Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : SSYSTEM.C

Output of file : SSYSTEM.C contained in archive : CEPHES22.ZIP
/* Main program to perform a point-mass integration of the
* Solar system, with relativistic corrections. The initial
* conditions are those of the JPL DE200 numerical integration.
* The final solution, given in the vector yn1[], is taken from
* the DE200 for 100 days later. A test run of 400 steps in double
* precison IEEE arithmetic with step size = 1/4 day and 11th
* order Adams integration yielded agreement to about 10^-10 au
* for the inner planets, 10^-12 au for Pluto, and 10^-8 au
* for the Moon. The DE200, of course, included Earth-Moon figure
* effects and five of the asteroids, and its arithmetic was
* probably higher than double precision.
* If the Adams order is set to N, the first N+1 steps are
* performed by the Runge-Kutta subroutine rungek.c. These
* take about 7 times longer than the subsequent ones done
* by the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton routine adams.c.
* Neither the step size nor the approximation order has been
* made self-adjusting. Some experimentation is recommended, to
* achieve the desired balance of speed and accuracy. The
* example above was chosen to give about the same theoretical
* error per day as specified in the DE102 reference below.
* -Steve Moshier

#include "int.h"

/* Compute relativity corrections, or not: */
#define DOREL 1

/* Include the Moon as a separate body, or not: */
#define MOON 1

/* Constrain the relativistic barycenter of the solar
* system to stay at the origin. Note, with the asteroids
* (10^-9 solar masses) missing, this step is possibly useless
* and was omitted in the test example. The code for it is
* supplied at the end of this file.
#define BARYC 0

double sqrt();

#if MOON
#define NBODY 11
#define IMOON 9
#define NBODY 10
#define ISUN (NBODY-1)
#define NTOTAL (NBODY)
#define NEQ (6*NBODY)
#define MAXORD 13

#define NEQC (NEQ-6)
#define NEQC NEQ
#define NEQC (NEQ)

static double vnewt[NEQ];
static double awork[ (NEQ*(MAXORD+2))+(MAXORD+2)+(6*NEQ) ];
static double rwork[(MAXRUNG+2)*NEQ];
static double Rij[NTOTAL][NTOTAL];

/* Speed of light. Note, all dimensions are in astronomical
* units (au) and days (86,400 seconds).
#define C 173.1446328

/* Solar system barycentric velocity and position
* state of Mercury, Venus, EMB, ..., Pluto, MOON, Sun
* in the order dx/dt, x, dy/dt, y, dz/dt, z for each object.
* EMB is the arithmetic average of Earth and Moon, weighted by
* their masses. The coordinates of the MOON variable are the difference
* between the solar system barycentric coordinates of the Moon
* minus those of the Earth.

/* Julian date of the initial state yn[]
* June 28.0, 1969:
#define JD0 2440400.50

static double yn[] = {
3.367492758813184e-003, /* Mercury */

1.095206748972985e-002, /* Venus */

1.681126759384403e-002, /* EMB */

1.448165239083299e-002, /* Mars */

1.092015004926191e-003, /* Jupiter */

-3.217557586964646e-003, /* Saturn */

2.211920155513113e-004, /* Uranus */

2.642773506889557e-003, /* Neptune */

3.221893230538327e-004, /* Pluto */
#if MOON
-3.524457445683394e-007, /* Sun */

/* Julian date of the state yn1[]: */
#define JD1 2440500.50

static double yn1[] = {








#if MOON

/* Earth's mass divided by Moon's mass
#define EMRAT 81.300587

/* GM's of the solar system bodies
* These are scaled such that GMsun = k^2
* (k = Gaussian gravitational constant).
double GMs[] = {
4.912547451450812e-011, /* Mercury */
7.243456209632766e-010, /* Venus */
#if MOON
(8.997011658557308e-010*EMRAT)/(1.0+EMRAT), /* Earth */
8.997011658557308e-010, /* EMB */
9.549528942224058e-011, /* Mars */
2.825342103445926e-007, /* Jupiter */
8.459468504830660e-008, /* Saturn */
1.288816238138035e-008, /* Uranus */
1.532112481284276e-008, /* Neptune */
2.276247751863699e-012, /* Pluto */
#if MOON
(8.997011658557308e-010)/(1.0+EMRAT), /* Moon */
2.959122082855911e-004 /* Sun */

double t, e0, e, err, h, ccor;
double *pdv;
int i, ii, j, nsteps, ord;
double adstep();

printf( "Adams order ? " );
scanf( "%d", &ord );
if( (ord > MAXORD) || (ord < 1) )
printf( "order must be between 1 and %d\n", MAXORD );
goto orlup;

printf( "step size, days ? " );
scanf( "%lf", &h );

printf( "Number of steps ? " );
scanf( "%d", &nsteps );

for( i=0; i<((MAXRUNG+2)*NEQ); i++ )
rwork[i] = 0.0;

printf( "initializing...\n" );
t = JD0;
err = 0.0;
rkstart( NEQ, rwork );
adstart( h, yn, awork, NEQ, ord, t );
printf( "initialized.\n" );

for( j=1; j<=nsteps; j++ )
err += adstep( &t, yn, NEQC );
printf( "%5d %11.2lf %.3e\n", j, t, err );

printf( "Final x, y, z, positions and errors:\n" );
ii = 0;
for (i=0; i {
printf("%19.15lf %19.15lf %19.15lf\n",
yn[ii+1], yn[ii+3], yn[ii+5] );
printf("%19.3e %19.3e %19.3e\n",
yn[ii+1] - yn1[ii+1],
yn[ii+3] - yn1[ii+3],
yn[ii+5] - yn1[ii+5] );
ii += 6;

/* Subroutine func() calculates the forces and accelerations.
* Data in the output vector v[] are in the order
* d^2x/dt^2, dx/dt, d^2y/dt^2, dy/dt, d^2z/dt^2, dz/dt
* for each object. For this problem the velocities dx/dt, ...
* are simply copied over from the input array y[].

#if MOON
#define yxx yin
#define yxx y

func( t, yxx, v )
double t; /* time */
double yxx[]; /* input state: velocity and position */
double v[]; /* output: calculated acceleration, copy of input velocity */
int i, j, k;
int ii, jj;
double xs, ys, zs;
double xd, yd, zd, r, s, csqi;
double temp, rc, vi;
double xv, yv, zv;

/* Copy input to temp and unravel earth/moon
#if MOON
static double xm, ym, zm;
static double y[NEQ];

for( i=0; i y[i] = yin[i];
/* Locally replace input variable EMB by barycentric earth
* and input variable M by barycentric Moon.
xm = yin[55]; /* M */
ym = yin[57];
zm = yin[59];
ii = 12;
jj = 54;
for( i=0; i<6; i++ )
zd = yin[ii+i]; /* EMB */
yd = yin[jj+i]/(1.0+EMRAT); /* M */
y[ii+i] = zd - yd; /* r_e */
y[jj+i] = zd + EMRAT * yd; /* r_m */

/* Constrain the barycenter to stay at the origin.
* This is done by adjusting the Sun, which body is then
* not included with the variables that are integrated.
fixsun( y, v );

/* Table of distances between objects i and j */
jj = 0;
for (j=0; j {
ii = 0;
xv = y[jj+1];
yv = y[jj+3];
zv = y[jj+5];
for (i=0; i {
xd = xv - y[ii+1];
yd = yv - y[ii+3];
zd = zv - y[ii+5];
r = sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd + zd*zd);
Rij[j][i] = r;
Rij[i][j] = r;
ii += 6;
jj += 6;

#if MOON
/* Take the input M vector for distance from Earth to Moon. */
r = sqrt( xm*xm + ym*ym + zm*zm );
Rij[2][9] = r;
Rij[9][2] = r;

/* Compute Newtonian acceleration. */
ii = 0;
for( i=0; i {
xs = 0.0;
ys = 0.0;
zs = 0.0;
xv = y[ii+1];
yv = y[ii+3];
zv = y[ii+5];
jj = 0;
for( j=0; j {
if( j != i )
xd = y[jj+1] - xv;
yd = y[jj+3] - yv;
zd = y[jj+5] - zv;
r = Rij[i][j];
temp = GMs[j]/(r * r * r);
xs += xd * temp;
ys += yd * temp;
zs += zd * temp;
jj += 6;
vnewt[ii] = xs; /* acceleration */
vnewt[ii+2] = ys;
vnewt[ii+4] = zs;
vnewt[ii+1] = y[ii]; /* velocity */
vnewt[ii+3] = y[ii+2];
vnewt[ii+5] = y[ii+4];
ii += 6;


/* Relativistic corrections. Reference:
* Newhall, XX, E. M. Standish, and J. G. Williams, "DE102: a
* numerically integrated ephemeris of the Moon and planets
* spanning forty-four centuries," Astronomy and Astrophysics
* 125, 150-167 (1983).

csqi = 1.0/(C*C);
ii = 0;
for (i=0; i {
v[ii] = 0.0;
v[ii+2] = 0.0;
v[ii+4] = 0.0;

xv = y[ii]; /* velocity */
yv = y[ii+2];
zv = y[ii+4];
vi = xv*xv + yv*yv + zv*zv;

xs = 0.0;
ys = 0.0;
zs = 0.0;
jj = 0;
for (j=0; j {
if( j == i )
jj += 6;
continue; /* skip to next j if i = j */

xd = y[jj+1] - y[ii+1];
yd = y[jj+3] - y[ii+3];
zd = y[jj+5] - y[ii+5];

s = 0.0;
for (k=0; k {
if( k == i )
s += GMs[k]/Rij[i][k];
rc = -4.0 * csqi * s;

s = 0.0;
for (k=0; k {
if(k ==j )
s += GMs[k]/Rij[j][k];
rc -= csqi * s;

rc += vi * csqi;

xv = y[jj];
yv = y[jj+2];
zv = y[jj+4];

r = xv * xv + yv * yv + zv * zv;
rc += 2.0 * csqi * r;

r = y[ii] * y[jj] + y[ii+2] * y[jj+2] + y[ii+4] * y[jj+4];
rc -= 4.0 * csqi * r;

s = -xd * y[jj] - yd * y[jj+2] - zd * y[jj+4];
s /= Rij[i][j];
rc -= 1.5 * csqi * s * s;

s = xd * vnewt[jj] + yd * vnewt[jj+2] + zd * vnewt[jj+4];
rc += 0.5 * csqi * s;

r = Rij[i][j];
temp = GMs[j]/(r * r * r);

rc = temp * (1.0 + rc );
xs += xd * rc;
ys += yd * rc;
zs += zd * rc;

s = -xd * (4.0*y[ii] - 3.0*y[jj])
- yd * (4.0*y[ii+2] - 3.0*y[jj+2])
- zd * (4.0*y[ii+4] - 3.0*y[jj+4]);
s = s * temp * csqi;
xs += s * (y[ii] - y[jj]);
ys += s * (y[ii+2] - y[jj+2]);
zs += s * (y[ii+4] - y[jj+4]);

temp = 3.5 * csqi * GMs[j] / r;
xs += temp * vnewt[jj];
ys += temp * vnewt[jj+2];
zs += temp * vnewt[jj+4];
jj += 6;
v[ii] = xs;
v[ii+2] = ys;
v[ii+4] = zs;
v[ii+1] = y[ii];
v[ii+3] = y[ii+2];
v[ii+5] = y[ii+4];
ii += 6;
/* No relativity theory. Return the Newtonian accelerations. */
ii = 0;
for( i=0; i {
v[ii] = vnewt[ii];
v[ii+2] = vnewt[ii+2];
v[ii+4] = vnewt[ii+4];
v[ii+1] = y[ii];
v[ii+3] = y[ii+2];
v[ii+5] = y[ii+4];
ii += 6;

#if MOON
/* Convert barycentric Earth and Moon to output EMB and M variables. */
ii = 12;
jj = 54;
for( i=0; i<6; i += 2 )
xd = v[ii+i]; /* Earth */
yd = v[jj+i]; /* Moon */
v[ii+i] = (EMRAT * xd + yd)/(EMRAT+1.0); /* EMB */
v[jj+i] = yd - xd; /* M = Moon - Earth */
v[ii+i+1] = yin[ii+i];
v[jj+i+1] = yin[jj+i];

/* Constraint that the center of the relativistic masses = zero.
static double ysun[6];

fixsun( y, v )
double y[], v[];
double xx, yy, zz, vx, vy, vz, ax, ay, az;
double csqi, s;
double mustar[NTOTAL];
int i, j, k, ii, jj;

for( ii=0; ii<6; ii++ )
ysun[ii] = y[ii+(6*ISUN)];

csqi = 0.5 / (C*C);
for( k=0; k<2; k++ )
{ /* Iterate to find solution of implicit expressions. */

/* Table of distances between bodies i and j.
* Note, most of this work may already have been done by func().
ii = 6;
for( i=1; i {
jj = 0;
vx = y[ii+1]; /* position */
vy = y[ii+3];
vz = y[ii+5];
for( j=0; j {
xx = vx - y[jj+1];
yy = vy - y[jj+3];
zz = vz - y[jj+5];
xx = sqrt( xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz );
Rij[i][j] = xx;
Rij[j][i] = xx;
jj += 6;
ii += 6;
/* Relativistic GM of each body */
ii = 0;
for( i=0; i {
vx = y[ii]; /* velocity */
vy = y[ii+2];
vz = y[ii+4];
s = vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz; /* square of velocity */
for( j=0; j {
if( j == i )
s -= GMs[j]/Rij[i][j];
mustar[i] = GMs[i] * (1.0 + csqi * s);
ii += 6;
/* Compute center of mass with Sun omitted. */
xx = 0.0;
yy = 0.0;
zz = 0.0;
vx = 0.0;
vy = 0.0;
vz = 0.0;
ii = 0;
for( i=0; i {
s = mustar[i];
xx += y[ii+1] * s; /* position */
yy += y[ii+3] * s;
zz += y[ii+5] * s;
vx += y[ii] * s; /* velocity */
vy += y[ii+2] * s;
vz += y[ii+4] * s;
ii += 6;
/* Evaluate the Sun so that the center = 0. */
s = mustar[ISUN];
jj = 6*ISUN;
y[jj+1] = -xx/s;
y[jj+3] = -yy/s;
y[jj+5] = -zz/s;
y[jj] = -vx/s;
y[jj+2] = -vy/s;
y[jj+4] = -vz/s;
v[jj+1] = y[jj];
v[jj+3] = y[jj+2];
v[jj+5] = y[jj+4];

/* debug
for( ii=0; ii<6; ii++ )
xx = ysun[ii] - y[ii+6*ISUN];
printf( "%.1e\n", xx );

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : SSYSTEM.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: