Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C-GRAF.ZIP
Filename : GRAFSYS.H

Output of file : GRAFSYS.H contained in archive : C-GRAF.ZIP
* grafix --- grafsys.h
* definitions for communication between graf.c and drivers
* Written 4/87 by Scott Snyder ([email protected] or @citromeo.bitnet)

* the assembly routines assume that all the global data is in the default
* data segment. in MSC's large (& compact) model, however, each module
* gets its own data segment --- except stuff declared near which goes
* into the default segment. TC, however, doesn't allow near, etc. to
* modify static data. but TC also puts all static data into one segment
* in all models except huge. so we get lucky this time!

#if defined(__TURBOC__)
# define NEAR
# define NEAR near

/* display type definitions */

#define EN 1
#define CD 2
#define MO 3

/* graphics mode definitions */

#define CGA_640 1
#define CGA_320 2

typedef unsigned char g_obj;

/* physbuf = area that's being displayed;
virtbuf = other area;
drawbuf = area that's being drawn on

extern g_obj far * NEAR g_drawbuf; /* graphics drawing buffer */
extern g_obj far * NEAR g_physbuf; /* addr. of physical screen buffer */
extern g_obj far * NEAR g_virtbuf; /* addr. of virtual buffer */
extern unsigned NEAR g_colormax; /* maximum color value */
extern unsigned NEAR g_xsize, NEAR g_ysize; /* physical size of screen */
extern unsigned NEAR g_xchsize, NEAR g_ychsize; /* size of screen in chars */
extern unsigned NEAR g_xor; /* xor mode flag */
extern unsigned NEAR g_bufflg; /* buffered mode flag */
extern int NEAR g_xcliplo, NEAR g_xcliphi; /* clipping boundaries */
extern int NEAR g_ycliplo, NEAR g_ycliphi;
extern float NEAR g_aspect; /* aspect ratio for circle drawing */
extern unsigned NEAR g_pages; /* number of pages available */
extern unsigned NEAR g_curpage; /* page currently visible */
extern unsigned NEAR g_display; /* display type */

/* utility functions */

extern g_fmemset(g_obj far *, g_obj, unsigned);
extern g_fmemcpy(g_obj far *, g_obj far *, unsigned);
extern unsigned g_bufseg(void);

/* driver functions */

#include "cga.h"
#include "ega.h"

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : C-GRAF.ZIP
Filename : GRAFSYS.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: