Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ARCSRC.ZIP
Filename : VMXTRN.H

Output of file : VMXTRN.H contained in archive : ARCSRC.ZIP
/* VMXTRN.H: External declarations for VM public variables.
/* Scalar variables.
extern int boundsw; /* 1=prefix RS; 2=trim RE; 3=both; 0=neither. */
extern int cdirsw; /* 1=search current dir only; 0=use path. */
extern int eltrsv; /* Save eltrsw during prolog. */
extern int eltrsw; /* 1=trace element structure in error msg; 0=no.*/
extern int tpes; /* Index of current source in stack. */
extern int prntmax; /* Number of data or PI chars to print. */
extern int src; /* Return code from call to SGML services. */
extern int srmsw; /* 1=SHORTREF maps in use; 0=not used. */
extern int suppsw; /* 1=suppress parsing info; 0=report it. */
extern int tpts; /*Current index in tptags(initialize each pass.)*/
extern UNCH *curfile; /* Current file for messages. */
extern UNS cnterr; /* Number of errors reported. */
extern UNS readcnt; /* Number of bytes for DOS file read. */
/* Arrays and structures.
extern UNIV srcbp; /* Ptr to SGML's RCB/IPB. */
extern struct ad *alptr; /* Current attribute list (tag or data). */
extern struct entity *oldent; /* Most recent entity parsed. */
extern struct ipbt it; /* IPB: To SGML for parsing and services. */
extern struct ipbt *itlpu; /* Address of it. */
extern struct source tpscbs[];/* Stack of open sources ("SCB stack"). */
extern struct switches tpsw; /* Parser control switches set by text proc. */
extern UNCH pd[]; /* Place for data copied from SGML data space. */
extern UNCH *ld; /* In pd: Buffer for copied literal. */
extern UNCH *path; /* In pd: file ID buffer: len+path\fileid+EOS. */
extern UNCH tptags[][NAMELEN+1]; /* Text processor element structure stack. */
/* Constants.
extern UNCH *eminmsg[]; /* End-tag minimization messages. */
extern UNCH *genext[]; /* Generated external entity file types. */
extern UNCH *realmsg[]; /* Real tag portion of minimization messages. */
extern UNCH *msgfptr; /* Pointer to actual SGML message file id. */
extern UNCH options[]; /* Text for invalid option error message. */
/* Conditional inclusions
#ifdef V2
extern UNCH *formats[]; /* Formatting procedures for chainsaw sculpture.*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ARCSRC.ZIP
Filename : VMXTRN.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: