Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C-TOOLBX.ZIP
Filename : KEYIO.H

Output of file : KEYIO.H contained in archive : C-TOOLBX.ZIP
/* keyio.h - definitions of values returned by getkey() */

/* keypress return values */
#define NO_INPUT 0
/* non-zero return means there is input waiting */

/* ASCII control characters */

#define ASCNUL (256+3)
#define ASCBEL 7
#define ASCBS 8
#define ASCTAB 9
#define ASCLF 0xA
#define ASCFF 0xC
#define ASCCR 0xD
#define ASCESC 0x1B
#define ASCDEL 0x7F
#define ASCSPACE 0x20

/* special keys for IBM PC */

#define HOMEKEY (256+71)
#define BACKTAB (256+15)
#define UPARROW (256+72)
#define LEFTARROW (256+75)
#define RIGHTARROW (256+77)
#define ENDKEY (256+79)
#define DOWNARROW (256+80)
#define PGUPKEY (256+73)
#define PGDNKEY (256+81)
#define INSERTKEY (256+82)
#define DELETEKEY (256+83)
#define CTLPRTSC (256+114)
#define CTLLARROW (256+115)
#define CTLRARROW (256+116)
#define CTLEND (256+117)
#define CTLPGDN (256+118)
#define CTLHOME (256+119)
#define CTLPGUP (256+132)

/* function key codes */
#define F1KEY (256+59)
#define F11KEY (256+84)
#define F21KEY (256+94)
#define F31KEY (256+104)

/* alt-key + number key (top row) */
#define ALT1KEY (256+120)

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C-TOOLBX.ZIP
Filename : KEYIO.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: