Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C-TC-RUN.ZIP
Filename : LESSON5

Output of file : LESSON5 contained in archive : C-TC-RUN.ZIP
These were written while the author was ~Ilearning~N the language and since
they are ~Ifree~N ( to copy and/or distribute ) there is a money-back
guarantee on the accuracy of each and every statement in the lessons (!)
The ~Idisplay~N program was written ( in C ) in order to provide a vehicle
for displaying the lessons.
Dept. of Applied Math
Univ. of Waterloo
Ontario N2L 3G1
let's try IF FOR a WHILE

~b~Imain() { /* what's in a name ? */ ~N
~b~I int i, j; /* a bunch of integers. */ ~N
~b~I char name[10]; /* an array of 10 chars. */ ~N
~b~I for (i=0; i<25; i++) /* print '\n', 25 times, */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n"); /* to clear the screen! */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n Type your name : "); /* ask for a name. */ ~N
~b~I scanf("%s",&name); /* input the name. */ ~N
~b~I for (i=0, j=0; name[i] != '\0'; i++) { /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N
~b~I if ( name[i] == 'e' ) /* check for an 'e'. */ ~N
~b~I j++; /* if so, increment j. */ ~N
~b~I } /* end of for-loop */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n The letter e occurs %d times in %s",j,name); */ ~N
~b~I} /* end of main() */ ~N
Let's look at this program.
It's supposed to ask for a name, then print out the number of times
the letter ~Ie~N occurs in the name.
~Vmain() { /* what's in a name ? */ ~N
~V int i, j, num; /* a bunch of integers. */ ~N
~V char name[10]; /* an array of 10 chars. */ ~N
This part is familiar. Note that we allow for a name of ~I9~N characters
since the 10th will be the terminating ~I'\0'~N (remember?).

~b~Imain() { /* what's in a name ? */ ~N
~b~I int i, j; /* a bunch of integers. */ ~N
~b~I char name[10]; /* an array of 10 chars. */ ~N
~V for (i=0; i<25; i++) /* print '\n', 25 times, */ ~N
~V printf("\n"); /* to clear the screen! */ ~N

We use a ~Ifor~N loop to print ~I25~N ~b~In~Newlines (thereby clearing
the screen ..not very elegent, but.. ).
The new thing here is ~V i++ ~N which, in ~IC~N, means ~Iincrement i~N.
~b~I for (i=0; i<25; i++) /* print '\n', 25 times, */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n"); /* to clear the screen! */ ~N
~V printf("\n Type your name : "); /* ask for a name. */ ~N

We now ask for your name by printing:

~r~I Type your name : ~N
~b~I printf("\n Type your name : "); /* ask for a name. */ ~N
~V scanf("%s",&name); /* input the name. */ ~N

Then we wait for the user to type in his/her name (ending with the
~IEnter~N key), and put this ~Istring~N at ~Imemory address~N ~V &name ~N.

~b~I scanf("%s",&name); /* input the name. */ ~N

~b~I for (~Fi=0, j=0~N~b~I; name[i] != '\0'; i++) { /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N

Now we go through the ~b~Iname[]~N array, one character at-a-time, starting
with ~b~Ii=0~N (the first character is the ~Izero~Nth!). We will count the
number of times the letter ~Ie~N occurs and store this count in the variable
~b~Ij~N, so we also initialize ~b~Ij=0~N, too! (Note the use of the ~ICOMMA~N
between ~b~Ii=0~N and ~b~Ij=0~N).
~b~I for (i=0, j=0; ~Fname[i] != '\0'~N~b~I; i++) { /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N

This ~Ifor-loop~N will continue so long as the ~b~Ii~Nth character in the
~b~Iname[]~N array is not the ~INULL '\0'~N. (Note the construction ~F~I!=~N
which, in C, means ~INOT EQUAL~N).
~b~I for (i=0, j=0; name[i] != '\0'; ~Fi++~N~b~I) { /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N

Of course, each time we advance through the characters in the array
~b~Iname[]~N we must increment ~b~Ii~N (until we reach the end).

~b~I for (i=0, j=0; name[i] != '\0'; i++) ~F{~N~b~I /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N
...our openers for the ~Ifor~N...

~V if ( name[i] ~F==~N~V 'e' ) /* check for an 'e'. */ ~N

And now we check the ~b~Ii~Nth character, ~b~Nname[i]~N, to see if its ~IEQUAL~N
to the letter ~Ie~N. (Note the curious way we check for ~F==~N).
(Had we used ~b~Iname[i]='e'~N it would compile OK, but this actually
~Iassigns~N to ~b~Iname[i]~N the character ~I'e'~N rather than checking
for ~Iequality~I! ...and ~b~Iname~N would be ~IALL e~Ns).
~b~I if ( name[i] == 'e' ) /* check for an 'e'. */ ~N
~V j++; /* if so, increment j. */ ~N

Now, ~Iif~N we find an ~I'e'~N, we increment ~b~Ij~N.
~b~I j++; /* if so, increment j. */ ~N
~b~I~F }~N~b~I /* end of for-loop */ ~N

...and this ~b~I~F}~N ends the ~Ifor-loop~N.
~b~I for (i=0, j=0; name[i] != '\0'; i++) { /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N
~b~I } /* end of for-loop */ ~N
~V printf("\n The letter e occurs %d times in %s",j,name); */ ~N

...and, after leaving the ~Ifor-loop~N, we print the results:

~r~IThe letter e occurs ~N ~r~I times in ~N
~Ij~N ~Iname~N
goes here. goes here.
~b~Imain() { /* what's in a name ? */ ~N
~b~I int i, j; /* a bunch of integers. */ ~N
~b~I char name[10]; /* an array of 10 chars. */ ~N
~b~I for (i=0; i<25; i++) /* print '\n', 25 times, */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n"); /* to clear the screen! */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n Type your name : "); /* ask for a name. */ ~N
~b~I scanf("%s",&name); /* input the name. */ ~N
~b~I for (i=0, j=0; name[i] != '\0'; i++) { /* a nice for-loop. */ ~N
~b~I if ( name[i] == 'e' ) /* check for an 'e'. */ ~N
~b~I j++; /* if so, increment j. */ ~N
~b~I } /* end of for-loop */ ~N
~b~I printf("\n The letter e occurs %d times in %s",j,name); */ ~N
~b~I} /* end of main() */ ~N
After we ~Icompile~N and ~Ilink~N and ~Iexe~Ncute, we get:

~r~I Type your name : ~N ~IPeter~N

we type this, then press the Enter key, and get:

~r~IThe letter e occurs 2 times in Peter~N
IF (this ) do that ELSE IF (this) do that ELSE do that
We may wish to check for several characters (not just 'e'), so we could say:

1 ~b~I if ( name[i] == 'e' ) j++; /* increment j if an 'e' */~N
2 ~b~I else if ( name[i] == 'f' ) k++; /* increment k if an 'f' */~N
3 ~b~I else if ( name[i] == 'g' ) l++; /* increment l if an 'g' */~N
4 ~b~I else ; /* else do nothing */~N

In Line 1 we increment the variable ~b~Ij~N (which counts the number of times
an 'e' occurs.
In Line 2 we increment the variable ~b~Ik~N (which counts the number of times
an 'f' occurs.
In Line 3 we increment the variable ~b~Il~N (which counts the number of times
an 'g' occurs.
In Line 4 (which is reached only if the character is none of the above) we
do nothing. (We could have done something interesting, but we should, just
once, demonstrate a DO NOTHING statement .... just the !@#$$% SEMI-COLON!).

(We would, of course, have declared ~b~Ik~N and ~b~Il~N as ~b~Iint~N data types).
of course!
More stuff like i++
Although we could have incremented ~b~Ii~N by using ~b~Ii=i+1~N, we used
the ~Iincrement operator ++~N. There is also (what else?) a ~Idecrement~N
~Ioperator --~N. In fact these can be either ~Ipre-~N or ~Ipost-operative~N.

~b~Ij=i--~N will assign to ~b~Ij~N the value of ~b~Ii~N, ~Ithen~N will
decrement ~b~Ii~N.
~b~Ij=--i~N will first decrement ~b~Ii~N, ~Ithen~N assign to ~b~Ij~N the decremented
value of ~b~Ii~N.

Note the convenience of typing ~b~Iantidisestablishmentarianism++~N and not

Also, the following ~Iassignment operators~N may be used:

~b~Ix+=5~N instead of ~b~Ix=x+5~N
~b~Ix-=5~N instead of ~b~Ix=x-5~N
~b~Ix*=5~N instead of ~b~Ix=x*5~N
~b~Ix/=5~N instead of ~b~Ix=x/5~N
and tests for EQUALITY && INEQUALITY etc.
To test for equality of, say, ~b~Ix~N and ~b~I5~N we ask if ~b~Ix==5~N.
Had we used something like: ~b~Iif (x=5)~N then ~b~Ix~N would be assigned
the value ~b~I5~N (and, of course, ~b~Ix~N would now BE equal to ~b~I5~N and
the if-statements would certainly be executed).

We also use ~b~Iif (x!=5)~N (for NOT EQUAL) and ~b~Iif (x>5)~N and ~b~Iif (x<5)~N.

We also have: ~b~Iif (x>5 && x!=7)~N where ~b~I&&~N means AND this reads:
if (x is GREATER than 5) AND (x is NOT EQUAL to 7)
We also have: ~b~Iif (x=5 ³³ x>=7)~N where ~b~I³³~N means OR this reads:
if (x is EQUAL to 5) OR (x is GREATER or EQUAL to 7)
We also have: ~b~Iif (x~F=~N
x==5 !!!

&& that's all folks!
au revoir!


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C-TC-RUN.ZIP
Filename : LESSON5

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: