Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BFSORTS.ZIP
Filename : SSORT.C

Output of file : SSORT.C contained in archive : BFSORTS.ZIP
/* SORT(): Non-Recursive Shell's Sort function. */
/* See the function declaration for calling information. */
/* Function is by Bruce Feist; please contact me on CompuServe with */
/* a message on BPROGB, MACDEV, or EASYPLEX if you have any */
/* questions or problems. */
/* You can also reach me at the Enlightened Board, at (703) 370-9528, */
/* N/8/1 */
/* Feel free to make use of this code in your own programs. */
/* Shell's sort. Not bad for intermediate sizes. */
/* Uses increment sequence h(n+1) = 3*h(n) + 1, */
/* as suggested by Knuth. */


#include "sort.h"

#define VERBOSE (0)

static char *base;
static double *dbase;
static int nelem, width;
static int (*compare) (void *, void *);
static int get_increment (int n_elements);
static char *temp_record;

ssort (void *pbase, size_t pnelem, size_t pwidth, int pcompare())
register unsigned int increment;
long offset;
register unsigned int equiv_class;

base = pbase;
dbase = pbase; /* for debugging only */
nelem = pnelem;
width = pwidth;
compare = pcompare;

temp_record = malloc (width);
if (temp_record == NULL)
return S_NOMEM;

for (increment = get_increment (nelem);
increment > 0;
increment /= 3)
for (equiv_class = increment;
equiv_class < nelem;
memcpy (temp_record, base + equiv_class * width, width);
for (offset = equiv_class - increment;
offset >= 0 &&
#pragma warn -sig
(*compare) (temp_record, base + offset * width) < 0;
#pragma warn .sig
offset -= increment)
#pragma warn -sig
memcpy (base + (increment + offset) * width,
base + offset * width,
#pragma warn .sig
} /* end for offset */

#pragma warn -sig
memcpy (base + (offset + increment) * width, temp_record, width);
#pragma warn .sig
} /* end for equiv_class */
} /* end for increment */

return S_OK;
} /* end ssort */

get_increment (int n_elements)
register int inc;

for (inc = 1;
inc < n_elements;
inc = 3 * inc + 1)

return inc > 17 ? inc/9 : 1;
} /* end get_increment */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BFSORTS.ZIP
Filename : SSORT.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: