Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CTB100T.ZIP
Filename : SONGS.C
int melody[250];
int beat[250];
int choice = 0, jx, i = 0;
printf("\n\nThe following is a demonstration of the background\n");
printf("music capability of the C Tool Box Library version 1.00\n");
printf("It is simply written with no safeguards but does\n");
printf("illustrate a method of obtaining more than one song\n");
printf("played with the current command structure. The \n");
printf("background sound capability will be improved and \n");
printf("restructured somewhat for the next major release.\n\n");
printf("You may make a selection of songs to play\n");
printf("but once a song starts to play do NOT attempt\n");
printf("to rerun the program and start a new one. Let\n");
printf("the first song finish before starting a new one\n");
printf("\n\nChoose\n\n 1. Jingle Bells\n");
printf(" 2. Sugar Plum Fairy\n");
printf(" 3. We Wish You a Merry Xmas\n");
printf(" 4. Deck the Halls\n");
printf(" 5. End the Program\n");
scanf("%d", &choice);
if (choice == 1)
jx = 1;
while (jx != 255)
melody[i] = jx = j[i];
beat[i] = jb[i];
if (choice == 2)
jx = 1;
while (jx != 255)
melody[i] = jx = s[i];
beat[i] = sb[i];
if (choice == 3)
jx = 1;
while (jx != 255)
melody[i] = jx = w[i];
beat[i] = wb[i];
if (choice == 4)
jx = 1;
while (jx != 255)
melody[i] = jx = d[i];
beat[i] = db[i];
printf("\n\n\We at Unicorn Software wish you and yours the\n");
printf("very best of holiday seasons.\n\n");
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: