Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : REMESF.C

Output of file : REMESF.C contained in archive : CEPHES22.ZIP
/* remesf.c */

#include "remes.h"

/* The flag bits for type of approximation: */
int config = ZER ;

/* Insert function name and formulas for printout */
char funnam[] = {
"log(1+x) "

char znam[] = { "x" };
double sqrt(), log(), exp(), pow(), sin(), cos();
double j0(), y0(), atan(), floor();
double j1(), y1();
double exp10(), log10();
double erfc();
double lx();

/* This subroutine computes the rational form P(x)/Q(x) */
/* using coefficients from the solution vector param[]. */

double approx(x)
double x;
double gx, z, yn, yd, q;
double gofx(), speci();
int i;

gx = gofx(x);
if( config & PXCU )
z = gx * gx * gx;
else if( config & PXSQ )
z = gx * gx;
z = gx;

/* Highest order numerator coefficient */
yn = param[n];

/* Work backwards toward the constant term. */
for( i=n-1; i>=0; i-- )
yn = z * yn + param[i];

if( d > 0 )
/* Highest degree coefficient = 1.0 */
yd = z + param[n+d];

for( i=n+d-1; i>n; i-- )
yd = z * yd + param[i];
/* There is no denominator. */
yd = 1.0;

if( config & XPX )
yn = yn * gx;
if( config & X2PX )
yn = yn * gx * gx;
if( config & PADE )
{ /* 2P/(Q-P) */
yd = yd - yn;
yn = 2.0 * yn;
qyaprx = yn/yd;
if( config & CW )
qyaprx = gx + qyaprx * gx * gx;
if( config & SPECIAL )
qyaprx = speci( qyaprx, gx );
return( qyaprx );

/* Subroutine to compute approximation error at x */

double geterr(x)
double x;
double e, f;
double fabs(), approx(), func();

f = func(x);
e = approx(x) - f;
if( relerr )
if( f != 0.0 )
e /= f;
if( e < 0.0 )
esign = -1;
e = -e;
esign = 1;


/* Subroutine for special argument transformations */

double gofx(x)
double x;


/* Routine for special modifications of the approximating form.
* Example already provided by the CW flag:
* y(1+dev) = gx + gx^2 R(gx)
* would change y to
* R(gx) = (y - gx)/(gx*gx)
* This function is called from remese.c.
* An inverse routine called speci() must also be supplied.
* This finds y from R and gx (see below).
extern double PI, PIO4, THPIO4;
#define LS2PI 0.91893853320467274178
#define SQTPI 2.50662827463100050242
#define JZ1 5.783185962946784521176
#define JZ2 30.471262343662086399078
#define JZ3 74.887006790695183444889
#define YZ1 0.43221455686510834878
#define YZ2 22.401876406482861405
#define YZ3 64.130620282338755553298
#define JO1 14.6819706421238932572
#define YO1 4.66539330185668857532

extern double TWOOPI;

double special( y, gx )
double y, gx;
double a, b;
/* exponential, y = exp(x) = 1 + x + .5x^2 + x^2 R(x) */
if( gx == 0.0 )
b = gx * gx;
a = (y - 1.0 - gx - .5*b)/b;

/* y = exp2(x) = 1 + x R(x) */
a = y - 1.0;

/* y = cos(x) = 1 - .5 x^2 + x^2 x^2 P(x^2) */
b = gx * gx;
a = (y - 1.0 + 0.5*b)/b;

/* logarithm, y = log(1+x) = x - .5x^2 + x^2 * (xP(x))
* configuration is ZER | XPX | SPECIAL
if( gx == 0.0 )
b = gx * gx;
a = (y - gx + 0.5 * b)/b;

/* y = log gamma(x) = q(x) + 1/x P(1/x^2)
* configufation is SQH | ZER | XPX | PXSQ | SPECIAL
b = 1.0/gx;
b = ( b - 0.5 ) * log(b) - b + LS2PI;
a = y - b;

/* y = gamma(x) = sqrt(2 pi) x^(x-.5) exp(-x) (1 + 1/x P(1/x)) */
b = 1.0/gx;
a = SQTPI * pow( b, b-0.5 ) * exp(-b);
a = (y - a)/a;

/* y = j0(x) = (x^2 - JZ1)(x^2-JZ2)(x^2-JZ3)P(x^2) */
a = (b-JZ1);
a = y/a;

/* y = y0(x) = TWOOPI * log(x) * j0(x) + (x^2-YZ1)*P(x^2) */
a = y - TWOOPI * log(gx) * j0(gx);
a /= (b-YZ1);

/* y = j1(x) = (x^2 - JO1)P(x^2) */
a = (b-JO1);
a = y/a;
/* y = y1(x) = TWOOPI * (log(x) * j1(x) - 1/x) + (x^2-YZ1)*P(x^2) */
b = gx*gx;
a = y - TWOOPI * ( j1(gx) * log(gx) - 1.0/gx );
a /= (b-YO1);

/* y = exp2(x) = 1 + x P(x) */
a = y - 1.0;

/* y = erfc(x) = exp(-x^2) P(x) */
a = y * exp( gx * gx );

/* acosh() */
if( gx == 0.0 )
a = y/(2.0*sqrt(gx));
return( a );

double speci( R, gx )
double R, gx;
double y, b;

/* exponential, y = exp(x) = 1 + x + .5x^2 + x^2 R(x) */
b = gx * gx;
y = 1.0 + gx + .5 * b;
y = y + b * R;

/* y = exp2(x) = 1 + x R(x) */
y = R + 1.0;
/* y = cos(x) = 1 - .5 x^2 + x^2 x^2 R(x^2) */
b = gx * gx;
y = 1.0 - 0.5*b + b * R;

/* log(1+x) = x - .5x^2 + x^2 xR(x) */
b = gx * gx;
y = gx - 0.5 * b + b * R;

/* y = log gamma(x) = q(x) + 1/x P(1/x^2) */
b = 1.0/gx;
b = ( b - 0.5 ) * log(b) - b + LS2PI;
y = b + R;

/* y = gamma(x) = sqrt(2 pi) x^(x-.5) exp(-x) (1 + 1/x P(1/x)) */
b = 1.0/gx;
b = SQTPI * pow( b, b-0.5 ) * exp(-b);
y = b + b * R;
/* y = j0(x) = (x^2 - JZ1)(x^2-JZ2)(x^2-JZ3)P(x^2) */
y = (b-JZ1)*R;

/* y = y0(x) = TWOOPI * log(x) * j0(x) + (x^2-YZ1)*P(x^2) */
y = TWOOPI * log(gx) * j0(gx) + (b-YZ1)*R;

/* y = j1(x) = (x^2 - JO1)P(x^2) */
y = (b-JO1)*R;

/* y = y1(x) = TWOOPI * (log(x) * j1(x) - 1/x) + (x^2-YZ1)*P(x^2) */
b = gx*gx;
y = TWOOPI * ( j1(gx) * log(gx) - 1.0/gx ) + (b-YO1)*R;

/* y = exp2(x) = 1 + x P(x) */
/*y = 1.0 + R;*/

/* y = erfc(x) = exp(-x^2) P(x) */
y = exp( -gx * gx ) * R;

/*y = 2.0 * sqrt(gx) * R;*/
return( y );

/* Put here an accurate routine */
/* for the function to be approximated. */

static int fflg = 0;
static double ff = 0.0;

double func(x)
double x;
double xx, y, t, u, s, c;

qx = x;

if( fflg == 0 )
fflg = 1;
ff = 10.0 * log10(2.0);

if( x == 0.0 )
/* y = ff;*/
y = 0.0;
goto done;

/* Bessel, phase */
xx = 1.0/x;
y = j0(xx);
t = y0(xx);
y = atan(t/y);
t = xx - PIO4;
t = t - PI * floor(t/PI + 0.5);
y -= t;
if( y > 0.5*PI )
y -= PI;
if( y < -0.5*PI )
y += PI;
/* Bessel, modulus */
xx = 1.0/(x*x);
y = j1(xx);
t = y1(xx);
y = sqrt( y*y + t*t );

/* bes1, phase */
xx = 1.0/x;
y = j1(xx);
t = y1(xx);
y = atan(t/y);
t = xx - THPIO4;
t = t - PI * floor(t/PI + 0.5);
y -= t;
if( y > 0.5*PI )
y -= PI;
if( y < -0.5*PI )
y += PI;

y = log(1.0+x);

qy = y;
return( y );

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : REMESF.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: