Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CBENCH.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

Output of file : READ.ME contained in archive : CBENCH.ZIP
To whom it may concern:

On the disk i/o tests. I did my testing to a ram disk.

Additionally, I removed the buffers= line from my config.sys
because the extra layer of system buffering slowed down the "disk i/o".

Also in the area of file i/o, many of the compilers have their
own unique parameters to open (and creat) and fopen. You'll probably
have to make some adjustments in diskio, rpt and mktstfil.

The data file written by mktstfil is just one long bunch of
characters, 64000 to be exact. There are no line separators and no

The main driver for the entire testbed is testbed.c. It
contains a data structure which controls the execution of all of the
individual test routines.

There is also a file called test1.c which I set up to run a
single test. This was useful for situations in which there was an
error and I didn't want to rerun all of the earlier tests (I ran the
disk tests a number of different ways).

To all of you guys with 68000 compilers, when I started to
put these tests together, I had no idea that a port would be in order.
Be aware that, with the exception of the drystone, this batch of code
was developed on a machine with a 16 bit int. So, if you have any
problems because your int size is too long, change the offending ints
to shorts. (Usually, the problems come in the other direction. So,
my guess is that you're ok.)

With the foregoing caveats, if you have any questions or
suggestions, or if you just want to talk, feel free to call.

Good luck.

David Kessler.

This list contains a brief description of each of the .c files. It also
groups the files into the portions of the compiler which the tests try
to exercise. I have also included the names of the individual routines
contained in each file and the description which appears on the final
report below each file name.

Miscellaneous routines:

diskio.h some constants used by the disk referencing code
(mktstfil, diskio, rpt)

testbed.c driver for the testbed routines

test1.c test one benchmark routine

randpos.c figure a file position for random seeks

timer.c timing routines

mktstfil.c make the input test file


addrmath.c address arithmetic
aacptr aa char ptr
aasptr aa struct ptr

math.c arithmetic of various types
clcint calc int
clclong calc long
clcflt calc float
clcdbl calc double

Subroutine calling overhead:

callovrh.c minimum subroutine calling overhead
calltest call overhead

Memory reference:

cparr.c copying arrays
cparr cp array
cpptr cp pointer

memref.c running loops using different data types
lpauto lp auto
lpstatic lp static
lp2regs lp 2 reg vars
lp5regs lp 5 reg vars

Disk I/O - buffered/unbuffered, ram disk:

diskio.c copy files and seek/read in different ways
fcharcpy cp f- char
charcpy cp char
fbufcpy cp f- block
bufcpy cp block
fseekio cp f- seekio
seekio cp seekio


strlib.c test some string library routines
lbstrlen lib strlen
lbstrcpy lib strcpy
lbstrcmp lib strcmp

Dummy applications:

dry.c drystone (dhampstone?)
dry drystone

rpt.c dummy report writer
rptcsort rpt c sort
rptshell rpt shellsort

To build testbed.exe, compile and then link appropriately:

testbed, timer, memref, addrmath, cparr, diskio,
callovrh, math, strlib, rpt, dry, randpos

To build test1.exe, compile and then link appropriately:

test1, timer, module with the routine(s) to test

To build mktstfil.exe, compile and then link appropriately:


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : CBENCH.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: