Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ARCSRC.ZIP
Filename : ERROR.H

Output of file : ERROR.H contained in archive : ARCSRC.ZIP
/* ERROR.H: Symbols for SGML error codes (start with '_').
Numbers 46 - 56 are generated by ERROR.C.
Later numbers are coded directly.
/* SGMLERR.C: General errors and syntax errors.
#define _CONTEXT 1 /* W GI not allowed at this point in structure. */
#define _MDNAME 2 /* E Invalid markup declaration name. */
/*efine _LEN 3 /* E Syntax error: length exceeded. */
#define _SYS 4 /* W Illegal system character. */
#define _ETAG 5 /* E End-tag does not match any open start-tag. */
#define _STAGMAX 6 /* E Maximum number of open elements exceeded. */
/* _ALLNULL 7 /* W Start- and end-tag omitted with null content. */
#define _EOF 8 /* E/W Illegal entity end in markup or delimited text. */
/* fine _INV 9 /* E Markup error: invalid character. */
#define _CHARS 10 /* W Data found in content that doesn't allow it. */
/* fine _NOETDE 11 /* E End-tag GI not defined by element declaration. */
#define _BADNM 12 /* E Name is not syntactically valid. */
#define _BADATT 13 /* E Attribute was not defined by element declaration. */
#define _VALINV 14 /* W Att value/declaration conflict: invalid char. */
#define _VALLEN 15 /* W Att value/declaration conflict: token too long. */
#define _VALCNT 16 /* W Att value/declaration conflict: too many tokens. */
#define _VALTYPE 17 /* W Att value/declaration conflict: wrong token type.*/
#define _VALGRP 18 /* W Att value/declaration conflict: token not in grp.*/
#define _VALREQ 19 /* W Att value/declaration conflict: req unspecified. */
/* _EMIN 20 /* W End-tag implied by end-tag; not minimizable. */
/* _SMIN 21 /* W Omitted start-tag was not minimizable. */
#define _POSSATT 22 /* E Possible att found but not defined; used as data.*/
/* Late additions numbered out of order to avoid recompilation. */
/*efine _ENTSYNC 37 /* E Entity and group nesting levels out of sync. */
#define _BADVAL 25 /* W Att value omitted (null); default used. */
/* _ECONTXT 30 /* W Element ended prematurely (some content omitted).*/
/* _EMINST 39 /* W End-tag implied by start-tag; not minimizable. */
/* _MEXTAG 40 /* W *** In Use *** */
#define _MEXERR 41 /* W Attempt to exclude contextually required element.*/
#define _DOCTYPE 42 /* W No document type defined; *DOCTYPE assumed. */
/* _NOETDS 43 /* E Start-tag GI not defined by element declaration. */
#define _RESTART 44 /* E Invalid chars ignored; trying to restart parse. */

/* MDERROR.C: Errors in markup declarations.
/*efine _DUP 23 /* E Duplicate specification. */
/*efine _KEY 24 /* E Incorrect keyword for parameter. */
/*efine _MSE 26 /* E MSE occurred with no corresponding MS. */
/*efine _MSS 27 /* E MSS exceeded maximum nesting level. */
/*efine _NUM 28 /* E Incorrect number of parameters. */
#define _TYPE 29 /* E Incorrect parameter type. */
/* Late additions numbered out of order to avoid recompilation. */
/*efine _VAL 38 /* W Incorrect parameter value. */

/* RESERROR.C: Errors in resource routines.
/* Unused I End of primary source entity. */
/* fine _FILBUF 31 /* E Could not read next buffer. */
/* fine _ERFILE 32 /* E Could not open file. */
/* fine _MALLOC 33 /* T Could not obtain required main storage. */
/* fine _ERMAX 34 /* E Maximum number of open entities exceeded. */
/* fine _ERNAME 35 /* E Referenced entity undeclared. */
/* fine _ERLOOP 36 /* E Entity referenced within itself: ref ignored. */
/* Late additions numbered out of order to avoid recompilation. */
/* _ERDEF 45 /* E Referenced entity undeclared; SYSTEM assumed. */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ARCSRC.ZIP
Filename : ERROR.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: