assign this a NULL value,
if you do assign it a value make sure that it
is a pointer to a dynamically allocated memory

default response - if response is NULL db_run
uses a dynamically allocated copy of the
default response as the actual response.
19, 2, 30, /* response x, y, and length - indicates where
to display the response string and how many
characters to devote to the display area
NULL, /* insurance -- typically set to NULL, this
member of the structure is used to keep
a copy of the string when it is edited, if
the user wants to restore the original
string we use this copy to recreate it
&name, /* target -- this char** is updated to the
same value as response on exiting the
dialog box. You can use this to have
dialog boxes update global (or local)
variables in your existing routines.
0, /* cursor position - indicates the default
position of the edit cursor on editing
the response string
NULL, /* macros - if you want to have some special
macros during the line editor process
assign them here.
TRUE /* refresh - always set to TRUE */

multi_choice second_question = {

/*************************** same as above ****************************/
MULTI_CHOICE, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, action */
"~Occupation", /* statement */
2, 5, /* statement x, y */
XALTO, /* shortcut key */

/********** these fields differ from the free_form question ********/

NULL, /* response mask - you can elect to not display
the statement portion and the response portion
and to substitute this string constant in the
same position as the response. This makes a
multiple choice question behave like a pull
down menu. To not use this feature set this
to NULL.
responses, /* response list - a NULL terminated list of
strings representing the possible responses
to the multiple choice question.
available, /* available - a list of chars which corresponds
to the above responses list, where a 0
indicates that the string could be a valid
response but is not at the moment. A 1
indicates that it is a valid response, and a
2 indicates that the item is never a valid
response, but is simply a title used to
segment the list
0, /* default response - indicates the
member of the above responses list which
is the current response to the question.
19, 5, 30, /* response x, y, and length - same as a
MAX_WINDOWS, 0, /* aux window & tile - a multiple choice
question requires a window to display
the pull down list in -- set this to
MAX_WINDOWS to have db_run create the
window as needed.
box1, /* if window is created (see above) it will
use these border characters
"Profession", /* and -- it will have this name at the top */
NULL, /* this name at the bottom */
HEAD_ON, /* and will use this shading style */
NULL, /* list pointer - a multiple choice question
requires a list_rec for the pull down list.
Set this value to NULL and db_run will create
the list_rec as needed.
&job, /* target - the int* will be updated with the
current response offset on exiting the
dialog box. Use this field to update
global (or local) variables in your
NULL, /* macros - If you want to have some special
macros active in the pull down lists, assign
them to this field.
4, /* if you want the pull down list to be displayed
in side by side columns indicate the number of
columns here. If you want a horizontal list
(like a LOTUS menu use MAXINT.)
TRUE /* refresh - always set to TRUE */

button confirm_button = {

/************************* same as above *********************/
BUTTON, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, and action */
"~Confirm", /* statement */
16, 7, /* statement x, y */
XALTC, /* shortcut key */

/*************** these fields are unique to buttons ***********/
box0, /* border characters - if you want the
button statement surrounded by a box
indicate the box type here. Otherwise
set this field to NULL.
HEAD_ON, /* shading - if your button is surrounded
by a box you can use a shadowing effect
with this field.
XENTER, /* hitting button is = XENTER - when a button
is pressed it simply pushes a key value
or db opcode onto the queue. The
interpretation of this value can then
do things like confirm the dialog box, etc.
If you do not want to use this feature of
buttons assign this field a value of
XENTER, /* flash key - you can 'press' a button without
changing the selected question to the button
by pressing this key value. Note that the
mouse routines simply put the shortcut key
value in the queue when you press and release
on a button and they put this key value into
the queue when you quickly click on a button.
As such this must be a unique value, otherwise
clicking on this button, could actually activate
another button. Note that the value does
not have to be a keyboard generatable value it
should just be unique to the other shortcut keys.
FALSE, /* continuous - if holding the mouse button down
and sitting on a dialog box button should
continuously push shortcut key values onto the
queue indicate TRUE in this field, otherwise
indicate FALSE. Generally you would indicate
TRUE if it made sense for the button to perform
some continuous action if you held the mouse
cursor on it. For example, if you had button
which 'flipped' through a series of records
you might make this field TRUE.
CONFIRMED /* exit value - if the button results in
exiting the dialog box you can change the
exit value with this field. You can use
this if you want to specifically determine
that a user exited by using a certain

button abort_button = {

/************************* same as above ***************************/
BUTTON, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, and action */
" ~Abort ", /* statement */
27, 7, /* statement x, y */
XALTA, /* shortcut key */
box1, /* border characters */
HEAD_ON, /* shading */
XESC, /* hitting button is = XESC */
XESC, /* flash key */
FALSE, /* continuous */
ABORTED /* exit value */

* radio-check buttons, if assigned to a radio group then only
* one member of the group can be ON at one time. Also, effects
* the way items are navigated to. For example, when navigating
* from any item to an item within a radio group dbrun will select
* the currently selected item within the radio group, rather than
* the next item in the question list. Also, navigating onto a
* radio group item will automatically check it. to navigate between
* items within a radio button group use the LEFT and RIGHT commands

rcbutton check1 = {
RCBUTTON, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, and action */
"~Scaly patches", /* statement */
2, 11, /* statement x, y */
XALTS, /* shortcut key */
CHECK, /* checkbox! */
FALSE, /* checked? */
NULL /* target variable */

rcbutton check2 = {
RCBUTTON, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, and action */
"~Peeling skin", /* statement */
22, 11, /* statement x, y */
XALTP, /* shortcut key */
CHECK, /* checkbox! */
FALSE, /* checked? */
NULL /* target variable */

rcbutton radio1 = {
RCBUTTON, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, and action */
"Has ~fever", /* statement */
2, 13, /* statement x, y */
XALTF, /* shortcut key */
RADIO(0), /* radio button! */
FALSE, /* checked? */
NULL /* target variable */

rcbutton radio2 = {
RCBUTTON, /* question type */
0, /* tile handle */
NULL, NULL, NULL, /* in, out, and action */
"No F~ever", /* statement */
22, 13, /* statement x, y */
XALTE, /* shortcut key */
RADIO(0), /* radio button! */
TRUE, /* checked? */
NULL /* target variable */

/* various bits of data for use in next question... */
char *alistchoices[] = {
char lotsofones[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
char lotsofzeros[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

/* this is a list box question */
list alist = {
LIST, /* question type -- must be LIST */
0, /* tile to display list box in */
NULL,NULL,NULL, /* edit checking routines */
"Test", /* statement */
2,14, /* statement coordinates */
XALTT, /* shortcut key */
SELECT_ONE, /* list type -- must be SELECT_ONE or CHECKLIST */
MAX_WINDOWS, /* the list box uses a window to display itself in */
4,40, /* if the above window handle is not valid we use */
3,15, /* this info to create the window */

0, /* initially selected element in the list */
alistchoices, /* null terminated list of elements in the list */
lotsofones, /* a list of chars corresponding to the list of
elements where 0 = not available, 1 = available,
and 2 = title. */
lotsofzeros, /* a list of chars corresponding to the list of
elements where a 0 = toggled on and 1 = toggled
off */
" "," ", /* on and off strings */
NULL, /* a list question requires a list_rec structure.
set this to NULL to have db_run create the
structure as needed. If you wish to supply
the structure set this to point to the
structure */
NULL, /* target variable */
NULL, /* macros */
TRUE, /* when TRUE list is redrawn. Set to TRUE when
initializing structure */
FALSE, /* autodescend. Set this to FALSE so that cursor
will remain in border of list when the list box
is selected. Once user enters list this value
is set to TRUE. Using FALSE when you initialize
the str structure will make it work like MAC &
255 /* maxcols. Set this value to the maximum number
of columns you want displayed side by side in
the list. db_run will attempt to fill the
columns rowwise creating additional columns as
needed until this number is reached. Once this
number is reached it adds additional rows to
the virtual screen.

void *simple_questions[] = {

dialog_box simple_db = {

MAX_WINDOWS, /* window handle -- set this to MAX_WINDOWS
if you want db_run to create the window
for you
NULL, NULL, /* post-size and post-move routines -- after
sizing or moving a dialog box these
routines will be executed
TRUE, FALSE, /* move and size OK -- set these to TRUE if
it is OK to move or size the dialog box
simple_questions, /* questions -- set this to the array of
questions which comprise the dialog box
db_available, /* available questions -- this is an array of 1s
an 0s where 1 indicates that a user can modify
the response to the question and 0 indicates
that it is not allowed.
0, /* selected question -- indicates the currently */
default_db_cmds, /* keyboard commands -- an array of ints which
assigns each db opcode to a keypress, e.g.
you might assign XENTER to CONFIRM and XESC
FALSE, /* If FALSE the dialog box will be automatically
brought to the top of the window stack when
activated. Otherwise, you will be able to
run the dialog box but other windows may
obscure it. Normally set to TRUE for menu
bars, or some sort of dialog box which
represents a desktop. For example you
could represent the Framework II desktop
as a background dialog box.
&msmono, /* db_colors -- an array of unsigned chars
containing video attributes to use for
various parts of a dialog box
&default_db_delimiters, /* db delimiters -- an array of chars which
are used to delimit the response areas
for various question types
NULL, /* insurance -- normally set to NULL, this
pointer is used internally by db_run.
When a dialog box is activated a copy
of the current responses is made and
pointed to by this field. If the
user ABORTS the dialog box we restore
the original responses using this
allmacros, /* macros -- indicates any special macros for
this dialog box.

/* All of these are used to create a
window to display the dialog box in
if the above window handle does not
22, 50, /* virtual rows and columns */
1, 1, /* physical x & y */
1, 1, /* virtual x & y */
22, 50, /* viewport rows & columns */
HEAD_ON, /* shading style */
"A simple dialog box", /* primary dialog box name */
"secondary name", /* secondary dialog box name */
box1, /* window border characters */
NONE, /* scroll bars style */
lightgray, black /* the virtual screen attributes */

void main()
int result;
unsigned char head = 0, tail = 0;
unsigned int queue[256];

/* initialize The WINDOW PRO - required */

/* call blip during the keyboard/mouse polling loop */
idle = blip;

/* initialize The DB PRO message queue - required */
db_switchqueue(&head, &tail, queue);

/* execute the dialog box */
result = db_run(&simple_db, 0);

/* get rid of the dialog box - if memory is tight you can deleted
the dialog box window each time. Doing this will slow down
execution but allow you to cram in more data. Note that
if you delete a dialog box window you should reset the
window handle back to MAX_WINDOWS. When a window handle
is deleted it is returned to the free handles pool. If the
handle were to get reused and this dialog box were rerun
it would believe that it had a valid window handle and
would not create a new window (of the proper size and location.)
wn_delw(simple_db.handle); simple_db.handle = MAX_WINDOWS;

/* restore the cursor position */

/* restore the cursor shape */
v_curshape(oldb, olde);

display the results -- demonstrates how running a dialog box
updates application variables.
printf("The user exited the dialog box by %s.\n",exit_codes[result - 1]);
printf("Occupation = %s\n",responses[job]);
printf("Name = %s\n",name);


/* this is a sample polling loop function */
int blip(v)
void *v;
static int pos = 1;

vs_putc(simple_db.handle,0,pos,21,white,black,' ');
if (pos > 50) pos = 1;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DBPRO.ZIP
Filename : SIMPLEDB.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: