Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CLINT162.ZIP
Filename : CSETUP.HLP

Output of file : CSETUP.HLP contained in archive : CLINT162.ZIP
%% default HelponHelp Help
CLint Setup - Help on Help

|(Help on Help|$

This is the |(Clint Setup|$ Help on Help. To get help at any
time, type |[F1|$ and a relevant help page will appear. Within
Help you can cross reference to items in this colour:

by clicking on the item, or moving the cursor to the item,
or pressing |[TAB|$, and then pressing |[RETURN|$. Help remembers
previous pages - you can return to a previous page with

You can resize, close, zoom, unzoom, and move most boxes
with the mouse as shown below. The scroll bars indicate
where within the text you are, and you can move around in
the text by dragging the thumb-tabs, clicking the arrow-
heads, or using the arrow keys, |[PageUp|$, or |[PageDn|$ keys.
You can reach related Help topics with the grey |[[-]|$ and
|[[+]|$ keys.

You can jump to the end of the text with |[Ctrl-PageDn|$, or
to the start with |[Ctrl-PageUp|$. On those boxes which allow
it, you can resize it by dragging any corner.

|( click to drag click to|$
|( close box zoom|$
|( \ ³ /|$
|( ÉÍ[]ÍÍÍÍ title ÍÍÍÍ[]Í»|$
|( º ÄÄ click up|$
|( º °|$
|( º þÄÄ drag up & down|$
|( º °|$
|( º ÄÄ click down|$
|( ÈÍ°°°°°°°þ°°°°°°°°°°°ͼ|$
|( / ³ \|$
|( click drag left click|$
|( left and right right|$

If you don't have a mouse, you can move and resize boxes
with the |[Scroll Lock|$ like this:

Press the |[Scroll Lock|$ once and you'll be able to move
the box with the arrow keys. To resize the box use the
|[Home|$, |[End|$, |[PageUp|$ and |[PageDn|$ keys. You'll probably
find this works best on the numeric keypad. Remember
to release the |[Scroll Lock|$ after use.

To get you started, here are some topics:

| %% Contents
CLint Setup Help - Contents


Help is available on these topics:

| | | | | | %% Index
CLint Setup Help - Index


| | | | | | | | %% Continue
CLint Setup Help - Continue button

|(cOntinue button|$

Select this button by clicking on it or typing the
capitalized letter, or press |[RETURN|$. Or you can press
|[ESCAPE|$ to exit the message box.

| %% OK
CLint Setup Help - OK button

|(oK button|$

To accept and close a dialog box select this button by
clicking on it or typing the capitalized letter.

| %% Cancel
CLint Setup Help - Cancel button

|(Cancel button|$

To close a dialog box with no changes select this button
by clicking on it or typing it's first letter. Or you can
press |[ESCAPE|$.

| %% About
CLint Setup Help - About

|(Info - About|$

Details about the |(CLint Setup|$ program itself.

| %% Exit
CLint Setup Help - Exit menu

|(eXit Menu [Alt-X]|$

Select |[Yes|$ to terminate the program, |[No|$ or press |[ESCAPE|$ to
carry on.

Selecting |[DOS Shell|$ will temporarily exit the |[CLint Setup|$
program. When you have finished in DOS type |(EXIT|$ to return
to the program. You can do this at any time by pressing

| %% Yesno ConfirmBox
CLint Setup Help - Confirm box

|(Confirm box|$

You must answer the question asked in this box with |[[Y]|$ to
accept the question, or |[[N]|$ if you don't. Pressing |[ESCAPE|$
is the same as No.

Whatever you reply, the box then closes.

| %% Info info InfoMenu
CLint Setup Help - Info

|(Information about the CLint Setup program|$

The |[Info|$ menu allows you to:

| on the current drive.

View the | program.

Choose your |
| %% Display
CLint Setup Help - Display

|(Choose your Display type.|$

Choose the display type which gives you the most readable
display. |[CLint Setup|$ will usually detect the display type
you are using, and choose the appropriate display for you.
The supported displays are:

CGA, EGA, VGA, Super VGA, Notepad LCD

| %% Disk DiskSpace
CLint Setup Help - Disk Space

|(Check the amount of unused disk space|$

This option shows you the amount of available disk space
on your PC on your current drive.

The |[Cluster Size|$ defines the smallest amount of space used
by any single file.

|[Free Space|$ shows the number of kilobytes of free space (a
kilobyte is 1024 bytes, a megabyte is 1024 kilobytes).

|[Total Space|$ shows the overall size of the drive in

| %% InstallDir InstallDirectory
Clint Setup Help - Install Directory

|(Specify the directory to install CLint to.|$

Either type the path you need, or click on the offered
text where you want to make the change, and use the arrow
keys, backspace, |[DEL|$ as required. Press |[RETURN|$ when you've
finished entering the directory.

The directory name you type must be absolute, that is it
must start with a drive letter and colon, then a slash,
then the directory. The default is:


|[Clint Setup|$ creates the directory if it does not exist.

| %% Compiler CompilerSelection
Clint Setup Help - Compiler selection.

|(Choose the compiler you use.|$

|[CLint|$ supports directly a number of popular compilers. If
your compiler is one of these, just click on it, or use
the arrow keys and press |[RETURN|$.

If your compiler is not directly supported, you must
choose |(12: Other|$. This will install a minimal subset
library (essentially the ANSI Standard C subset). You will
need to edit the file |[CGEN.C|$ to add vendor specific header
files, and then execue |[CGEN.BAT|$ to build a specific

|[CLint|$ supports the Intel iC96 compiler. This is
representative of many standard microcontroller compilers.
For these controllers, the language extension:

extern register

is supported to allow you to refer to the special I/O
registers these controllers have. |[CLint|$ enables this
extension by using a checking library with a '.Y'
extension. If you use a controller compiler, you must
either rename the file |[CGEN|$ to |[CGEN.Y|$, or use the '|[-Y|$'
switch on the command line each time you use |[CLint|$.

|[Clint|$ supports the Archimedes 68HC11 compiler. This
compiler has a number of non-ANSI extensions which are
enabled by using a checking library with a '.G' extension.

| %% IncludeDir IncludeDirectory
Clint Setup Help - Compiler Include Directory.

|(Specify your compiler's Include directory.|$

|[Clint Setup|$ knows the directories used by default for all
the compilers it supports, and writes the directory name
into the |[CLINT.CFG|$ file it constructs. If your compiler
was not installed to a standard place, edit the offered

Almost all compilers provide the file |(STDIO.H|$ in their
header directory, which is normally named:


where 'name' is suggestive of the vendor or product. When
you tell |[CLint Setup|$ to proceed with installation or
configuration change, it tests the directory you specify
to see that it contains |(STDIO.H|$. If not, it will ask you
to confirm the directory you specify.

| %% Go StartingInstall
CLint Setup Help - Install

|(The Install Button.|$

When you've selected the directories and compiler you
require, click on the Install button. |[CLint Setup|$ will
then install |[CLint|$.

If any errors are detected, |[CLint Setup|$ will either ask
for confirmation for minor errors (answering No returns
you to the form), or for fatal errors it pops up a message
box informing you of the error, and terminates when you
press |(RETURN|$.

|[CLint Setup|$ reads your |(AUTOEXEC.BAT|$ file to see if any
changes are needed to run |[CLint|$ properly. If changes are
needed, you are asked to confirm that the change may
occur. Should you agree, |[CLint Setup|$ will automatically
reboot your computer after making the changes.
Specifically, it must add your |[CLint|$ directory to the
|(PATH|$, and create an environment (set) variable specifying
your |[CLint|$ directory.

| %% Reconf ReconfiguringCLint
CLint Setup Help - Reconfigure

|(The Reconfigure Button.|$

When you've modified the directories and compiler you
require, click on the Reconfigure button. |[CLint Setup|$ will
then modify your |[CLINT.CFG|$. The original file is renamed

If any errors are detected, |[CLint Setup|$ will either ask
for confirmation for minor errors (answering No returns
you to the form), or for fatal errors it pops up a message
box informing you of the error, and terminates when you
press |(RETURN|$.


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CLINT162.ZIP
Filename : CSETUP.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: