Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DBPRO.ZIP
Filename : DBPRO.H

Output of file : DBPRO.H contained in archive : DBPRO.ZIP
#include "dbops.h"

/* question types */
#define FREE_FORM 1
#define MULTI_CHOICE 2
#define TITLE 3
#define BUTTON 4
#define REDUCE 5
#define LIST 6
#define RCBUTTON 8

#define CURRQ (db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select])
#define CURRTILE (db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select])[1]
#define CURRAVAIL (db_ptr->available[db_ptr->id_select])
#define LISTAVAIL (list_ptr->available[list_ptr->selected] == 1)
#define LISTTITLE (list_ptr->available[list_ptr->selected] == 2)
#define CURRMC ((multi_choice *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define CURRSCROLLQ ((scroll_txt *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define CURRFF ((free_form *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define CURRR ((reducer *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define CURRBUTTON ((button *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define CURRRCBUTTON ((rcbutton *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define CURRLIST ((list *)(db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select]))
#define DBERROR(errnum, functnum) {db_errorhandler(errnum,functnum); return(errnum);}
#define MCQUEST(id) ((multi_choice *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define FFQUEST(id) ((free_form *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define ROOTQUEST(id) ((root *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define RQUEST(id) ((reducer *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define BUTTONQUEST(id) ((button *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define RCBUTTONQUEST(id) ((rcbutton *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define LISTQUEST(id) ((list *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define TITLEQUEST(id) ((title *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define SCROLLQUEST(id) ((scroll_txt *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define QTYPE(id) *((char *)(db_ptr->questions[id]))
#define NO_EVENT ((*db_head) == (*db_tail))
#define DB_MOVABLE db_ptr->move_ok
#define LST_MOVABLE list_ptr->move_ok
#define DB_SIZABLE db_ptr->size_ok
#define LST_SIZABLE list_ptr->size_ok
#define ID_NEXT (db_ptr->questions[db_ptr->id_select+1] ? db_ptr->id_select + 1 : 0)
#define ID_PREV (db_ptr->id_select ? db_ptr->id_select - 1 : db_lastq(db_ptr))
#define makemacro(name,key,function) unsigned long name[] = {key+(3*65536L),(unsigned long) function,EXECUTE};

/* list types */
#define CHECKLIST 1
#define SELECT_ONE 2

/* rc button types */
#define CHECK 0
#define RADIO(n) (1+n)

typedef struct {

/* foreground and background colors of titles */
unsigned char title_bg, title_fg;

* foreground and background colors of the statement portion
* of questions
unsigned char question_bg, question_fg;

* foreground and background colors of the response portion
* of questions: available, unavailable, selected unavailable, &
* selected available.
unsigned char response_bg, response_fg;
unsigned char un_bg, un_fg;
unsigned char sun_bg, sun_fg;
unsigned char select_bg, select_fg;

* foreground & background colors of the shortcut keys
unsigned char key_bg, key_fg;

* foreground and background colors to be used when editing a
* text response.
unsigned char edit_bg, edit_fg;

} db_colors;

typedef struct {

* The characters to place around the response portion of a free
* form question. These character arrays are defined the same
* as the window border character arrays. Note that any NULL
* characters are simply not output. This means that you do not
* have to triple space questions as you would by putting a
* complete box around each, but could just define delimiters
* on either side (as in DBPRO 1.1) or even none at all.
unsigned char *ff_boxchars;

/* multiple choice delimiters */
unsigned char *mc_boxchars;

/* reducer delimiters */
unsigned char *r_boxchars;

* the characters to place to the left of a check box when checked
* and not checked -- note that these must be the same length!
char *check_on, *check_off;

* the characters to place to the left of a radio button when checked
* and not checked -- note that these must be the same length!
char *radio_on, *radio_off;

} db_delimiters;

/* storage record -- keeps previous answers to a dialog box in case of abort */
typedef struct {

/* type of question being stored */
unsigned char question_type;

/* the question's id */
unsigned char id;

* pointer to the next storage record -- used in creating a linked
* list of storage records to let you preserve a snapshot of the
* db at any point
void *next;

* Used to store either -- a pointer to a string for the response
* to a free form question or an integer representing an offset
* into a multiple choice list
void *keeper;

} storage;

* the state of the list is temporarily stored in this structure on a
* call to lst_run. If the user confirms the list -- then this data
* is discarded otherwise it is used to restore the list to its previous
* state.

typedef struct {
char *selections;
int selected;
} lst_storage;

/* list handler record */
typedef struct {

unsigned handle; /* a window where the list will be
be displayed */
unsigned char tile_handle; /* the tile within the window where
the list will be displayed */
char list_type; /* CHECKLIST or SELECTONE */
char move_ok, size_ok; /* is the window movable/sizable? */
char auto_vert; /* resize the viewport vertically to
match the width of the elements
within the list on each call to
lst_run */
char auto_horiz; /* resize the viewport horizontally
to match the number of elements
within the list on each call to
lst_run */
char alpha_confirm; /* Pressing the shortcut key of an
item toggle it on off? */
char bg_operation; /* of FALSE the window is brought
to the top of the stack of windows
on each call to lst_run */
int selected; /* the currently selected element */
int numopts, taglen, optlen; /* used internally by lst_run */
unsigned *cmds; /* keyboard command table used in this
list */
char *on, *off; /* the strings to place to the left of
of each element to indicate whether
an items is toggled on or off */
char **options; /* a null terminated list of char strings
representing the elements of the list */
char *selections; /* a list of chars which corresponds to the
list of elements where: 1 = toggled on,
2 = toggled off. */
char *available; /* a list of chars which corresponds to the
list of elements where: 0 = element
can not be toggled, 1 = element can
be toggled, and 2 = element is a title */
unsigned *keybind; /* a list of keyboard codes which corresponds
to the list of elements representing
the shortcut key for each element */
db_colors *colors; /* the color scheme to be used when
displaying the list */
lst_storage *insurance; /* set to NULL. Used internally */
unsigned **macros; /* a list of local macros for the list */
unsigned maxcols; /* a list of the maximum number of side
by side columns to display the elements
in. */
unsigned /* this info is used to create a valid */
physical_x, /* window to display the list in if the */
physical_y, /* window handle (above) is not valid */
virtual_x, virtual_y,
char *name1,
unsigned char
} list_rec;

* all question types (except titles) have this same info in these
* same positions. This type is used to access these values from
* any question pointer.
typedef struct {
char question_type;
unsigned char tile_handle;
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);
char *statement;
int statementx, statementy;
unsigned key;
} root;

/* free form question record */
typedef struct {

/* Must be set equal to FREE_FORM */
char question_type;

/* tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

* pointer to edit check routines -- you can use this to
* check that a string represents a valid number, etc. that
* the item is within a certain range etc. The routine must
* return an integer.
* Set this value to NULL to perform no edit checking on the
* question.
int (*whenon)(void *);

* same as above except it does not allow the user to navigate
* off of the question until the routine returns TRUE
int (*whenoff)(void *);

* same as above but does not allow a user to exit a question
* until it returns TRUE.
int (*action)(void *);

/* statement portion of the question -- e.g. How many inches? */
char *statement;

/* the statement begins at this coordinate */
int statementx, statementy;

/* short cut key for navigating to this question */
unsigned key;

* the current response to the question; This must be a dynamically
* allocated string (or NULL) because db_run will free this and replace it
* with the edited version.
char *response;

* If response (above) is NULL db_run automatically creates a dynamically
* allocated duplicate of this string and assigns it to response.
char *default_response;

/* the beginning coordinate of the response */
int responsex, responsey;

* the maximum displayed length of the response -- the actual
* length can be longer
int responselen;

* used internally
char *insurance,

* this pointer is set to the the value of response (above) on
* exiting the dialog box. This introduces two copies of a
* a dynamically allocated variable -- do not free this pointer
* without setting response (above) to NULL. Otherwise, next time
* you execute db_run response (above) will be free'd corrupting
* the heap.

* the default cursor position when entering edlin. Normally
* this is set to the last character in the string on exiting
* the line editor. But if you prefer to not do this you can
* remove the statement from db_edlin whereupon this variable
* will hold the position of the cursor in the line editor when
* you last exited the question.
int cursor_position;

/* local macro definitions */
unsigned **macros;

* If TRUE statement, delimiters, and response are
* redrawn. Otherwise, just the response are is redrawn.
* This flag is set to FALSE after drawing the statement,
* delimiters, and response
char refresh;

} free_form;

/* list question record */
typedef struct {

/* Must be set equal to LIST */
char question_type;

/* tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

* edit check routines -- see explanation in free_form.
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);

/* the title of the list */
char *statement;

/* the statement begins at this coordinate */
int statementx, statementy;

/* shortcut key */
unsigned key;

char list_type;

/* a list question uses a window for some interim stuff -- supply a handle here */
unsigned handle;

unsigned /* if handle (above) is not a valid handle */
virtual_rows, /* we use this info to create a window */
char *name1, *
unsigned char *boxchars,

/* the currently selected item in the list */
int offset;

/* the items in the list */
char **options;

/* are they available -- see explanation in list_rec */
char *available;

/* which are toggled on/off -- see explanation in list_rec */
char *selected;

/* the on -- off designators */
char *on, *off;

/* list pointer -- normally set to NULL -- used internally */
list_rec *list_ptr;

/* set to the value of selected (above) when the db is exited */
char **target;

/* macro definitions */
unsigned **macros;

* set this to TRUE if you have modified any members of this
* structure. Always set to TRUE on first usage.
char refresh;

* set to TRUE if on selecting the list you want to automatically
* place the cursor in the list -- note that after you
* exit a list this value is set to TRUE. Set this to FALSE
* initially for MAC/WINDOWS-like behavior.
char autodescend;

* if you want a simple vertical list use 1. If you want two
* columns side by side set to 2. If you want the minimum number
* of columns required given the height of the list's viewport
* set this to MAXINT.
unsigned maxcols;

} list;

/* scrolling text question record */
typedef struct {

/* Must be set equal to SCROLLING_TEXT */
char question_type;

/* tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

/* edit check routines -- see free_form for explanation */
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);

/* box title */
char *statement;

/* coordinates for the sub-box */
unsigned statementx, statementy;

/* shortcut key */
unsigned key;

* the function which is called on entering the question -- determines
* behavior of the question.
int (far *control)(void *, int);

* use to associate additional data with the text, you might
* use this data in edit checking or action routines.
void *misc_ptr;

* the box is in this position in the dialog box
* You should set it to the appropriate size before calling the
* dialog box.
int boxx, boxy;

/* uses a window for some interim stuff -- supply a handle here */
unsigned aux_handle;

/* macro definitions */
unsigned **macros;

} scroll_txt;

/* multiple choice question record */
typedef struct {

/* must be set to MULTI_CHOICE */
char question_type;

/* the tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

* edit check routines -- see free_form for explanation
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);

/* the statement portion of the question */
char *statement;

/* begin displaying the statement at these coordinates */
int statementx, statementy;

/* shortcut key */
unsigned key;

* response mask -- will display this string in place of the
* current response. Normally set to NULL but is useful
* in creating a menu bar type dialog box, where the menu bar
* represents a series of multiple choice questions. Or in
* inserting pulldown menus anywhere in a dialog box.
char *response_mask;

/* Pointer to an array of pointers -- pointing to each of the
* available responses in a multiple choice question. The
* last pointer in the array must be a null pointer.
char **response_list;

* corresponds to above array. A value of TRUE indicates that
* the item is available for selection. FALSE, it is not. 2 if
* the element is a title.
char *available;

* The offset into the above array representing the current response
* to the question.
int response_offset;

/* the beginning coordinate of the response */
int responsex, responsey;

* the maximum displayed length of the response -- the actual
* length can be longer
int responselen;

/* window and tile to display the pull down list in */
unsigned aux_handle;
unsigned char aux_tile;

* if the handle (above) is invalid use this info to create
* a window
unsigned char
char *major_head,

/* list pointer -- normally set to NULL -- used internally */
list_rec *list_ptr;

/* set to the value of response_offset on exiting the dialog box */
int *target;

/* macro definitions */
unsigned **macros;

* indicate the number of side by side columns desired in the pull
* down list. use 1 for a vertical list, MAXINT for a horizontal list,
* 2 for a 2 column vertical list, etc.
unsigned maxcols;

* If TRUE statement, delimiters, and response are
* redrawn. Otherwise, just the response are is redrawn.
* This flag is set to FALSE after drawing the statement,
* delimiters, and response
char refresh;

} multi_choice;

/* reducer question record */
typedef struct {

/* must be set to REDUCER */
char question_type;

/* the tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

* edit checking routines -- see free_form for explanation
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);

/* the statement portion of the question */
char *statement;

/* begin displaying the statement at these coordinates */
int statementx, statementy;

/* shortcut key */
unsigned key;

/* Pointer to an array of pointers -- pointing to each of the
* available responses in a reducer question. The
* last pointer in the array must be a null pointer.
char **response_list;

* corresponds to above array. A value of TRUE indicates that
* the item is available for selection. FALSE, it is not. 2 is
* a title.
char *available;

* the current response -- must be a dynamically allocated string
* just like in a free_form question. or NULL. If NULL a dynamically
* allocated string is created from default_response.
char *response;
char *default_response;

/* the beginning coordinate of the response */
int responsex, responsey;

* the maximum displayed length of the response -- the actual
* length can be longer
int responselen;

/* see multi_choice for explanation */
unsigned aux_handle;
unsigned char aux_tile;
unsigned char *boxchars;
char *major_head, *minor_head, shading;

/* set to NULL -- used internally */
list_rec *list_ptr;

char *insurance,

/* set to the value of the list element selected. */

/* see free_form for explanation */
int cursor_position;

/* macro definitions */
unsigned **list_macros;
unsigned **edlin_macros;

/* see multi_choice for explanation */
unsigned maxcols;

* If TRUE statement, delimiters, and response are
* redrawn. Otherwise, just the response are is redrawn.
* This flag is set to FALSE after drawing the statement,
* delimiters, and response
char refresh;

} reducer;

/* title record */
typedef struct {

/* MUST be set to TITLE */
char question_type;

/* tile to display the title in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

/* the title itself */
char *statement;

/* beginning coordinate of the title */
int statementx, statementy;

/* center justifies the title if TRUE */
char center_justify;

} title;

/* button record */
typedef struct {

/* MUST be set to BUTTON */
char question_type;

/* the tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

* see free_form for explanation
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);

/* the statement portion of the question */
char *statement;

* coordinate to display the button at
int statementx, statementy;

/* shorcut key */
unsigned key;

* array of characters to be used in building the box around
* the statement -- set to NULL for no box
unsigned char *boxchars;

* Shading to be used in making a box around the statement
char shading;

* Resets the keyboard code on pressing a button to this value.
* This lets you use buttons like an extension of the keyboard.
* You can have buttons that mimic hitting the ENTER key, etc.
unsigned cmdkey;

* This value binds a keyboard code to a button. This way you
* don't actually have to navigate to a button to 'press it.'
unsigned keybind;

* if TRUE, holding the mouse on the button will continually
* put the value key (above) onto the queue
char continuous;

* This lets you modify the exit value from db_run on pressing a
* button. This code can then let your application know which
* button was pressed -- in order to perform the proper operation
unsigned exitval;

} button;

/* radio/check button record */
typedef struct {

/* MUST be set to RCBUTTON */
char question_type;

/* the tile to display the question in */
unsigned char tile_handle;

/* edit checking routines */
int (*whenon)(void *);
int (*whenoff)(void *);
int (*action)(void *);

/* the statement portion of the question */
char *statement;

* coordinate to display the radio button/checkbox at
int statementx, statementy;

/* the keyboard code for the shortcut key */
unsigned key;

/* CHECK or RADIO(N) where N indicates a group number from 0 to 254 */
unsigned char btype;

/* TRUE if the button is checked */
char checked;

/* set to the value of checked (above) when the dialog box is exited */
char *target;

} rcbutton;

/* db record */
typedef struct {

unsigned handle; /* window where the db will be displayed */
int (*post_size)(void *); /* if window is resized this function is called */
int (*post_move)(void *); /* if window is moved this function is called */
char move_ok, size_ok; /* allows moving and/or sizing */
void **questions; /* a null terminated list of pointers to the
questions composing the db */
char *available; /* a list of chars indicating which questions
can be modified, where 0 = NO, 1 = YES */
unsigned char id_select; /* the question which will initially be
selected */
unsigned *cmds; /* keyboard command table -- i.e. which keys
are bound to which operations */
char bg_operation; /* if FALSE the dialog box window is always
brought to the top of the stack of windows
when the dbrun is called. */

db_colors *colors; /* a pointer to the color scheme to be used
in this db */
db_delimiters *delimiters; /* a pointer to the delimiter types to use
when displaying the questions in this
dialog box */
storage *insurance; /* set this to NULL. This pointer is used
to keep a record of the dialog box
responses, before any changes are made.
This record can then be used to restore
the dialog box answers is necessary */
unsigned **macros; /* a list of local macros to be used in this
dialog box */
unsigned /* all of this info is used to create a */
virtual_rows, /* window to display the dialog box if */
virtual_columns, /* the handle specified above is not a */
physical_x, /* valid window handle */
char *name1,
unsigned char
fg, bg;
} dialog_box;

extern int db_display(dialog_box *);
extern int db_display_title(dialog_box *, title *);
extern int db_display_ff(dialog_box *, free_form *, char, char);
extern int db_display_mc(dialog_box *, multi_choice *, char, char);
extern int db_display_button(dialog_box *, button *, char, char);
extern int db_display_rcbutton(dialog_box *, rcbutton *, char, char);
extern void clearradiobutton(dialog_box *, unsigned char);
extern int db_display_scroll(dialog_box *, int);
extern int db_display_r(dialog_box *, reducer *, char, char);
extern int db_displayq(dialog_box *, unsigned char);
extern int db_selectq(dialog_box *, unsigned char);
extern int db_run(dialog_box *, unsigned);
extern int db_touchbutton(dialog_box *, unsigned *);
extern int db_storeanswers(dialog_box *, storage **);
extern int db_restoreanswers(dialog_box *, storage **);
extern int db_freestorage(dialog_box *, storage **);
extern int db_getopcode(int, unsigned*);
extern int db_rlist(dialog_box *, int, char **, char**, char*);
extern char ** db_reductionstr(char **, char **, char *);
extern int db_interp_mouseclicks(dialog_box *, int, unsigned *,
unsigned *, int *);
extern int db_onquestion(dialog_box *, int *, int, int,
unsigned char, int *);
extern int db_mclist(dialog_box *, int, int *);
extern int lst_interpmouse(list_rec *, int, unsigned *, unsigned *,
int *, unsigned, unsigned);
extern int lst_freestorage(lst_storage **);
extern int lst_restoreanswers(list_rec *, lst_storage **);
extern int lst_storeanswers(list_rec *, lst_storage**);
extern int lst_toggle(list_rec *, int);
extern int lst_displayitem(list_rec *, int);
extern int lst_select(list_rec *, int);
extern int lst_run(list_rec *, unsigned);
extern int lst_runp(list_rec *, unsigned, dialog_box *);
extern int lst_longestoption(list_rec *, int*);
extern int lst_display(list_rec *, unsigned char);
extern int lst_numopts(list_rec *);
extern void do_editcheckin(dialog_box *);
extern int do_editcheckout(dialog_box *);
extern int db_push(unsigned);
extern int db_priority(unsigned);
extern unsigned db_pop(void);
extern int db_pushw(unsigned long);
extern int db_priorityw(unsigned long);
extern unsigned long
extern int run_free_form(dialog_box *, int, char);
extern int run_multi_choice(dialog_box *);
extern int run_reducer(dialog_box *, int, char);
extern int force_cur(unsigned, unsigned char, unsigned, unsigned);
extern void db_errorhandler(signed int, signed int);
extern unsigned get_event(void *);
extern int db_runlist(dialog_box *, int, int *, int);
extern int db_edlin(unsigned, unsigned char, char **, char, int, int,
int, int, int, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned *,
char**, int*, int, unsigned **, dialog_box *);
extern int db_executemacros(unsigned, unsigned **);
extern void db_switchqueue(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned *);
extern void db_flushqueue(void);
extern void do_post_wdw(dialog_box *, int);
extern void do_post_size(dialog_box *);
extern void do_post_move(dialog_box *);
extern void do_action(dialog_box *);
extern int run_window(unsigned, unsigned char, int);
extern int wn_draww_on_vs(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned char);
extern int db_updatetargets(dialog_box *);
extern int do_control(dialog_box *, int);
extern int db_runscroll(dialog_box *, int);
extern int db_run_subdb(dialog_box *, int);
extern void db_adjustvs(dialog_box *);
extern void q_open(unsigned);
extern void q_close(void);
extern void db_display_subdb(dialog_box *);
extern int alt(char);
extern int caps_lock(void);
extern int scroll_lock(void);
extern int vs_putcods(unsigned, unsigned char, unsigned, unsigned,
unsigned, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char,
unsigned char, char *);
extern int db_touchbuttonk(dialog_box *, unsigned *, unsigned *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
extern free_form*
create_ff(char *);
extern void destroy_ff(free_form *);
extern multi_choice*
create_mc(char *);
extern multi_choice*
create_pd(char *);
extern void destroy_mc(multi_choice *);
extern rcbutton*
create_rb(char *);
extern void destroy_rb(rcbutton *);
extern rcbutton*
create_cb(char *);
extern list* create_lt(char *);
extern void destroy_lt(list *);
extern button* create_bt(char *);
extern void destroy_bt(button *);
extern void write_ln(unsigned, char *);
extern void read_ln(unsigned, char *, unsigned);
extern dialog_box*
create_db(int ,unsigned long, int,
unsigned long, unsigned);
extern void destroy_db(dialog_box *);

/* db globals */

/* pointer to offsets into the current queue */
extern unsigned char *db_head, *db_tail;

/* pointer a 256 byte queue */
extern unsigned *db_queue;

* determines how sensitive the mouse is to clicks, etc. -- set to 10 or 15 for
* best results
extern unsigned mouse_sensitivity;

/* a default keyboard command table */
extern unsigned default_db_cmds[NUM_OPS];

/* used internally */
extern int force_list_update;
extern unsigned long prev_event, curr_event;
extern unsigned press_button;
extern unsigned char ascii;
extern int mouse_timeout;
extern char monitor_buffer[];

/* window to display the dbqueue mnemonic codes in -- useful for debugging */
extern unsigned monitor_wdw;
extern unsigned char monitor_tile;

extern int monitor_speed; /* 0 = by keypress, 1 > sleep interval between
opcodes */

extern int monitor_switch; /* TRUE is monitor is on, FALSE is off. */

/* colors to display the opcodes in */
extern unsigned char monitor_fg, monitor_bg;

/* some useful default color and delimiter schemes */
extern db_colors default_db_colors, msmono;
extern db_delimiters default_db_delimiters;

/* this function is called repeatedly during the keyboard/mouse polling loop */
extern int (far *idle)(void *);

* when macros are processed -- all codes are passed through this list
* before being passed on to the local macro list
extern unsigned **global_macros;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : DBPRO.ZIP
Filename : DBPRO.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: