Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : CONST.C

Output of file : CONST.C contained in archive : CEPHES22.ZIP
/* const.c
* Globally declared constants
* extern double nameofconstant;
* This file contains a number of mathematical constants and
* also some needed size parameters of the computer arithmetic.
* The values are supplied as arrays of hexadecimal integers
* for IEEE arithmetic; arrays of octal constants for DEC
* arithmetic; and in a normal decimal scientific notation for
* other machines. The particular notation used is determined
* by a symbol (DEC, IBMPC, or UNK) defined in the include file
* mconf.h.
* The default size parameters are as follows.
* For DEC and UNK modes:
* MACHEP = 1.38777878078144567553E-17 2**-56
* MAXLOG = 8.8029691931113054295988E1 log(2**127)
* MINLOG = -8.872283911167299960540E1 log(2**-128)
* MAXNUM = 1.701411834604692317316873e38 2**127
* For IEEE arithmetic (IBMPC):
* MACHEP = 1.11022302462515654042E-16 2**-53
* MAXLOG = 7.09782712893383996843E2 log(2**1024)
* MINLOG = -7.08396418532264106224E2 log(2**-1022)
* MAXNUM = 1.7976931348623158E308 2**1024
* The global symbols for mathematical constants are
* PI = 3.14159265358979323846 pi
* PIO2 = 1.57079632679489661923 pi/2
* PIO4 = 7.85398163397448309616E-1 pi/4
* SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880 sqrt(2)
* SQRTH = 7.07106781186547524401E-1 sqrt(2)/2
* LOG2E = 1.4426950408889634073599 1/log(2)
* SQ2OPI = 7.9788456080286535587989E-1 sqrt( 2/pi )
* LOGE2 = 6.93147180559945309417E-1 log(2)
* LOGSQ2 = 3.46573590279972654709E-1 log(2)/2
* THPIO4 = 2.35619449019234492885 3*pi/4
* TWOOPI = 6.36619772367581343075535E-1 2/pi
* These lists are subject to change.

/* const.c */

Cephes Math Library Release 2.0: April, 1987
Copyright 1984, 1987 by Stephen L. Moshier
Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140

#include "mconf.h"

#ifdef UNK
double MACHEP = 1.38777878078144567553E-17; /* 2**-56 */
double MAXLOG = 8.8029691931113054295988E1; /* log(2**127) */
double MINLOG = -8.872283911167299960540E1; /* log(2**-128) */
double MAXNUM = 1.701411834604692317316873e38; /* 2**127 */
double PI = 3.14159265358979323846; /* pi */
double PIO2 = 1.57079632679489661923; /* pi/2 */
double PIO4 = 7.85398163397448309616E-1; /* pi/4 */
double SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880; /* sqrt(2) */
double SQRTH = 7.07106781186547524401E-1; /* sqrt(2)/2 */
double LOG2E = 1.4426950408889634073599; /* 1/log(2) */
double SQ2OPI = 7.9788456080286535587989E-1; /* sqrt( 2/pi ) */
double LOGE2 = 6.93147180559945309417E-1; /* log(2) */
double LOGSQ2 = 3.46573590279972654709E-1; /* log(2)/2 */
double THPIO4 = 2.35619449019234492885; /* 3*pi/4 */
double TWOOPI = 6.36619772367581343075535E-1; /* 2/pi */

#ifdef IBMPC
/* 2**-53 = 1.11022302462515654042E-16 */
short MACHEP[4] = {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x3ca0};
/* log(2**1024) = 7.09782712893383996843E2 */
short MAXLOG[4] = {0x39ef,0xfefa,0x2e42,0x4086};
/* log(2**-1022) = - 7.08396418532264106224E2 */
short UNDLOG[4] = {0xbcd2,0xdd7a,0x232b,0xc086};
/* log(2**-1074) = - -7.44440071921381262314E2 */
short MINLOG[4] = {0x71c3,0x446d,0x4385,0xc087};
/* 2**1024*(1-MACHEP) = 1.7976931348623158E308 */
short MAXNUM[4] = {0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0x7fef};
short PI[4] = {0x2d18,0x5444,0x21fb,0x4009};
short PIO2[4] = {0x2d18,0x5444,0x21fb,0x3ff9};
short PIO4[4] = {0x2d18,0x5444,0x21fb,0x3fe9};
short SQRT2[4] = {0x3bcd,0x667f,0xa09e,0x3ff6};
short SQRTH[4] = {0x3bcd,0x667f,0xa09e,0x3fe6};
short LOG2E[4] = {0x82fe,0x652b,0x1547,0x3ff7};
short SQ2OPI[4] = {0x3651,0x33d4,0x8845,0x3fe9};
short LOGE2[4] = {0x39ef,0xfefa,0x2e42,0x3fe6};
short LOGSQ2[4] = {0x39ef,0xfefa,0x2e42,0x3fd6};
short THPIO4[4] = {0x21d2,0x7f33,0xd97c,0x4002};
short TWOOPI[4] = {0xc883,0x6dc9,0x5f30,0x3fe4};

#ifdef MIEEE
/* 2**-53 = 1.11022302462515654042E-16 */
short MACHEP[4] = {
/* log(2**1024) = 7.09782712893383996843E2 */
short MAXLOG[4] = {
/* log(2**-1022) = - 7.08396418532264106224E2 */
short MINLOG[4] = {
/* 2**1024*(1-MACHEP) = 1.7976931348623158E308 */
short MAXNUM[4] = {
short PI[4] = {
short PIO2[4] = {
short PIO4[4] = {
short SQRT2[4] = {
short SQRTH[4] = {
short LOG2E[4] = {
short SQ2OPI[4] = {
short LOGE2[4] = {
short LOGSQ2[4] = {
short THPIO4[4] = {
short TWOOPI[4] = {

#ifdef DEC
/* 2**-56 = 1.38777878078144567553E-17 */
short MACHEP[4] = {0022200,0000000,0000000,0000000};
/* log 2**127 = 88.029691931113054295988 */
short MAXLOG[4] = {041660,007463,0143742,025733,};
/* log 2**-128 = -88.72283911167299960540 */
short MINLOG[4] = {0141661,071027,0173721,0147572,};
/* 2**127 = 1.701411834604692317316873e38 */
short MAXNUM[4] = {077777,0177777,0177777,0177777,};
short PI[4] = {040511,007732,0121041,064302,};
short PIO2[4] = {040311,007732,0121041,064302,};
short PIO4[4] = {040111,007732,0121041,064302,};
short SQRT2[4] = {040265,002363,031771,0157145,};
short SQRTH[4] = {040065,002363,031771,0157144,};
short LOG2E[4] = {040270,0125073,024534,013761,};
short SQ2OPI[4] = {040114,041051,0117241,0131204,};
short LOGE2[4] = {040061,071027,0173721,0147572,};
short LOGSQ2[4] = {037661,071027,0173721,0147572,};
short THPIO4[4] = {040426,0145743,0174631,007222,};
short TWOOPI[4] = {040042,0174603,067116,042025,};

extern short MACHEP[];
extern short MAXLOG[];
extern short UNDLOG[];
extern short MINLOG[];
extern short MAXNUM[];
extern short PI[];
extern short PIO2[];
extern short PIO4[];
extern short SQRT2[];
extern short SQRTH[];
extern short LOG2E[];
extern short SQ2OPI[];
extern short LOGE2[];
extern short LOGSQ2[];
extern short THPIO4[];
extern short TWOOPI[];
static char x[] =
"Cephes Math Library Copyright 1987 by Stephen L. Moshier";

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CEPHES22.ZIP
Filename : CONST.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: