Dec 082017
Art tool for utilizing the BGI graphic interface. Writes code in C. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
ART.C | 1011 | 373 | deflated |
ARTOOL.DOC | 20675 | 5116 | deflated |
ARTOOL.EXE | 277440 | 121080 | deflated |
ARTOOL.HLP | 6423 | 2180 | deflated |
ARTSHOW.EXE | 127808 | 62308 | deflated |
BIRD.ART | 643 | 212 | deflated |
CAR.ART | 833 | 287 | deflated |
CLOWN.ART | 1754 | 488 | deflated |
INDUSTRY.ART | 2517 | 680 | deflated |
METER.ART | 7367 | 640 | deflated |
MOON.ART | 1193 | 378 | deflated |
MOUSE.ART | 250 | 115 | deflated |
TEST.ART | 530 | 222 | deflated |
Download File ARTOOLV1.ZIP Here
Contents of the ARTOOL.DOC file
Version 1.3
Copyright 1991,1992
SunSet Software
34 Ridge Road
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438
(201) 697 - 1629
ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
All versions of SunSet Software's ARTOOL are not public
domain software, nor is it free software. ARTOOL is
copyright (C) 1991,1992 by SunSet Software. Non-registered
users are granted a limited license to use ARTOOL on a trial
basis for the purpose of determining whether these programs
are suitable for their needs. Use of ARTOOL, except for
this limited purpose, requires registration. Use of non-
registered copies of ARTOOL by any person, business,
corporation, governmental agency or other entity institution
is strictly forbidden.
Registration permits a user the license to use ARTOOL. A
registered user may use the program on a different computer,
but may not use the program on more than one computer at the
same time. No user may modify ARTOOL in any way, including
but not limited to decompiling, disassembling or otherwise
reverse engineering the program.
All users are granted a limited license to copy ARTOOL only
for the trial use of others subject to the above
limitations, and also the following: ARTOOL must be copied
in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this
license information. Any and all ARTOOL documentation must
be included with the copy. No fee, charge or other
compensation may be accepted or requested by any licensee.
ARTOOL may not be distributed in conjunction with any
other product. Operators of electronic bulletin board
systems (Sysops) may post ARTOOL for downloading by their
users only as long as the above conditions are met.
Distributors of public domain or user supported software
may distribute copies of ARTOOL subject to the above
conditions and if they charge only a nominal fee for such
See the Ordering section for more information on
registration, corporate licensing and similar topics.
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
SunSet Software Computer Systems makes no warranty of
any kind, express or implied, including without
limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness
for a particular purpose. SunSet Software shall not be
liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special
or consequential arising from a failure of this program to
operate in the manner desired by the user. SunSet Software
shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which
may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Table of Contents
1. New Features
2. Introduction
3. Saving Your Work
4. Moving And Editing The Graphics
5. Writing Code
6. Using the Graphics Within Your Programs
8. Further Information
9. Registration
10. Bugs & Suggestions
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
New Features In Version 1.3
When an object is selected you can use the numeric keypad
up/ down/ right/ left arrow keys to move (in ten pixel
increments). To move the object in one pixel increments use
the above keys with the control key.
To get the same effect as the right mouse button you can use
the numeric keypad plus key.
To "attach" or "detach" you can also use the numeric keypad
'5' key.
The numeric keypad Pg Up/Pg Dn keys are equivalent to the
Next and Previous buttons on the screen. Similarly the Home
and End keys are the same as the First and Last Buttons.
The numeric keypad plus key is the same as the right mouse
button. When modifying a polygon the minus key allows you to
go to the previous vertice.
Included with to ARTOOL is a utility called ARTSHOW which
will display your "dot ART" files, so you can create your
own slide shows directly from the ART files. To use it type
the following at the DOS prompt:
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Welcome to the ARTOOL the graphics editor and CASE tool.
Designed with the latest Object Oriented techniques it
provides an indispensable tool for the C graphics
With ARTOOL you can create sophisticated graphic displays
that you can use in your own applications. ARTOOL skips the
tedious "edit, compile, and run" phase of writing most
graphics applications, by allowing you to directly
manipulate the graphics on the screen until it looks
perfect. Then ARTOOL can produce 'C' code that you can
embed directly into your own Borland code for the fastest
graphics ever.
To start it, type
at the DOS prompt. Once you skip the SunSet Software Logo
(press a key) you can begin immediately to create and edit
graphics. For example, move the mouse cursor to the Circle
graphic button (on the left of the screen) and clicking on
Then move the mouse cursor to the graphic edit window and
press the INSERT key. Now you move the circle anywhere on
the screen and "drop" it by pressing the ESC key or clicking
the left mouse button.
Some graphics attributes of the graphic can be modified
directly on the screen. For example, the circle radius, line
lengths, polygon vertices, and rectangle sizes can be
changed using the mouse by clicking the right mouse button
and moving the mouse cursor.
Other graphic attributes can be changed by clicking on the
buttons at the bottom of the screen. For example, all
graphics will have a "color" button. Click on this and a
"popup" menu of color choices will appear - click on the
color you want the graphic to have. Each type of graphic has
a different set of bottom buttons.
You can duplicate the current graphic (or the last one you
manipulated) by pressing the INSERT key after dropping the
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Saving Your Work
When you are happy with your work, click on the "File"
choice at the top of the screen. Then click on the "Save"
choice to save your work to a filename that you can change,
or click on "Save as..." to save your work to a file that
already exists.
All ARTOOL data files are saved with the extension ".ART".
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Moving And Editing The Graphics
The push/pop buttons (at the left of the screen) will push
or pop the current graphic below or above its neighboring
graphics (ie. in the list of graphics).
The First/ Next/ Previous/ Last buttons on the left of the
screen will select the First/ next/ previous/ last graphic.
Also, the numeric keypad keys Home/ End/ Pg Up/ Pg Dn will
select the first/ last/ next/ and previous graphic too.
Once a graphic is selected pressing the numeric keypad 5 key
will release it.
To move a graphic you can use the arrow keys. If you do so,
the graphic will move in ten pixel increments, if you press
the control key and the arrow key the graphic will move in
pixel increments.
Also, for the certain graphics like the circle,line, or
polygon pressing the numeric keypad plus (+) key will toggle
you into modifying a second graphic attribute of the object
- for example pressing the plus key when a circle is selcted
will toggle you into modifying the circle radius mode (you
also use the arrow keys in this mode too).
When you have a polygon selected pressing the plus key will
move to the next vertice, the minus (-) key to the previous
vertice. To insert a new vertice press the control key and
insert key at the same time. To delete a vertice move to
the vertice and press the delete key.
When a graphic is selected at the bottom of the screen will
appear a set of buttons that if clicked on will allow you to
change corresponding attributes for the selected graphic.
For example when you have a circle selected, press the left
mouse button (to drop the circle), and click on mode. The
circle will become a solid circle. Then press on the
pattern button, and a menu of possible patterns will appear.
Click on one of the patterns and the circle will be drawn in
the current color and pattern.
To duplicate a graphic, select it and then press the insert
key an identical graphic (with the same attributes) will be
To delete a graphic, select it and press the delete key.
The graphic will be deleted.
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Writing Code
When you want to generate code from the current work display
click on the "Make" choice at the top of the screen. Then
depending on if you want a code fragment, a single function,
or a complete program you would click on "Fragment",
"Function", or "Program".
Once selected you will be prompted with a pop-up menu for
the name of the file to write the code too. Change the
filename from the default prompt and click on Ok, to create
the code file.
The code that ARTOOL creates, hard codes everything except
for the X,Y origin of the collection of graphic objects.
Ie. font codes, color codes, x&y offsets, line types, etc
are written as numbers. The absolue x,y offset of the
objects are variables passed to the ARTOOL routine. This
allows you to use your graphics over and over again by
simply calling the ARTOOL routine with a new x,y location.
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Using The Graphics in Your Own Programs
To use the ARTOOL generated code in your own programs you
must compile and link the ART 'C' code with your programs.
Also, you must compile and link with the supplied 'C'
program ART.C if your graphics use polygons.
ARTOOL functions are always named "artool", like so;
artool(int x,int y)
where you call the artool function with x,y origin of the
graphics in the function. The x,y origin is picked by
ARTOOL by finding the leftmost (x) and topmost (y) graphic
coordinate of all the graphics in the collection of graphic
objects. The x,y coordinate you call the ARTOOL function
(artool(x,y)) is the x,y origin from which all other objects
will be drawn from.
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Include with ARTOOL is a utility which will display the
contents of your ".ART" files directly to the screen. This
may be used to review your ART files, or for creating
prototypes or slide shows.
To use ARTSHOW do the following
ARTSHOW filename[.art]
Where filename is the filespec (wildcards ok) of the
ART files you want to display. When ARTSHOW runs it will
display each ART file an wait for a keypress before drawing
the next one.
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Further Information
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us
here at :
SunSet Software at 201-697-1629.
Or if you prefer write to us at :
SunSet Software
34 Ridge Rd
Oak Ridge,NJ 07438
CompuServe 75036,1602.
To register for ARTOOL and receive the latest version please
fill out the order form below and send $15 to the above
address (see below on how we pay for suggestions and bug
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Registration Form
Remit to: SunSet Software Order Form
34 Ridge Road
Oak Ridge,NJ 07438
Please send:
___ ARTOOL Registration and Disk Combo @ $ 15.00 ea $ ______
(registration, program, and manual on disk)
Subtotal ______
Discounts for Suggestion and Bug Reports
Less $2 for each suggestion <______>
Less $4 for each Bug Report <______>
Total (Max $10) <______>
(New Jersey residents please add 6% sales tax) Tax ______
Total $ ______
Payment by: ( ) Check ( ) Money Order ( ) PO # _____________
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Day Phone: (______)__________ Eve: (______)_________________
ORDERS OUTSIDE THE US: Use check or money order drawn on US
bank in US dollars. Sorry, no C.O.D. orders will be
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ARTOOL - Version 1.3 2/9/92
Suggestions ($2 Each)
What do you want to be added or enhanced, what do want to be
Bug reports ($4 Each)
Please list hardware using (type of cpu, video monitor, TSR
installed), a way for us to duplicate the bug - ie. what
keys where pressed in what order, or if an editor bug what
graphics where up, etc.
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December 8, 2017
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