Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C_PSLIB.ZIP
Filename : TEST_2.PS
%%Title: C_PSLIB Document
%%DocumentFonts: (atend)
%%Creator: C_PSLIB
%%CreationDate: Wed Mar 20 07:34:51 1991
%%For: C_PSLIB Document
%%Pages: (atend)
%%BoundingBox (atend)
/setpatterndict 18 dict def
setpatterndict begin
{ /ybit exch def /xbit exch def
/bytevalue bstring ybit bwidth mul xbit 8 idiv add get
/mask 1 7 xbit 8 mod sub bitshift def
bytevalue mask and 0 ne
} def
setpatterndict begin
1 add 4 mul cvi
1 add 4 mul cvi
/xbit exch def
/ybit exch def
bstring ybit xbit -3 bitshift add get
1 7 xbit 7 and sub bitshift
and 0 ne
{ /onbits onbits 1 add def 1}
{ /offbits offbits 1 add def 0}
} bind def
{ setpatterndict begin
/bstring exch def
/onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def
18.75 0 /bitpatternspotfunction load setscreen
{} settransfer
offbits offbits onbits add div setgray
} def
/FillPatterns [
] def
%-----convenience definitions
/xcur 0 def
/ycur 0 def
/pxlk 1 def
/rd {.25 sub round .25 add} bind def
/tf {transform rd exch rd exch itransform} bind def
/m {pxlk .9 lt {moveto} {tf moveto} ifelse} bind def
/rm {pxlk .9 lt {rmoveto} {tf rmoveto} ifelse} bind def
/gs {gsave} bind def
/gr {grestore} bind def
/sg {setgray} bind def
/sl {setlinewidth} bind def
/lto {pxlk .9 lt {lineto} {tf lineto} ifelse} bind def
/rlt {pxlk .9 lt {rlineto} {tf rlineto} ifelse} bind def
/cp {currentpoint} bind def
/cpxy {cp /ycur exch def /xcur exch def} bind def
/cpm {xcur ycur m} bind def
/np {newpath} bind def
/sp {FillPatterns exch get setpattern} bind def
/sk {stroke} bind def
/ep {closepath} bind def
/tr {pxlk .9 lt {translate} {tf translate} ifelse} bind def
/sc {scale} bind def
/rot {rotate} bind def
/sw {stringwidth} bind def
/p {m /indx 0 def {
dup indx 2 mul 1 add get exch
dup indx 2 mul get 3 -1 roll
/indx indx 1 add def lto
} repeat pop
} bind def
/rp {/indx 0 def {
dup indx 2 mul 1 add get exch
dup indx 2 mul get 3 -1 roll
/indx indx 1 add def rlt
} repeat pop
} bind def
/bez {m /indx 0 def {
/indxa 0 def
6 {dup indx indxa add get exch /indxa indxa 1 add def} repeat
7 1 roll
/indx indx 6 add def
} repeat pop
} bind def
%-----text placement definitions
% l left justified r right c centered
% rot includes angle for rotation
% f includes width for field overflow check
/l {
gs m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% {text}
/lf {
gs m fit S S sc show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% maxwidth
% {text}
/lrot {
gs m exch rot show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% {text}
% angle of rotation
/lrotf {
gs m fit S S sc rot show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% maxwidth
% {text}
% angle of rotation
/c {
gs m
dup sw pop 2 div
cp pop exch sub cp exch pop
m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% {text}
/cf {
gs m fit S S sc
dup sw pop 2 div
cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% maxwidth
% {text}
/crot {
gs m
dup sw pop 2 div 3 2 roll
rot cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% {text}
% angle of rotation
/crotf {
gs m fit
S S sc
dup sw pop 2 div 3 2 roll
rot cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% maxwidth
% {text}
% angle of rotation
/r {
gs m
dup sw pop
cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% {text}
/rf {
gs m fit S S sc
dup sw pop
cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% maxwidth
% {text}
/rrot {
gs m
dup sw pop 3 2 roll
rot cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% {text}
% angle of rotation
/rrotf {
gs m fit S S sc
dup sw pop 3 2 roll
rot cp pop exch sub
cp exch pop m show gr
} bind def
% stack y
% x
% maxwidth
% {text}
% angle of rotation
% /setmatfont {findfont exch makefont setfont} bind def
/smf {findfont exch makefont setfont} bind def
% stack /font-name
% [fontmatrix]
% /setscalefont {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def
/ssf {findfont exch makefont setfont} bind def
% stack /font-name
% y
% x
%-----fit checks the stringwidth against W on the stack
% and determines a scale factor for reduction if too long
/fit {
/S 1.0 def
/W exch def
dup sw pop
S mul W gt W 0 gt and
S .01 sub
/S exch def
} bind def
% stack maxwidth
% {text}
%-----paragraph definitions
/pl {
str show
} bind def
/pr {
pmaxx width sub py m str show
} bind def
/pc {
pmaxx px sub width sub 2 div px add py m str show
} bind def
/pj {
str spos 1 sub get 8#040 eq {
spos 1 gt {
/spos spos 1 sub def
} ifelse
} ifelse
} loop
wcount -1 eq {
/wcount 0 def
0 1 spos 1 sub {
str exch get 8#040 eq {
/wcount wcount 1 add def
} if
} for
pmaxx px sub width sub wcount div
0 8#040 str 0 spos getinterval widthshow
/wcount 0 def
} ifelse
} bind def
/pardef {
/pshow exch cvx load def
/pmaxy exch def
/pmaxx exch def
/py exch def
/px exch def
/plead exch def
px py m
/wcount 0 def
/str () def
} bind def
/crlf {
py plead sub
/py exch def
px py m
} bind def
/parend {
/wcount -1 def crlf str pshow pop /str () def
} bind def
/lp {
wcount 0 eq {
/str 512 string def
dup /spos exch length def
dup /width exch sw pop def
str cvs pop
/wcount 1 def
dup sw pop width add px add pmaxx gt {
crlf pshow
/wcount 0 def
/wcount wcount 1 add def
dup sw pop width add /width exch def
dup str exch spos exch putinterval
length spos add /spos exch def
} bind def
%-----end of standard definitions
% initialization
[ 12.000 0.000 0.000 12.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Courier ssf
%%Page: 1 1
0.800 sg
540.000 720.000 tr
0.500 0.500 sc
[ 14.000 0.000 0.000 14.000 0.000 0.000 ] /AvantGarde-Demi ssf
0.000 0.000 tr
24 { % loop depth 1
0.000 0.000 m
(c_ps.lib) 0.000 0.000 l
15.000 rot
} repeat % end loop depth 1
0.000 0.000 m
[ 20.000 0.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 ] /AvantGarde-Demi ssf
0.000 sg
(c_ps.lib) -6.500 -5.500 l
[ 10.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Times-Roman ssf
(Barton Creek Software) 0.000 -66.000 c
(512-441-8354) 0.000 -76.000 c
0.000 100.000 tr
100.000 300.000 m
100.000 600.000 lto
[ 14.000 0.000 0.000 14.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Helvetica ssf
(LEFT) 100.000 410.000 l
(RIGHT) 100.000 430.000 r
(CENTER) 100.000 450.000 c
100.000 200.000 m
100.000 400.000 lto
200.000 400.000 lto
200.000 200.000 lto
(Squeeze to) 40.000 100.000 204.000 lf
(Fit Horizontally) 50.000 200.000 204.000 rf
90.000 (Rotate and Squeeze Text to Fit on an Angle) 196.000 150.000 300.000 crotf
160.000 (Left, Center, or Right Justify Text at any Angle) 105.000 600.000 rrot
0.000 -100.000 tr
[ 20.000 0.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Times-Roman ssf
270.000 (Say Hello to the world of PostScript) 396.000 408.000 216.000 crotf
100.000 175.000 m
310.000 175.000 lto
[ 10.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Times-Roman ssf
12.000 100.000 175.000 310.000 0.000 (pj) pardef
(The ) lp
(computing ) lp
(world ) lp
(has ) lp
(undergone ) lp
(a ) lp
(revolution ) lp
(since ) lp
(the ) lp
(publication ) lp
(of ) lp
(the ) lp
(C ) lp
(Programming ) lp
(Language ) lp
(in ) lp
(1978. ) lp
(Big ) lp
(computers ) lp
(are ) lp
(much ) lp
(bigger, ) lp
(and ) lp
(personal ) lp
(computers ) lp
(have ) lp
(capabilities ) lp
(that ) lp
(rival ) lp
(the ) lp
(mainframes ) lp
(of ) lp
(a ) lp
(decade ) lp
(ago. ) lp
(During ) lp
(this ) lp
(time, ) lp
(C ) lp
(has ) lp
(changed ) lp
(too, ) lp
(although ) lp
(only ) lp
(modestly, ) lp
(and ) lp
(it ) lp
(has ) lp
(spread ) lp
(far ) lp
(beyond ) lp
(its ) lp
(origins ) lp
(as ) lp
(the ) lp
(language ) lp
(of ) lp
(the ) lp
(UNIX ) lp
(operating ) lp
(system.) lp
[ 12.000 0.000 0.000 12.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Times-Italic ssf
(Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie) 310.000 60.000 r
[ 8.000 0.000 0.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 ] /Times-Italic ssf
(Preface to Second Edition, The C Programming Language) 310.000 48.000 r
/#copies 1 def
%%PageFonts: Courier AvantGarde-Demi Times-Roman Helvetica Times-Italic
%%Pages: 1
%%DocumentFonts: Courier AvantGarde-Demi Times-Roman Helvetica Times-Italic
%%BoundingBox: 0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: