Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BLTC17.ZIP
Filename : BULLET.H

Output of file : BULLET.H contained in archive : BLTC17.ZIP
/* bullet.h

Defines the BULLET library's structs, consts, and function declaration

v1.03 22-Apr-93

* NOTE: BULLET is for medium, large, or huge models (do not use tiny, *
* ---- small, or compact since these allow for only 1 code segment). *

Struct types must be standard byte packed; do not special align elements

#pragma pack(1)

#define __BULLET_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int far pascal BULLET(void far *datapack);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#define INITXB 0 /* system */
#define EXITXB 1
#define ATEXITXB 2
#define MEMORYXB 3
#define BREAKXB 4
#define DVMONCXB 9

#define CREATEDXB 10 /* data control mid-level */
#define OPENDXB 11
#define CLOSEDXB 12
#define STATDXB 13
#define READDHXB 14
#define FLUSHDHXB 15
#define COPYDHXB 16
#define ZAPDHXB 17

#define CREATEKXB 20 /* key control mid-level */
#define OPENKXB 21
#define CLOSEKXB 22
#define STATKXB 23
#define READKHXB 24
#define FLUSHKHXB 25
#define COPYKHXB 26
#define ZAPKHXB 27

#define GETDESCRIPTORXB 30 /* data access mid-level */
#define GETRECORDXB 31
#define ADDRECORDXB 32

#define FIRSTKEYXB 40 /* key access mid-level */
#define EQUALKEYXB 41
#define NEXTKEYXB 42
#define PREVKEYXB 43
#define LASTKEYXB 44
#define STOREKEYXB 45
#define DELETEKEYXB 46
#define BUILDKEYXB 47

#define GETFIRSTXB 60 /* key & data access high-level */
#define GETEQUALXB 61
#define GETNEXTXB 62
#define GETPREVXB 63
#define GETLASTXB 64
#define INSERTXB 65
#define UPDATEXB 66
#define REINDEXXB 67

#define LOCKXB 80 /* network control */
#define UNLOCKXB 81
#define LOCKKEYXB 82
#define UNLOCKKEYXB 83
#define LOCKDATAXB 84

#define DELETEFILEDOS 100 /* DOS file I/O low-level */
#define OPENFILEDOS 103
#define SEEKFILEDOS 104
#define READFILEDOS 105
#define WRITEFILEDOS 106
#define CLOSEFILEDOS 107
#define MAKEDIRDOS 110

#define cUNIQUE 1 /* key type flags */
#define cCHAR 2
#define cINTEGER 16
#define cLONG 32
#define cNLS 0x4000 /* note: cNLS is set by BULLET */
#define cSIGNED 0x8000

#define READONLY 0 /* do NOT use O_RDONLY,O_WRONLY,O_RDWR */
#define WRITEONLY 1
#define READWRITE 2

#define COMPAT 0X0000 /* okay to use SH_DENYRW, etc. */
#define DENYREADWRITE 0x0010 /* or O_DENYREADWRITE, etc. */
#define DENYWRITE 0x0020
#define DENYREAD 0x0030
#define DENYNONE 0x0040
#define NOINHERIT 0x0080

struct accesspack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
long recno; /* signed */
void far *recptr;
void far *keyptr;
void far *nextptr;
}; /* 22 */

struct breakpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned mode;
}; /* 6 */

struct copypack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
char far *filenameptr;
}; /* 10 */

struct createdatapack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
char far *filenameptr;
unsigned nofields;
void far *fieldlistptr;
unsigned fileid;
}; /* 16 */

struct createkeypack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
char far *filenameptr;
char far *keyexpptr;
unsigned xblink;
unsigned keyflags;
int codepageid;
int countrycode;
char far *collateptr;
}; /* 24 */

struct fielddesctype {
char fieldname[11];
char fieldtype[1];
unsigned long fieldda;
unsigned char fieldlen;
unsigned char fielddc;
long fieldrez;
char filler[10];
}; /* 32 */

struct descriptorpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
unsigned fieldnumber;
struct fielddesctype fd;
}; /* 40 */

struct dosfilepack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
char far *filenameptr;
unsigned handle;
unsigned asmode;
unsigned bytes;
long seekoffset;
unsigned method;
void far *bufferptr;
unsigned attr;
char far *newnameptr;
}; /* 30 */

struct dvmonpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned mode;
unsigned handle;
unsigned vs;
}; /* 10 */

struct exitpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
}; /* 4 */

struct handlepack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
}; /* 6 */

struct initpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned jftmode;
unsigned dosver;
unsigned version;
unsigned long exitptr;
}; /* 14 */

struct memorypack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned long memory;

struct openpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
char far *filenameptr;
unsigned asmode;
unsigned xblink;
}; /* 14 */

struct remotepack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
unsigned isremote;
unsigned flags;
unsigned isshare;
}; /* 12 */

struct setretriespack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned mode;
unsigned pause;
unsigned retries;
}; /* 10 */

struct statdatapack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
unsigned char filetype;
unsigned char dirty;
unsigned long recs;
unsigned reclen;
unsigned fields;
char f1;
unsigned char luyear;
unsigned char lumonth;
unsigned char luday;
unsigned hereseg;
char filler[10];
}; /* 32 */

struct statkeypack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
unsigned char filetype;
unsigned char dirty;
unsigned long keys;
unsigned keylen;
unsigned xblink;
unsigned long xbrecno;
unsigned hereseg;
unsigned codepageid;
unsigned countrycode;
unsigned collatetablesize;
unsigned keyflags;
char filler[2];
}; /* 32 */

struct stathandlepack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned handle;
unsigned id;
char far *filenameptr;
}; /* 12 */

struct xerrorpack {
unsigned func;
unsigned stat;
unsigned errclass;
unsigned action;
unsigned location;
}; /* 10 */

#pragma pack()

/* end of BULLET.H */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BLTC17.ZIP
Filename : BULLET.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: