Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_WNDW.ZIP
Filename : TEXTEDIT.C

Output of file : TEXTEDIT.C contained in archive : C_WNDW.ZIP
/* (c) Marietta Systems, Inc. 1987
* All rights reserved
#include "mtest.h"
* Program to demonstrate use of ascii files
* A simple text editor
unsigned maxsize = 20000;
unsigned maxrecs = 253;
void delline(int*, int, int);
void editfile(char*, int*, int*);
int getfile(char*, char*, int*, int*);
void insline(int*, int, int);
void linedisp(char*, int*, int, int);
void putfile(int, char*, char*, int*, int);
void scrndisp(char*, int*, int, int*, int);
void show_nbr(int, int);
* Function to obtain file and read it in
int getfile(fname, text, lineptr, len)
char *fname, *text;
int *lineptr;
int *len;{
long rec_nbr;
int z, slen, fh, ret;
byte out[20], *ptr;
/* setup */
strcpy(fname, "textfile.dat");
for (z = 0 ; z < 8 ; KEYMATCH[z++] = 0); /* blank out function keys */
disp_err("",1); /* display new function key settings */
for (z = 0, slen = 0 ; z < maxrecs; z++, slen += 79)
{lineptr[z] = slen; text[slen] = 0;}/* initialize out line ptr */
/* */
display("Text file to edit - ", 19, 1, low);
if (accept(fname, left, alt_reverse, 51, 0) && INCHAR == QUIT)
if ((fh = fileopen(fname, ascii, readonly)) < 0)
{disp_err("File name or access error",1); continue;}
disp_err(fname, 1);
if (!fh) if (!disp_qry("File not found, Create")) continue;
else {*len = 0; ptr = fname;
for (z = 0 ; z < strlen(fname) && fname[z] != '.' ; z++)
if (fname[z] == '\\') ptr = &fname[z+1];
display(ptr, 1, 50, reverse);
return 0;}
display((byte*)FN[fh].fname, 1, 50, reverse);
fileseek(fh, -1L); /* position to end of file */
if (FN[fh].location >= (long)maxsize)
{disp_err("File is too big for editor", 1);
fileclos(fh); continue;}
fileinit(fh, 0, 81, 0L); /* Max record width is set to 80 */
*len = 0; text[0] = 0;
if (!fh) return 0; /* new text file */
/* read in the text and set up line pointers */
rec_nbr = 0L;
if (fileread(fh, firstrec, &rec_nbr) <= 0) goodbye(10);
ptr = text;
display ("Loading text file ", 21, 1, high);
for (; rec_nbr < (long)maxrecs;){
slen = strlen(FN[fh].record);
FN[fh].record[slen-1] = 0; /* replace the '\n' with 0 */
strncpy(ptr, FN[fh].record, 78); ptr = &ptr[79];
if ((ret = fileread(fh, nextrec, &rec_nbr)) < 0)
if (!ret) {*len = (int)rec_nbr - 2;
fileclos(fh); return fh;} /* EOF */
if (!(rec_nbr & 0X3F)) /* print rec_nbr every 48 */
{sprintf(out, "%lu", rec_nbr);
display(out, 21, 20, reverse);}
disp_err("File contains too many records", (int)rec_nbr);
} /* end of main for loop */
} /* end of function getedit*/
* Function editfile
void editfile(text, lineptr, len)
char *text;
int *lineptr;
int *len;{
int h, top = 0, x = 1, bottom;
/* setup */
display("\030 \031 Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End PgUp PgDn", 1, 2, low);
if (mk_wndw(TOP_LINE+2, 1, SCRN_LEN - 1, 80,
" 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75")
< 0) goodbye(20);
KEYMATCH[0] = 0XA38; /* PgDn, Crs-up, Crs-rt, Tab, Shift-Tab */
KEYMATCH[1] = 0X10C; /* PgUp, Crs-dn, Crs-lt */
KEYMATCH[4] = 0X3000; /* F5, F6 */
KEYMATCH[7] = 0X1400; /* Ctrl+end, Ctrl+home */
disp_err("",1); /* force display of control keys */
h = WINDOW[W_NUM].H - 1; /* lines in screen */
scrndisp(text, lineptr, top, &bottom, *len); /* initial display */
A_TRACK = 0; INCHAR = ENTER; x = 0;
/* main for loop */
for (;;){
case CRS_LT:
case SFT_TAB: A_TRACK = 78 - 1;
case CRS_UP: if (!(--x))
if (!top) {x = 1; A_TRACK = 0;} /* at TOF */
else {scroll(-1, 0);
linedisp(text, lineptr, --top, (x = 1));
if (top + h <= bottom) bottom--;}
case ENTER:
case CRS_RT:
case TAB: A_TRACK = 0;
case CRS_DN: if ((++x) > h)
if (bottom >= *len) {x = h; A_TRACK = 78 - 1;}
else {scroll(1, 0); top++;
linedisp(text, lineptr, ++bottom, (x = h));}
{if (top + x > *len) {x--; A_TRACK = 78 - 1;}
if (top + x <= bottom) break;
case INSERT: if (*len == maxrecs) break;
insline(lineptr, top + x, *len);
scroll(-1, x - 1);
A_TRACK = 0;
text[lineptr[top + x - 1]] = 0;
*len += 1;
case DELETE: if (!*len) break;
delline(lineptr, top + x, *len);
scroll(1, x - 1);
if (*len > bottom) linedisp(text, lineptr, bottom, h);
else {bottom--; if (x > bottom - top) x--;}
*len -= 1;
case PGUP: top -= h; if (top < 0) top = 0;
scrndisp(text, lineptr, top, &bottom, *len);
case PGDN: if (bottom >= *len) break;
top += h;
scrndisp(text, lineptr, top, &bottom, *len);
if (x > bottom - top) x = bottom - top;
case CTL_HOME: top = 0; x = 1;
scrndisp(text, lineptr, top, &bottom, *len);
case CTL_END: top = *len - h;
if (top < 0) top = 0;
scrndisp(text, lineptr, top, &bottom, *len);
x = bottom - top;
case QUIT: if (disp_qry("Have you finished editing")) return;
default: disp_err("Invalid function key", 1); break;
} /* end switch */
set_crsr(x, 1);
show_nbr(top + x, *len);
if (accept(&text[lineptr[top+x-1]], as_typed, alt_reverse, 78, 0)
< 0) goodbye(10);
} /* end for loop */
} /* end function editfile */
* Function to display a line on screen
void linedisp(text, lineptr, nbr, x)
char *text;
int *lineptr;
int nbr, x;{
byte line[81];
justify(as_typed, line, &text[lineptr[nbr]], 78, 0);
display(line, x, 1, ACC_DISP);
* Function to re_display screen on edit
void scrndisp(text, lineptr, top, bottom, len)
char *text;
int *lineptr, top, *bottom, len;{
int h = WINDOW[W_NUM].H - 1, k, x;
byte line[81];
*bottom = top + h ;
if (*bottom >= len) *bottom = len;
for (x = 1, k = top ; x <= h && k < *bottom ; x++, k++)
linedisp(text, lineptr, k, x);
if (x > h) return;
memset(line, 32, 78); line[78] = 0; /* blank bottom of screen */
for (; x <= h ; display(line, x++, 1, ACC_DISP));
} /* end of function scrndisp */
* Function to insert pointer in lineptr
void insline(lineptr, k, len)
int *lineptr, k, len;{
int z = len - k, save = lineptr[len];
if (z <= 0) return; /* pointer already at EOT */
memcpy ((char*)&lineptr[k], (char*)&lineptr[k - 1], ++z * sizeof(int));
lineptr[k - 1] = save;
* Function to delete pointer from lineptr
void delline(lineptr, k, len)
int *lineptr, k, len;{
int z = len - k, save = lineptr[k - 1];
if (!z) return; /* pointer at EOT */
memcpy((char*)&lineptr[k - 1], (char*)&lineptr[k], ++z * sizeof(int));
lineptr[len] = save;
* Function to show current record location on screen
void show_nbr(loc, len)
int loc;
int len;{
char text[16];
set_clr(99, low); /* use error status color */
sprintf(text, "%3u of %-3u", loc, len);
scrn_map(text, TOP_LINE + 1, 69); /* hairy technique */
set_clr(98, low); /* reset color */
* Function to store new file to disc
void putfile(fh, fname, text, lineptr, len)
char *fname, *text;
int fh, *lineptr, len;{
long rec_nbr = 0L;
int z;
if (fh && fileback(fname) < 1) goodbye(30);
fh = fileopen(fname, ascii, recreate);
fileinit(fh, 0, 81, 0L);
if (fh <= 0) goodbye(31);
for (z = 0 ; z < len ; z++){
strcpy(FN[fh].record, &text[lineptr[z]]); /* copy to record area */
concat(FN[fh].record, 0); /* strip trailing spaces */
strcat(FN[fh].record, "\n"); /* Add the '\n' char */
if (filewrit(fh, &rec_nbr)) goodbye(32);
if (!(rec_nbr & 0XF))
disp_msg("Writing to disc - record",(int)rec_nbr);
* Main program
void main(){
int len = 0;
int fh, *lineptr;
char *text, fname[66];
/* setup */
clr_scrn("Text Editor");
text = malloc(maxsize); /* assign workarea */
lineptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * maxrecs);
if (text == NULL || lineptr == NULL) goodbye(1);
/* edit */
if ((fh = getfile(fname, text, lineptr, &len)) < 0) goodbye(2);
editfile(text, lineptr, &len);
putfile(fh, fname, text, lineptr, len);
disp_err("ready for goodbye", 11); idleloop(18);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_WNDW.ZIP
Filename : TEXTEDIT.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: