Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ASMPROCS.ZIP
Filename : IBMPC.CPP

Output of file : IBMPC.CPP contained in archive : ASMPROCS.ZIP
// Low-level functions addressing BIOS & PC Hardware
// Original code written by: Al Stevens for the Aztec C compiler
// Modified for Turbo C++ 2.0
// Compile to object using BCC or BCCX:
// bccx -c ibmpc
// To use TASM remove the comment prior to the #pragma inline and compile.
// This provides a good example where inline statements should be used. The
// best example is Al Steven's use of inline statements to quickly retrieve
// system information on video retrace.

// #pragma inline
static union REGS rg;

// position the cursor

void pascal cursor(int x, int y)
{ = 0x0200;
rg.x.bx = 0;
rg.x.dx = ((y << 8) & 0xff00) + x;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);

// return the cursor position
void pascal curr_cursor(int *x, int *y)
{ = 0x0300;
rg.x.bx = 0;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);
*x = rg.h.dl;
*y = rg.h.dh;

// set cursor type
void pascal set_cursor_type(int t)
{ = 0x0100;
rg.x.bx = 0; = t;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);
char attrib = 7;

// clear the screen

void pascal clear_screen()
cursor(0, 0); = ' ';
rg.h.ah = 9;
rg.x.bx = attrib; = 2000;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);

// return the video mode
int pascal vmode()
rg.h.ah = 15;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);

// test for scroll lock
int pascal scroll_lock()
{ = 0x0200;
int86(0x16, &rg, &rg);
return & 0x10;
void (*helpfunc)();
int helpkey = 0;
int helping = 0;

// insert a character and attribute into video RAM

void pascal vpoke(unsigned vseg, unsigned adr, unsigned chr)
if (vseg == 45056) /* monochrome mode */
poke(vseg, adr, chr);
else {
_DI = adr; /* offset of video character */
_ES = vseg; /* video segment */
asm cld;
_BX = chr; /* the attribute and character */
_DX = 986; /* video status port */
// wait for video retrace to start
asm in al,dx;
while (_AL & 1);
// wait for video retrace to stop
asm in al,dx;
while (!(_AL & 1));
_AL = _BL;
asm stosb; /* store character */
// wait for video retrace to start
asm in al,dx;
while (_AL & 1);
// wait for video retrace to stop
asm in al,dx;
while (!(_AL & 1));
_AL = _BH;
asm stosb; // store attribute

// read a character and attribute from video RAM
int pascal vpeek(unsigned vseg, unsigned adr)
int ch, at;

if (vseg == 45056) // monochrome mode
return peek(vseg, adr);
asm push ds;
_DX = 986; // video status port
_DS = vseg; // video segment address
_SI = adr; // video character offset
asm cld;
// wait for video retrace to start
asm in al,dx;
while (_AL & 1);
// wait for video retrace to stop
asm in al,dx;
while (!(_AL & 1));
asm lodsb; /* get the character */
_BL = _AL;
// wait for video retrace to start
asm in al,dx;
while (_AL & 1);
// wait for video retrace to stop
asm in al,dx;
while (!(_AL & 1));
asm lodsb; // get the attribute
_BH = _AL;
_AX = _BX;
asm pop ds;
return _AX;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ASMPROCS.ZIP
Filename : IBMPC.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: