Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_WNDW.ZIP
Filename : MENU_XXX.C

Output of file : MENU_XXX.C contained in archive : C_WNDW.ZIP
/* (c) Marietta Systems, Inc. 1987
* All rights reserved
* Demonstration program for functions menu and top_menu
#include "mtest.h"
void main(){
int a = 3, b = 2, k = 1;
static byte disc[] = " :";
TOP_LINE = 2; /* allow for second line at top for menu */
clr_scrn("Menu test");
* create a 6 line, 24 column window at location (5,15)
if ( 1 > mk_wndw(5, 15, 14, 50,"menu")) goodbye(101);
menu_1: display ("Select your 'C' compiler", 1, 2, high);
* Use top_menu to select C compiler
a = top_menu("Lattice C&Quick C&Turbo C&",15, a);
if (a < 0) goodbye(102);
switch (a){
case 0: goodbye(0);
case 1: display("Lattice selected ",1,2,blink); break;
case 2: display("Microsoft selected ",1,2,blink); break;
case 3: display("Borland selected ",1,2,blink); break;
display("Now select target drive code:",2,2,high);
* create a 5 line, 2 column window at location (10,40)
* and create a 5 line menu, highlighting the 2nd item.
menu_2: if (1 > mk_wndw(10, 40, 18, 43, NULL)) goodbye(103);
b = menu("B:&C:&D:&E:&F:&", 2, b, 1);
if (b < 0) goodbye(104);
if (!b) {scroll (1,1); goto menu_1;}
disc[0] = b + 65; display (disc, 2, 32, high);
display("Target drive code selected is ", 2, 2, low);
* create a 4 line menu, 1 item per line, starting at line 4,
* column 3 of the window, and highlight the 1st item.
display("Now select transfer", 3, 2, high);
k = 1;
set_crsr(4, 3);
k = menu("Compact Model&Header File&SMall Model&SOurce&", 15, k, 1);
if (k < 0) goodbye(105);
if (!k) goto menu_2;
switch (k){
case 1: display("Compact model selected ", 3, 2, high); break;
case 2: display("Header File selected ", 3, 2, high); break;
case 3: display("Small model selected ", 3, 2, high); break;
case 4: display("Source selected ", 3, 2, high); break;
if (k && !disp_qry("Around again")) goodbye(0);
goto menu_2;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_WNDW.ZIP
Filename : MENU_XXX.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: