Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BFONTC11.ZIP
Filename : BIOSFONT.H

Output of file : BIOSFONT.H contained in archive : BFONTC11.ZIP
/* Module to write text on any bit boundry */
/* on graphics screens supported by Turbo C++ */
/* Compiler. */
/* */
/* Last Edit : 1/4/91 */
/* (c)copyright 1991, Michael Chapin */

#define BF8x8 0x0100
#define BF8x14 0x0200
#define BF8x16 0x0300
#define Transparent 0xFFFF

typedef enum {JStart, JCenter, JEnd} Justification;
typedef enum {DAcross, DDown} Direction;
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} BOOL;

typedef struct{
unsigned Color; /* Current writing color */
unsigned BgColor;
unsigned Width; /* Width of font */
Justification Justify;
Direction Dir;
unsigned Height;

typedef struct{
unsigned x, y;

void SetBFonts();
/* sets up fonts */

void SetBFColor(unsigned Which, char Color);
/* Sets the color for printing "Which" Font */

char GetBFColor(unsigned Which);
/* Returns the current color for "Which" font */

void SetBFBgColor(unsigned Which, char Color);

char GetBFBgColor(unsigned Which);

void SetBFJust(unsigned Which, Justification Just);
/* Sets the justification for printing a Bios Font */

void SetBFFont(unsigned Which);
/* Sets the current font that will be written */

unsigned GetCurrBFFont(void);
/* Returns the current active font */

Justification GetBFJust(unsigned Which);
/* Returns the current Justification for "Which" font */

void SetBFDir(unsigned Which, Direction Dir);
/* Sets the direction for printing a Bios Font */

Direction GetBFDir(unsigned Which);
/* Returns the current direction for "Which" font */

void GetBFRecord(unsigned Which, BFont *Rec);
/* Returns the current setings for "Which" font */

unsigned GetBFWidth(unsigned Which, char *Strg);
/* Returns the width of a string in pixels if direction is DAcross */
/* else returns height of string in scan lines. */

unsigned GetBFHeight(unsigned Which);
/* Returns height of "Which" Font */

void PrintBF(char *Msg);
/* Prints a font at the current font pointer coordinates. The font pointer */
/* is updated to the end of string that was printed. */

void PrintBFAt(unsigned x, unsigned y, char *Msg);
/* Prints a font at x, y without changing the font pointer */

void MoveBFCursor(unsigned x, unsigned y);
/* Moves the internal cursor used by PrintBF to (x, y) */

void GetBFCursor(unsigned *x, unsigned *y);
/* returns the current value of the internal cursor in x and y */

void print_char(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned color, unsigned height,
unsigned char far *pattern);
/* low level printing routine for implement the users own font schemes. */

void ColorBlock(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width,
unsigned height, unsigned color);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BFONTC11.ZIP
Filename : BIOSFONT.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: