Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : POLYR.C

Output of file : POLYR.C contained in archive : CEPHES22.ZIP

/* Arithmetic operations on polynomials with rational coefficients
* In the following descriptions a, b, c are polynomials of degree
* na, nb, nc respectively. The degree of a polynomial cannot
* exceed a run-time value MAXPOL. An operation that attempts
* to use or generate a polynomial of higher degree may produce a
* result that suffers truncation at degree MAXPOL. The value of
* MAXPOL is set by calling the function
* polini( maxpol );
* where maxpol is the desired maximum degree. This must be
* done prior to calling any of the other functions in this module.
* Memory for internal temporary polynomial storage is allocated
* by polini().
* Each polynomial is represented by an array containing its
* coefficients, together with a separately declared integer equal
* to the degree of the polynomial. The coefficients appear in
* ascending order; that is,
* 2 na
* a(x) = a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * x + ... + a[na] * x .
* sum = poleva( a, na, x ); Evaluate polynomial a(t) at t = x.
* polprt( a, na, D ); Print the coefficients of a to D digits.
* polclr( a, na ); Set a identically equal to zero, up to a[na].
* polmov( a, na, b ); Set b = a.
* poladd( a, na, b, nb, c ); c = b + a, nc = max(na,nb)
* polsub( a, na, b, nb, c ); c = b - a, nc = max(na,nb)
* polmul( a, na, b, nb, c ); c = b * a, nc = na+nb
* Division:
* i = poldiv( a, na, b, nb, c ); c = b / a, nc = MAXPOL
* returns i = the degree of the first nonzero coefficient of a.
* The computed quotient c must be divided by x^i. An error message
* is printed if a is identically zero.
* Change of variables:
* If a and b are polynomials, and t = a(x), then
* c(t) = b(a(x))
* is a polynomial found by substituting a(x) for t. The
* subroutine call for this is
* polsbt( a, na, b, nb, c );
* Notes:
* poldiv() is an integer routine; poleva() is double.
* Any of the arguments a, b, c may refer to the same array.

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
typedef struct{
double n;
double d;

/* near pointer version of malloc() */
#define malloc _nmalloc
#define free _nfree

/* Pointers to internal arrays. Note poldiv() allocates
* and deallocates some temporary arrays every time it is called.
static fract *pt1 = 0;
static fract *pt2 = 0;
static fract *pt3 = 0;

/* Maximum degree of polynomial. */
int MAXPOL = 0;
extern int MAXPOL;

/* Number of bytes (chars) in maximum size polynomial. */
static int psize = 0;

/* Initialize max degree of polynomials
* and allocate temporary storage.
polini( maxdeg )
int maxdeg;
void *malloc();
int m;

MAXPOL = maxdeg;
psize = (maxdeg + 1) * sizeof(fract);

/* Release previously allocated memory, if any. */
if( pt3 )
if( pt2 )
if( pt1 )

/* Allocate new arrays */
pt1 = (fract * )malloc(psize); /* used by polsbt */
pt2 = (fract * )malloc(psize); /* used by polsbt */
pt3 = (fract * )malloc(psize); /* used by polmul */

/* Report if failure */
if( (pt1 == NULL) || (pt2 == NULL) || (pt3 == NULL) )
mtherr( "polini", ERANGE );

/* Print the coefficients of a, with d decimal precision.
static char *form = "abcdefghijk";

polprt( a, na, d )
fract a[];
int na, d;
int i, j, d1;
char *p;

/* Create format descriptor string for the printout.
* Do this partly by hand, since sprintf() may be too
* bug-ridden to accomplish this feat by itself.
p = form;
*p++ = '%';
d1 = d + 8;
sprintf( p, "%d ", d1 );
p += 1;
if( d1 >= 10 )
p += 1;
*p++ = '.';
sprintf( p, "%d ", d );
p += 1;
if( d >= 10 )
p += 1;
*p++ = 'e';
*p++ = ' ';
*p++ = '\0';

/* Now do the printing.
d1 += 1;
j = 0;
for( i=0; i<=na; i++ )
/* Detect end of available line */
j += d1;
if( j >= 78 )
printf( "\n" );
j = d1;
printf( form, a[i].n );
j += d1;
if( j >= 78 )
printf( "\n" );
j = d1;
printf( form, a[i].d );
printf( "\n" );

/* Set a = 0.
polclr( a, n )
fract a[];
int n;
int i;

if( n > MAXPOL )
for( i=0; i<=n; i++ )
a[i].n = 0.0;
a[i].d = 1.0;

/* Set b = a.
polmov( a, na, b )
fract a[], b[];
int na;
int i;

if( na > MAXPOL )
na = MAXPOL;

for( i=0; i<= na; i++ )
b[i].n = a[i].n;
b[i].d = a[i].d;

/* c = b * a.
polmul( a, na, b, nb, c )
fract a[], b[], c[];
int na, nb;
int i, j, k, nc;
fract temp;
fract *p;

nc = na + nb;
polclr( pt3, MAXPOL );

p = &a[0];
for( i=0; i<=na; i++ )
for( j=0; j<=nb; j++ )
k = i + j;
if( k > MAXPOL )
rmul( p, &b[j], &temp ); /*pt3[k] += a[i] * b[j];*/
radd( &temp, &pt3[k], &pt3[k] );

if( nc > MAXPOL )
nc = MAXPOL;
for( i=0; i<=nc; i++ )
c[i].n = pt3[i].n;
c[i].d = pt3[i].d;

/* c = b + a.
poladd( a, na, b, nb, c )
fract a[], b[], c[];
int na, nb;
int i, n;

if( na > nb )
n = na;
n = nb;

if( n > MAXPOL )

for( i=0; i<=n; i++ )
if( i > na )
c[i].n = b[i].n;
c[i].d = b[i].d;
else if( i > nb )
c[i].n = a[i].n;
c[i].d = a[i].d;
radd( &a[i], &b[i], &c[i] ); /*c[i] = b[i] + a[i];*/

/* c = b - a.
polsub( a, na, b, nb, c )
fract a[], b[], c[];
int na, nb;
int i, n;

if( na > nb )
n = na;
n = nb;

if( n > MAXPOL )

for( i=0; i<=n; i++ )
if( i > na )
c[i].n = b[i].n;
c[i].d = b[i].d;
else if( i > nb )
c[i].n = -a[i].n;
c[i].d = a[i].d;
rsub( &a[i], &b[i], &c[i] ); /*c[i] = b[i] - a[i];*/

/* c = b/a
poldiv( a, na, b, nb, c )
fract a[], b[], c[];
int na, nb;
fract *ta, *tb, *tq;
fract quot;
fract temp;
int i, j, k, sing;

sing = 0;

/* Allocate temporary arrays. This would be quicker
* if done automatically on the stack, but stack space
* may be hard to obtain on a small computer.
ta = (fract * )malloc( psize );
polclr( ta, MAXPOL );
polmov( a, na, ta );

tb = (fract * )malloc( psize );
polclr( tb, MAXPOL );
polmov( b, nb, tb );

tq = (fract * )malloc( psize );
polclr( tq, MAXPOL );

/* What to do if leading (constant) coefficient
* of denominator is zero.
if( a[0].n == 0.0 )
for( i=0; i<=na; i++ )
if( ta[i].n != 0.0 )
goto nzero;
mtherr( "poldiv", SING );
goto done;

/* Reduce the degree of the denominator. */
for( i=0; i {
ta[i].n = ta[i+1].n;
ta[i].d = ta[i+1].d;
ta[na].n = 0.0;
ta[na].d = 1.0;

if( b[0].n != 0.0 )
/* Optional message:
printf( "poldiv singularity, divide quotient by x\n" );
sing += 1;
/* Reduce degree of numerator. */
for( i=0; i {
tb[i].n = tb[i+1].n;
tb[i].d = tb[i+1].d;
tb[nb].n = 0.0;
tb[nb].d = 1.0;
/* Call self, using reduced polynomials. */
sing += poldiv( ta, na, tb, nb, c );
goto done;

/* Long division algorithm. ta[0] is nonzero.
for( i=0; i<=MAXPOL; i++ )
rdiv( &ta[0], &tb[i], " ); /*quot = tb[i]/ta[0];*/
for( j=0; j<=MAXPOL; j++ )
k = j + i;
if( k > MAXPOL )

rmul( &ta[j], ", &temp ); /*tb[k] -= quot * ta[j];*/
rsub( &temp, &tb[k], &tb[k] );
tq[i].n = quot.n;
tq[i].d = quot.d;
/* Send quotient to output array. */
polmov( tq, MAXPOL, c );


/* Restore allocated memory. */
return( sing );

/* Change of variables
* Substitute a(y) for the variable x in b(x).
* x = a(y)
* c(x) = b(x) = b(a(y)).

polsbt( a, na, b, nb, c )
fract a[], b[], c[];
int na, nb;
int i, j, k, n2;
fract temp;
fract *p;

/* 0th degree term:
polclr( pt1, MAXPOL );
pt1[0].n = b[0].n;
pt1[0].d = b[0].d;

polclr( pt2, MAXPOL );
pt2[0].n = 1.0;
pt2[0].d = 1.0;
n2 = 0;
p = &b[1];

for( i=1; i<=nb; i++ )
/* Form ith power of a. */
polmul( a, na, pt2, n2, pt2 );
n2 += na;
/* Add the ith coefficient of b times the ith power of a. */
for( j=0; j<=n2; j++ )
if( j > MAXPOL )
rmul( &pt2[j], p, &temp ); /*pt1[j] += b[i] * pt2[j];*/
radd( &temp, &pt1[j], &pt1[j] );

k = n2 + nb;
if( k > MAXPOL )
for( i=0; i<=k; i++ )
c[i].n = pt1[i].n;
c[i].d = pt1[i].d;

/* Evaluate polynomial a(t) at t = x.
double poleva( a, na, x, s )
fract a[];
int na;
fract *x;
fract *s;
int i;
fract temp;

s->n = a[na].n;
s->d = a[na].d;
for( i=na-1; i>=0; i-- )
rmul( s, x, &temp ); /*s = s * x + a[i];*/
radd( &a[i], &temp, s );

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : POLYR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: