Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CURSESNT.ZIP
Filename : NTIO.C

Output of file : NTIO.C contained in archive : CURSESNT.ZIP

Windows NT Curses Functions i/o for Win32 console mode

Written by David Feinleib and the Windows NT marching band 6/15/92
For use with PCCurses 1.4


#include /* eof() */

static int myrow = 1000;
static int mycol = 1000;

extern HANDLE hConIn;
extern HANDLE hConOut;

static int cbreak = 1;

void sleep(int seconds)
Sleep(seconds * 1000);

void _cursescattr(char chr, DWORD attr)
CHAR_INFO ciBuffer[1];
COORD dwSize;
SMALL_RECT srWindow;
COORD dwOrigin;
int i, len;

dwSize.X = 1;
dwSize.Y = 1;

dwOrigin.X = 0;
dwOrigin.Y = 0;

srWindow.Left = mycol;
srWindow.Top = myrow;
srWindow.Right = mycol + 1;
srWindow.Bottom = myrow + 1;

if (chr == ' ' && attr < 10)
attr = (attr & 0x80);

ciBuffer[0].Char.AsciiChar = chr;
ciBuffer[0].Attributes = attr;

WriteConsoleOutput(hConOut, (PCHAR_INFO) &ciBuffer,
dwSize, dwOrigin, &srWindow);

if (mycol++ >= 80)
mycol = 0;

void _cursescursor(int row, int column)
COORD dwCursorPosition;

if (row == myrow && column == mycol)

dwCursorPosition.X = column;
dwCursorPosition.Y = row;

SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConOut, dwCursorPosition);

myrow = row;
mycol = column;

int _cursesgcols()

GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConOut, &csInfo);
// return (csInfo.dwSize.X);
return (80);


int _cursesglines()

GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConOut, &csInfo);
// return (csInfo.dwSize.Y);
return (25);


void _cursesputc(char chr, DWORD attr)

CHAR_INFO ciBuffer[1];
COORD dwSize;
SMALL_RECT srWindow;
COORD dwOrigin;
int i, len;

dwSize.X = 1;
dwSize.Y = 1;

dwOrigin.X = 0;
dwOrigin.Y = 0;

srWindow.Left = mycol;
srWindow.Top = myrow;
srWindow.Right = mycol + 1;
srWindow.Bottom = myrow + 1;

ciBuffer[0].Char.AsciiChar = chr;
ciBuffer[0].Attributes = attr;

WriteConsoleOutput(hConOut, (PCHAR_INFO) ciBuffer,
dwSize, dwOrigin, &srWindow);

if (mycol++ >= 80)
mycol = 0;


void _cursesscroll(int urow, int lcol, int lrow,
int rcol, int lines, DWORD attr)
SMALL_RECT srScrollRect;
SMALL_RECT srClipRect;
COORD dwDestOrigin;
CHAR_INFO *ciFill;
int len, i;

if (lines == 0)
DWORD dwWritten;
cr.X = 0;
cr.Y = 0;
FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConOut, ' ', (rcol - lcol + 1) * (lrow - urow),
cr, &dwWritten);
if (lines < 0)
dwDestOrigin.Y = urow - 1;
if (lines > 0)
dwDestOrigin.Y = urow + 1;

dwDestOrigin.X = lcol;

srScrollRect.Left = lcol;
srScrollRect.Top = urow;
srScrollRect.Right = rcol;
srScrollRect.Bottom = lrow;

ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(hConOut, &srScrollRect,
len = (rcol - lcol) * (lrow - urow);

for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
ciFill[i].Char.AsciiChar = ' ';
ciFill[i].Attributes = 0;

int _cursesgcmode()
return (0); /* need to convert between con info (%) and bits */

/* _cursescmode -- sets cursor size */
void _cursescmode(int startrow, int endrow)

int _curseskey()
int ch;

ch = NTGetChar();

// ch = getchar();

return (ch);

int _curseskeytst()
INPUT_RECORD inputrec[81];
DWORD dwRead;
int i;

if (PeekConsoleInput(hConIn, (PINPUT_RECORD)inputrec, 80,
for (i = 0; i < dwRead; i++)
if (inputrec[i].EventType == KEY_EVENT
&& !inputrec[i].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown
&& (isalnum(inputrec[i].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar)
|| ispunct(inputrec[i].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar)
|| isspace(inputrec[i].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar)))
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);

int NTGetChar()
char szBuf[5];
DWORD dwRead;
DWORD dwMode;
DWORD dwModeSave = 0L;

if (GetConsoleMode(hConIn, &dwMode))
dwModeSave = dwMode;
SetConsoleMode(hConIn, dwMode);
ReadFile(hConIn, szBuf, 1, &dwRead, NULL);
if (dwModeSave)
SetConsoleMode(hConIn, dwModeSave);

return (szBuf[0]);


int _cursesgcb()
return (cbreak);

void _cursesscb(int setting)
cbreak = setting;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CURSESNT.ZIP
Filename : NTIO.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: