Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_WNDW.ZIP
Filename : HASHTEST.C

Output of file : HASHTEST.C contained in archive : C_WNDW.ZIP
/* (c) Marietta Systems, Inc. 1987
* All rights reserved
* Test program for hashed files functions
#include "mtest.h"
void main(){
long rec_nbr;
int fh2, z, x, k;
byte input[30], key[17];
clr_scrn("Filewrit access test");
KEYMATCH[4] = 0XB000;
disp_err("",1); /* activate AMEND, INSERT, DELETE keys */
* Create hashed file
if (disp_qry(" Create the hashed file"))
fh2 = hashmake("testfile.hsh", 10, 64, 200L, 5, 16);
else fh2 = fileopen("testfile.hsh", hashed, update);
if (fh2 <= 0) goodbye (106); /* open error */
while (!disp_qry(" Ready to random read/write"));
* Read the hashed file
display ("File opened - records can be read", 1, 40, low);
display ("Next record key", 4, 1, high);
rec_nbr = 1L; FN[fh2].record[64] = 0; key[0] = 0;
for (;;){
set_crsr(4, 17);
if (0 > accept(key, left, alt_reverse, 16, 0)) goodbye(101);
if (INCHAR == QUIT) break;
if (INCHAR == INSERT) x = 1; else x = 0;
rec_nbr = hashread(fh2, key, x);
if (rec_nbr < 1L) {disp_err("Press F5 key to insert new record", 1);
switch (INCHAR){
case DELETE: display(&FN[fh2].record[22], 7, 4, alt_low);
if (disp_qry("Do you want to delete the record"))
{FN[fh2].record[0] = DELETED;
filewrit(fh2, &rec_nbr);
FN[fh2].r_count -= 1L;
disp_err("Record deleted", 1013);}
case INSERT: memset(&FN[fh2].record[1], 32, FN[fh2].rec_len - 1);
memcpy(&FN[fh2].record[5], key, 16);
disp_err("Record Insert mode", 1);
case AMEND: set_crsr(7,4);
accept(&FN[fh2].record[22], as_typed, alt_reverse, 40, 0);
if (INCHAR == QUIT) {INCHAR = ENTER; break;}
if (FN[fh2].record[0] != IN_USE) {FN[fh2].record[0] = IN_USE;
FN[fh2].r_count += 1L;}
filewrit(fh2, &rec_nbr);
default: display(&FN[fh2].record[22], 7, 4, alt_low);

} /* end switch */
} /* end for */
if (fileclos(fh2) < 1) goodbye(109);
* Scan through hashed file to analyse usage
while(!disp_qry(" Ready to analyse hashed file"));
k = x = z = 0;
if (fileclos(fh2) < 0) goodbye (110);
if ((fh2 = fileopen("testfile.hsh", hashed, readonly)) <= 0) goodbye(111);
while(fileread(fh2, nextrec, &rec_nbr) > 0){
if (FN[fh2].record[0] == EMPTY) {k++; continue;}
if (FN[fh2].record[0] == DELETED) {z++; continue;}
if (FN[fh2].record[0] != IN_USE)
{disp_err("corrupted record",1); goodbye(2);}
if (!(x & 0XF)) idleloop(36);
mk_wndw(10, 25, 16, 55, "Analysis of file");
sprintf(input, " %3u records in use ", x); display(input, 1, 4, reverse);
sprintf(input, " %3u records deleted ", z); display(input, 2, 4, reverse);
sprintf(input, " %3u records empty ", k); display(input, 3, 4, reverse);
sprintf(input, " %3lu r_count value ", FN[fh2].r_count);
display(input, 5, 4, alt_reverse);
disp_msg(" Press any key to end", 1); read_kb();

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_WNDW.ZIP
Filename : HASHTEST.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: