Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : REMESS.C

Output of file : REMESS.C contained in archive : CEPHES22.ZIP
/* remess.c */
#include "remes.h"

/* Search subroutine */

double a, b, q, xm, ym, xn, yn, xx0, xx1;
int i, j, meq, emsign, ensign, steps;
double approx(), func(), geterr();

/* Search for maxima of error */
eclose = 1e30;
farther = 0.0;
j = 0;
meq = neq;

if( (d > 0) || ((config & ZER) != 0) )
j = 1;
meq += 1;
xx0 = apstrt;

for( i=0; i {
steps = 0;
if( (d > 0) || ((config & ZER) != 0) )
xx1 = xx[i]; /* Next zero */
xx1 = mm[i+1]; /* Next maximum */
if( i == meq-1 )
xx1 = apend;
xm = mm[i];
ym = geterr(xm);
emsign = esign; /* Sign of error */
q = step[i];
xn = xm + q;
/* Cannot skip over adjacent boundaries */
if( xn < xx0 )
goto revers;
if( xn >= xx1 )
goto revers;
yn = geterr(xn);
ensign = esign;
if( yn < ym )
q = -q;
xn = xm;
yn = ym;
ensign = emsign;

/* March until error becomes smaller. */

while( yn >= ym )
if( ++steps > 10 )
goto tsear;
ym = yn;
xm = xn;
emsign = ensign;
a = xm + q;
if( a == xm )
goto tsear;
/* Must not skip over the zeros either side. */
if( a <= xx0 )
goto tsear;
if( a >= xx1 )
goto tsear;
xn = a;
yn = geterr(xn);
ensign = esign;

mm[i] = xm; /* Position of maximum */
yy[i] = ym; /* Value of maximum */

if( ym == 0.0 )
printf( "yy[%d] = 0\n", i );
if( eclose > ym )
eclose = ym;

if( farther < ym )
farther = ym;

/* No denominator */
if( (d == 0) && ((config & ZER) == 0) )
xx[i] = xm;
/* Walk to next zero. */
if( (d > 0) || ((config & ZER) != 0) )
xx0 = xx1;
xx0 = 0.5*(xm + xx1);
} /* end of search loop */

/* Decrease step size if error spread increased. */
q = (farther - eclose);
/* Relative error spread */
if( eclose != 0.0 )
q /= eclose;
if( q >= spread )
{ /* Spread is increasing; decrease step size. */
if( config & TRUNC )
delta *= 0.875;
delta *= 0.5;
printf( "delta = %.4E\n", delta );
spread = q;

printf( "peak error = %.4E, relative error spread = %.4E\n",
farther, spread );

/* Calculate new step sizes */

if( (d == 0) && ((config & ZER) == 0) )
if( spread < 0.25 )
q = 0.0625;
q = 0.5;

for( i=0; i step[i] *= q;

for( i=0; i {
q = yy[i+1];
if( q != 0.0 )
q = yy[i]/q - 1.0;
q = 0.0625;
if( q > 0.25 )
q = 0.25;
q *= mm[i+1] - mm[i];
step[i] = q * delta;
step[neq] = step[neq-1];

/* Insert new locations for the zeros. */
for( i=0; i {
xm = xx[i] - step[i];
if( xm <= apstrt )
if( xm >= apend )
if( xm <= mm[i] )
printf( "xx[%d] < mm\n", i );
xm = 0.5 * (mm[i] + xx[i]);
if( xm >= mm[i+1] )
printf( "xx[%d] > mm\n", i );
xm = 0.5 * (mm[i+1] + xx[i]);
xx[i] = xm;
sdone: ;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : REMESS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: