Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BMGSUBS.ZIP
Filename : BMGSUBS.3L

Output of file : BMGSUBS.3L contained in archive : BMGSUBS.ZIP
.TH BMGSUBS 3L "16 May 1986"
(bmgsubs) bmg_setup, bmg_search, bmg_fsearch \- Boyer-Moore-Gosper string search routines
bmg_setup(search_string, case_fold_flag)
char *search_string;
int case_fold_flag;
bmg_fsearch(file_des, action_func)
int file_des;
int (*action_func)();
bmg_search(buffer_base, buffer_length, action_func)
char *buffer_base;
int buffer_length;
int (*action_func)();
These routines perform fast searches for strings, using the
Boyer-Moore-Gosper algorithm. No meta-characters
(such as `*' or `.')
are interpreted, and the search string cannot contain newlines.
.I Bmg_setup
must be called as the first step in performing a search. The
.I search_string
parameter is the string to be searched for.
.I Case_fold_flag
should be false (zero) if characters should match exactly, and
true (non-zero) if case should be ignored when checking for
Once a search string has been specified using
.IR bmg_setup ,
one or more searches for that string may be performed.
.I Bmg_fsearch
searches a file, open for reading on file descriptor
.I file_des
(this is
.I not
.I stdio
For each line that contains the search string,
.I bmg_fsearch
will call the
.I action_func
function specified by the caller as
action_func(matching_line, byte_offset).
.I matching_line
parameter is a (char *) pointer to a temporary copy of the line;
.I byte_offset
is the offset from the beginning of the file to the first occurence
of the search string in that line.
.I Action_func
should return true (non-zero) if the search should continue, or
false (zero) if the search should terminate at this point.
.I Bmg_search
is like
.IR bmg_fsearch ,
except that instead of searching a file, it searches the buffer
pointed to by
.IR buffer_base ;
.I buffer_length
specifies the number of bytes in the buffer.
.I byte_offset
parameter to
.I action_func
gives the offset from the beginning of the buffer.
If the user merely wants the matching lines printed on the
standard output, the
.I action_func
.I bmg_fsearch
.I bmg_search
can be NULL.
Jeffrey Mogul (Stanford University), based on code written
by James A. Woods (NASA Ames)
Might be nice to have a version of this that handles regular expressions.
There are large, but finite, limits on the length of both pattern
strings and text lines. When these limits are exceeded, all bets are off.
The string pointer passed to
.I action_func
points to a temporary copy of the matching line, and must be
copied elsewhere before
.I action_func
.I Bmg_search
does not
.I permanently
modify the buffer in any way, but during its execution (and therefore
.I action_func
is called), the last byte of the buffer may be temporarily changed.
The Boyer-Moore algorithm cannot find lines that do not contain
a given pattern (like "grep -v") or count lines ("grep -n").
Although it is fast even for short search strings, it gets faster as
the search string length increases.

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BMGSUBS.ZIP
Filename : BMGSUBS.3L

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: