Category : C Source Code
Archive   : ANCTEST.ZIP
Filename : TESTANSI.C
* Ansitest -- test whether ANSI.SYS is installed
* Use --- just run the program ANSI.EXE. It will tell you whether
* or not ANSI.SYS has been loaded. It sets the MSDOS ERRORLEVEL
* variable to 0 if ANSI.SYS is active, 1 if not, so if used in a
* batch file like
* ECHO This is a batch file.
* PATH C:\;A:\;B:\
* IF errorlevel 1 goto NOANSI
* ;
* REM if TESTANSI set the errorlevel to 1, this command gets skipped
* SET PROMPT=$e[s$e[1;68H$e[7m $t$h$h$h$e[0m$e[u$h$h$n$g
* ;
* SET PATH=C:\;A:\;B:\
* the batch file can know whether ANSI.SYS is part of the
* environment. The PROMPT is an ANSI-driven prompt that creates an
* on-screen clock; since it requires ANSI.SYS to be loaded in order
* to work, the batch file can skip over that command.
* Entire work (C) Copyright 1988, Loren E Heal.
* Private hobbyists feel free to copy and distribute this material,
* as long as NO money changes hands. This is "freeware", but not
* Public Domain. Commercial or government users must contact the
* author for licensing.
* Loren E. Heal
* 607 W. Healey St, #5
* Champaign, IL 61820
* EMAIL: Phoeni-Xanadu BBS, 217-
* July, 1988
* Source Notes
* The program operates by sending to the STDOUT device the escape
* sequence that ANSI.SYS (hereon "ANSI" or "the driver") recognizes
* as a Device Status Request, or DSR. The driver, if present, will
* place an RCP, Return Cursor Position, sequence onto the input
* stream. If ANSI (or a clone) is not active, then the DSR string
* will have been printed to the screen and not swallowed by the
* driver.
* I used an assembly language routine, rather than the C library
* routines, for compactness. The program might work as well using
* a combination of kbhit(), getch(), and printf(), but the smaller
* .ASM routine (included as a comment below the source) was more
* fun to write.
#define NOT_OK (1)
#define OK (0)
#define EMPTY (0)
#define GETIN (0xff)
#define US unsigned short
#define UL unsigned long
#define ESC ('\x1b')
#define DSR ("\x1b[6n")
#define SCP ("\x1b[s")
#define RCP ("\x1b[u")
#define RIGHTS ("(C) 1988 Loren E. Heal\n\r")
static char *goodmsg = ("\x1b[1mANSI\x1b[0m active\n");
static char *badmsg = ("\b\b\b\b\bANSI inactive\n");
void main(),exit();
int print();
US dircon();
int c;
print(RIGHTS); /* send Copyright notice */
print(DSR); /* send ANSI Device Status Request */
c = (int) dircon(GETIN); /* check next character (kbhit() */
/* would be followed by getch()) */
while(dircon(GETIN)); /* swallow RCP string */
if(c == ESC) /* if RCP received */
print(goodmsg); /* signal device installed */
c = OK; /* and set exit code */
else /* else */
print(badmsg); /* erase trash and give result */
c = NOT_OK; /* set exit code */
/* No argument or environment checks, so these routines are put
here to save a few bytes -- MSC 3.0 */
void _setenvp() { }
void _setargv() { }
void _nullcheck() { }
* PRINT: Print a string to the console via DIRCON
* -- Pass a string pointer
* -- returns the number of characters printed
char *str;
int i;
for(i=0; str[i]; dircon(str[i++]))
if(str[i] == '\n') dircon('\r');
* DIRCON : Direct console I/O via MSDOS int21h, Fct 6
* -- if dl is a character, it will be printed to the console
* -- if dl is 0xff, function returns either 0 or
* the character. The following is what the assembly
* code looks like
* _dircon PROC NEAR
* mov DL,[BP+4]
* mov AH,6
* int 21h
* jnz D1 ; if no char waiting, zflag is set
* mov AL,0 ; so load a 0 into AL for return
* d1: ; endif
* mov AH,0 ; load AH with 0
* mov SP,BP ; and return either 0 or the char in AX
* _dircon ENDP
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: