Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : QFLTA.C

Output of file : QFLTA.C contained in archive : CEPHES22.ZIP
/* qflta.c
* Utilities for extended precision arithmetic, called by qflt.c.
* These should all be written in machine language for speed.
* addm( x, y ) add significand of x to that of y
* shdn1( x ) shift significand of x down 1 bit
* shdn8( x ) shift significand of x down 8 bits
* shdn16( x ) shift significand of x down 16 bits
* shup1( x ) shift significand of x up 1 bit
* shup8( x ) shift significand of x up 8 bits
* shup16( x ) shift significand of x up 16 bits
* divm( a, b ) divide significand of a into b
* mulm( a, b ) multiply significands, result in b
* mdnorm( x ) normalize and round off
* Copyright (c) 1984 - 1988 by Stephen L. Moshier. All rights reserved.

#include "qhead.h"
#define N (NQ-2)

; Shift mantissa down by 1 bit

register unsigned short *x;
register short bits;
int i;

x += 2; /* point to mantissa area */

bits = 0;
for( i=0; i {
if( *x & 1 )
bits |= 1;
*x >>= 1;
if( bits & 2 )
*x |= 0x8000;
bits <<= 1;

; Shift mantissa up by 1 bit
register unsigned short *x;
register short bits;
int i;

x += NQ;
bits = 0;

for( i=0; i {
if( *x & 0x8000 )
bits |= 1;
*x <<= 1;
if( bits & 2 )
*x |= 1;
bits <<= 1;

; Shift mantissa down by 8 bits

register unsigned short *x;
register unsigned short newbyt, oldbyt;
int i;

x += 2;
oldbyt = 0;
for( i=0; i {
newbyt = *x << 8;
*x >>= 8;
*x |= oldbyt;
oldbyt = newbyt;

; Shift mantissa up by 8 bits

register unsigned short *x;
int i;
register unsigned short newbyt, oldbyt;

x += NQ;
oldbyt = 0;

for( i=0; i {
newbyt = *x >> 8;
*x <<= 8;
*x |= oldbyt;
oldbyt = newbyt;

; Shift mantissa up by 16 bits

register short *x;
int i;
register short *p;

p = x+2;
x += 3;

for( i=0; i *p++ = *x++;

*p = 0;

; Shift mantissa down by 16 bits

register unsigned short *x;
int i;
register unsigned short *p;

x += NQ;
p = x+1;

for( i=0; i *(--p) = *(--x);

*(--p) = 0;

; add mantissas
; x + y replaces y

addm( x, y )
unsigned short *x, *y;
register unsigned long a;
int i;
unsigned int carry;

x += NQ;
y += NQ;
carry = 0;
for( i=0; i {
a = (unsigned long )(*x) + (unsigned long )(*y) + carry;
if( a & 0x10000 )
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
*y = a;

; subtract mantissas
; y - x replaces y

subm( x, y )
unsigned short *x, *y;
register unsigned long a;
int i;
unsigned int carry;

x += NQ;
y += NQ;
carry = 0;
for( i=0; i {
a = (unsigned long )(*y) - (unsigned long )(*x) - carry;
if( a & 0x10000 )
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
*y = a;

divm( a, ac3 )
unsigned short a[], ac3[];
unsigned short act[NQ+1], ac1[NQ+1];
int i, ctr, lost;
unsigned short d, *p, *q, *r;

qmovz( a, ac1 );
qclear( act );
act[0] = ac3[0];
act[1] = ac3[1];
act[NQ] = 0;
ac3[NQ] = 0;

/* test for word-precision denominator */
for( i=4; i {
if( ac1[i] )
goto longdiv;
/* Do divide with faster compare and subtract */
d = ac1[3];
p = &ac3[3];
q = &ac3[2];
r = &act[NQ];
for( i=0; i {
if( (*q != 0) || (*p >= d) )
*p -= d;
*q = 0;
*r = 0x8000;
shup1( ac3 );
shup1( act );
goto divdon;

/* Slower compare and subtract required */
for( i=0; i {
if( cmpm( ac3, ac1 ) >= 0 )
subm( ac1, ac3 );
ctr = 1;
ctr = 0;
shup1( ac3 );
shup1( act );
act[NQ-1] |= ctr;


p = &ac3[2];
lost = 0;
for( i=2; i {
if( *p++ != 0 )
lost = 1;
shdn1( act );
shdn1( act );
act[1] -= 1;
if( act[1] & 0x8000 )
act[1] = 0;
mdnorm( act, lost );
qmov( act, ac3 );

mulm( b, ac3 )
unsigned short b[], ac3[];
unsigned short act[NQ+1], ac2[NQ+1];
unsigned short *p, *q;
int ctr, nct, lost;

qmov( b, ac2 );
qclear( act );
act[0] = ac3[0];
act[1] = ac3[1];
act[NQ] = 0;
/* strip trailing zero bits */
nct = NBITS;
p = &ac2[NQ-1];
while( *p == 0 )
shdn16( ac2 );
nct -= 16;
if( (*p & 0xff) == 0 )
shdn8( ac2 );
nct -= 8;
lost = 0;
q = &act[NQ];
for( ctr=0; ctr {
if( *p & 1 )
addm(ac3, act);
lost |= *q & 1;
mdnorm( act, lost );
qmov( act, ac3 );

mulin( a, b )
unsigned short a[], b[];

unsigned short rndbit[NQ+1] = {0};
short rndset = 0;

mdnorm( x, lost )
unsigned short x[];
int lost;
int i;
register short *p;

if( rndset == 0 )
qclear( rndbit );
rndbit[NQ-1] = 1;
rndbit[NQ] = 0;
rndset = 1;
p = (short *)&x[1];
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
if( x[2] == 0 )
*p += 1;
if( *p < 0 )
*p = 32767;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
if( x[3] & 0x8000 )
*p -= 1;
if( *p < 0 )
*p = 0;
i = x[NQ] & 0xffff;
if( i & 0x8000 )
if( (i == 0x8000) && (lost == 0) )
if( (x[NQ-1] & 1) == 0 )
goto nornd;
addm( rndbit, x );
if( x[2] )
shdn1( x );
*p += 1;
if( *p < 0 )
*p = 32767;
x[NQ] = 0;

; move a to b
; short a[NQ], b[NQ];
; qmov( a, b );

qmov( a, b )
register short *a, *b;
int i;

for( i=0; i *b++ = *a++;

qmovz( a, b )
register short *a, *b;
int i;

for( i=0; i *b++ = *a++;
*b++ = 0;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : QFLTA.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: