Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CPAREN.ZIP
Filename : CPAREN.C

Output of file : CPAREN.C contained in archive : CPAREN.ZIP
* Copyright (c) 1984 by
* Tektronix, Incorporated Beaverton, Oregon 97077
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted for personal, non-commercial
* reproduction and use of this program, provided that this
* notice is included in any copy.

#define VARS /* to declare all the variables in cparen.h */
#ifdef MSDOS
#include "y_tab.h"
#include ""
#include "cparen.h"

static char *rcsid = "$Header: cparen.c,v 1.10 84/04/05 09:21:42 bradn Stable $";

int argc;
char **argv;
char *tp, *ep, *cp;
struct lexed *lp; /* lex token pointer */
int atend; /* a temp */
char *rindex();

if ((cmd = rindex(argv[0], '/'))) {
} else {
cmd = argv[0];

/* scan the command line */

tp = (char *) 0;
while (++argv, --argc > 0) {
cp = *argv;
if (*cp == '-') {
while (*++cp) {
switch(*cp) {
case 't':
if (tp) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: option -%c used more than once\n", cmd, *cp);
goto baduse;
if (++argv, --argc <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing type list\n", cmd);
goto baduse;
tp = *argv;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option -%c\n", cmd, *cp);
goto baduse;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: extra string `%s'\n", cmd, cp);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s [-t types]\n", cmd);

if (tp) {

/* install whitespace-separated type names */

atend = 0;
while (!atend && *tp) {
for (ep = tp;
*ep && *ep != ' ' && *ep != '\t' && *ep != '\n';
atend = *ep == '\0';
*ep = '\0';
if (ep - tp > 0) {
tp = ++ep;

/* init the lexed token list */

firsttok.l_text = "";
firsttok.l_prev = (struct lexed *) 0;
firsttok.l_next = &lasttok;
firsttok.l_val = 0;
lasttok.l_text = "";
lasttok.l_prev = &firsttok;
lasttok.l_next = (struct lexed *) 0;
lasttok.l_val = 0;

nonode.n_op = LIT;
nonode.n_flags = 0;
nonode.n_ledge = (struct lexed *) 0;
nonode.n_redge = (struct lexed *) 0;

if (yyparse() == 1) {

for (lp = firsttok.l_next; lp != &lasttok; lp = lp->l_next) {
fputs(lp->l_text, stdout);


consider(op, lc, rc) /* consider putting parens around the children */
int op; /* the parent operator */
struct node *lc; /* the left child (or NIL) */
struct node *rc; /* the right child (or NIL) */
struct node **cpp; /* child pointer-pointer (a temp) */
struct node *cp; /* child pointer */

/* ignore children of the 'literal' operator */

if (op == LIT) {

/* for each child ... */
cpp = &lc;
do {
/* consider only non-null, non-dummy children */
cp = *cpp;
if (cp && cp != NOP) {

if (haspar(cp)
|| op == CAST && cpp == &lc
|| cp->n_op == LIT
|| cp->n_op == CAST && !hasr(cp)
|| op == CM
|| op == BRACK && cpp == &rc
|| op == CALL && cpp == &rc
|| op == QUEST && cpp == &rc
|| op == cp->n_op && (
* don't parenthesize things which
* might be rearranged in spite of it.
op == MUL
|| op == PLUS
|| op == AND
|| op == ER
|| op == OR
) {
/* do nothing */
} else {
/* add parentheses */
cp->n_ledge =
instok(LP, "(", cp->n_ledge->l_prev);
cp->n_redge =
instok(RP, ")", cp->n_redge);
cp->n_flags |= HASPAR;

/* move on to the next child */

if (cpp == &lc) {
cpp = &rc;
} else {
cpp = (struct node **) 0;
} while (cpp);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CPAREN.ZIP
Filename : CPAREN.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: