Category : C Source Code
Archive   : BAWK.ZIP
Filename : BAWK.H
* Bawk constants and variable declarations.
#ifdef BDS_C
#define EXTERN /* */
#ifdef MAIN
#define EXTERN /* */
#define EXTERN extern
#define DEBUG 1 /* remove this line to compile without debug statements */
#ifdef DEBUG
EXTERN char Debug; /* debug print flag */
* Table and buffer sizes
#define MAXLINELEN 128 /* longest input line */
#define MAXWORDS (MAXLINELEN/2) /* max # of words in a line */
#define MAXWORKBUFLEN 4096 /* longest action or regular expression */
#define MAXVARTABSZ 50 /* max # of symbols */
#define MAXVARLEN 10 /* symbol name length */
#define MAXSTACKSZ 40 /* max value stack length (for expressions) */
* Current Input File variables *
* Current Input File pointer:
#ifdef BDS_C
EXTERN char *Fileptr, Curfbuf[ BUFSIZ ];
EXTERN char *Filename; /* current input file name */
EXTERN int Linecount; /* current input line number */
EXTERN int Recordcount; /* record count */
* Working buffers.
EXTERN char Linebuf[ MAXLINELEN ]; /* current input line buffer */
EXTERN char *Fields[ MAXWORDS ]; /* pointers to the words in Linebuf */
EXTERN int Fieldcount; /* and the # of words */
EXTERN char Workbuf[ MAXWORKBUFLEN ]; /* work area for C action and */
/* regular expression parsers */
* Regular Expression Parser variables *
* Tokens:
#define CHAR 1
#define BOL 2
#define EOL 3
#define ANY 4
#define CLASS 5
#define NCLASS 6
#define STAR 7
#define PLUS 8
#define MINUS 9
#define ALPHA 10
#define DIGIT 11
#define NALPHA 12
#define PUNCT 13
#define RANGE 14
#define ENDPAT 15
* C Actions Interpreter variables *
* Tokens:
#define T_STRING 'S' /* primaries: */
#define T_DOLLAR '$'
#define T_REGEXP 'r'
#define T_CONSTANT 'C'
#define T_VARIABLE 'V'
#define T_FUNCTION 'F'
#define T_SEMICOLON ';' /* punctuation */
#define T_EOF 'Z'
#define T_LBRACE '{'
#define T_RBRACE '}'
#define T_LPAREN '('
#define T_RPAREN ')'
#define T_LBRACKET '['
#define T_RBRACKET ']'
#define T_COMMA ','
#define T_ASSIGN '=' /* operators: */
#define T_MUL '*'
#define T_DIV '/'
#define T_MOD '%'
#define T_ADD '+'
#define T_SUB '-'
#define T_SHL 'L'
#define T_SHR 'R'
#define T_LT '<'
#define T_LE 'l'
#define T_GT '>'
#define T_GE 'g'
#define T_EQ 'q'
#define T_NE 'n'
#define T_NOT '~'
#define T_AND '&'
#define T_XOR '^'
#define T_IOR '|'
#define T_LNOT '!'
#define T_LAND 'a'
#define T_LIOR 'o'
#define T_INCR 'p'
#define T_DECR 'm'
#define T_IF 'i' /* keywords: */
#define T_ELSE 'e'
#define T_WHILE 'w'
#define T_BREAK 'b'
#define T_CHAR 'c'
#define T_INT 't'
#define T_BEGIN 'B'
#define T_END 'E'
#define T_NF 'f'
#define T_NR '#'
#define T_FS ' '
#define T_RS '\n'
#define T_FILENAME 'z'
#define PATTERN 'P' /* indicates C statement is within a pattern */
#define ACTION 'A' /* indicates C statement is within an action */
* Symbol Table values
#define ACTUAL 0
#define LVALUE 1
#define BYTE 1
#define WORD 2
* Symbol table
struct variable {
char vname[ MAXVARLEN ];
char vclass;
char vsize;
int vlen;
char *vptr;
#define VARIABLE struct variable
* Value stack
union datum {
int ival;
char *dptr;
char **ptrptr;
#define DATUM union datum
struct item {
char class;
char lvalue;
char size;
DATUM value;
#define ITEM struct item
EXTERN ITEM Stackbtm[ MAXSTACKSZ ], *Stackptr, *Stacktop;
* Miscellaneous
EXTERN char *Actptr; /* pointer into Workbuf during compilation */
EXTERN char Token; /* current input token */
EXTERN DATUM Value; /* and its value */
EXTERN char Saw_break; /* set when break stmt seen */
EXTERN char Where; /* indicates whether C stmt is a PATTERN or ACTION */
EXTERN char Fieldsep[3]; /* field seperator */
EXTERN char Recordsep[3]; /* record seperator */
EXTERN char *Beginact; /* BEGINning of input actions */
EXTERN char *Endact; /* END of input actions */
* Rules structure *
struct rule {
struct {
char *start; /* C statements that match pattern start */
char *stop; /* C statements that match pattern end */
char startseen; /* set if both a start and stop pattern */
/* given and if an input line matched the */
/* start pattern */
} pattern;
char *action; /* contains quasi-C statements of actions */
struct rule *nextrule; /* pointer to next rule */
#define RULE struct rule
EXTERN RULE *Rules, /* rule structures linked list head */
*Rulep; /* working pointer */
* Miscellaneous *
* Error exit values (returned to command shell)
#define USAGE_ERROR 1 /* error in invokation */
#define FILE_ERROR 2 /* file not found errors */
#define RE_ERROR 3 /* bad regular expression */
#define ACT_ERROR 4 /* bad C action stmt */
#define MEM_ERROR 5 /* out of memory errors */
* Functions that return something special:
char *str_compile(), *getmem(), *cclass(), *pmatch(), *fetchptr();
VARIABLE *findvar(), *addvar(), *decl();
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: