Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BBSCKIT.ZIP
Filename : BBSCDEF.H

Output of file : BBSCDEF.H contained in archive : BBSCKIT.ZIP

Global defines and storage definitions for use by
BBSc system.

NOTE: BDS C treats global variable like a FORTRAN COMMON
block, hence all programs that use these externals
must define them in the same order and for the same
length, AND they all must be recompiled if you change
anything in here!
Mike Kelly

07/23/83 v1.1 Added #define of CLOCK, NOCLOCK, LCDAV, LCEMPTY.
07/05/83 v1.0 Added #define DEBUG to control compilation
of "if(debug)" code.
07/03/83 v1.0 Added stop_that (indicates a ctl-K or K received
from the keyboard in portout routine).
06/28/83 v1.0 Added msg_delete (indicates if message is
06/25/83 v1.0 updated
05/17/83 v1.0 written

#define DEBUG 1 /* comment this out so the */
/* "if(debug)" code does NOT */
/* get compiled */

#define CLOCK 1 /* if you have a clock board then */
/* this define wants to be */
/* uncommented and NOCLOCK should */
/* be commented */

#define NOCLOCK 1 /* uncomment this if you do NOT have */
/* a clock board */

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define MAXLINE 132
#define CPMEOF 0x1a
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define ERROR -1
#define OK 1
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
#define UPDATE 2
#define STDIN 0
#define STDOUT 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#define CLEAR 'E' /* clear screen on z-19 */
#define ESC 0x1b
#define CR 0x0d
#define LF 0x0a
#define BELL 0x07 /* Avon calling */
#define CRLF "\r\n" /* */
#define CTL_D 0x04 /* */
#define CTL_K 0x0b /* */
#define CTL_X 0x18 /* */

#define BREAKCNT 5000 /* max count to allow for */
/* status routines to loop */
#define STATMAX 2000 /* used by stat debug routine */

#define WELCOME "/z/welcome.bbs" /* file name */
#define BULLETINS "/z/bulletin.bbs" /* file name */
#define NEWUSER "/z/newuser.bbs" /* file name */
#define SYSTEM "/z/system.bbs" /* file name */
#define CALLERS "/z/callers.bbs" /* file name */
#define LASTCALL "/z/lastcall.bbs" /* file name */
#define USERS "/z/users.bbs" /* file name */
#define HEADER "/z/header.bbs" /* file name */
#define MESSAGES "/z/messages.bbs" /* file name */
#define HELP "/z/help.bbs" /* file name */

/* defines used by the bbscfile.c routine */

#define MSG1MAX 104 /* max. piece of message to put in 128 */
/* byte chunk of msg file */
#define MSGSECT 128 /* size of message sector */

/* end of defines used by the bbscfile.c routine */

/* global variables */
char portin(); /* in routine returns a character */
char *gb4sin(); /* returns pointer to character */

FILE *inbuf ; /* handy input buffer pointer */
FILE *otbuf ; /* another handy buffer pointer */
FILE *itbuf ; /* pointer used to read/write user file */

char w_fname[25]; /* first name on signon */
char w_lname[25]; /* last name on signon */
char w_password[10]; /* password on signon */
char *passptr; /* ptr to password */

/* define user file fields */
char u_fname[25];
char u_lname[25];
char u_password[5];
char u_time1[12]; /* first time on system */
char u_date1[9]; /* first date on system */
char u_time2[12]; /* last time on system */
char u_date2[9]; /* last date on system */
char u_city[31]; /* city, state */

/* define message file fields */
char msg_no[11]; /* message number */
char msg_date[9]; /* date of message */
char msg_time[15]; /* time of message */
char msg_to[21]; /* who message is to */
char msg_from[21]; /* who message is from */
char msg_pass[11]; /* password */
char msg_subject[21]; /* what it's all about */
char msg_text[842]; /* text of message 20 lines */
/* by 40 wide */
char msg_delete[2]; /* indicates msg status */
/* 0 = active */
/* 9 = deleted */

int debug; /* switch for debug mode */
int offline; /* switch for offline mode */
int xpert; /* switch */
int active; /* indicates if logged on */
int statcnt; /* count used for status routines */
int stop_that; /* switch - true indicates ctl-K */
/* or K received in portout routine */
/* date/time fields - used by bbsclock.c */
char mm[3];
char dd[3];
char yy[3];
char month[20]; /* ie. January */
char day[3]; /* dd */
char year[5]; /* 19yy */
char date[30]; /* ie. January 31, 1983 */
char week[20]; /* day of week Monday, Tuesday... */
char ttime[12]; /* time of day HH:MM:SS xM */
/* where x = A or P */

/* variables used by the bbscfile.c routine */

char h_next_msg[10]; /* next avail. message # */
char h_date[10]; /* last update date of header file */
int h_next; /* next avail. message # in integer */

/* end of variables used by bbscfile.c */

/* end of globals */

/* end of program */

ext avail. message # in integer */

/* end of variables used by bbscfile.c *

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BBSCKIT.ZIP
Filename : BBSCDEF.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: