Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : ZLAB-RA3.ZIP
Filename : ZLAB-EFT.BAT

Output of file : ZLAB-EFT.BAT contained in archive : ZLAB-RA3.ZIP
@echo off
rem ZipLab Plus - EFT Interface batch
rem by Mike Ehlert 1:102/1001
rem Version 2.0
rem Read the ZLAB-RA.DOC that came with this batch for more info.
rem This will assume the enviornment variable %NODE% is set to the current
rem node number. For example "Set NODE=1" for line1, and so on.
rem If you don't run multinode, then you can replace "%NODE%" with "1"
rem First convert the RA DORINFO1.DEF to PCBOARD.DAT and PCBOARD.SYS files
rem and add on lines 153-198 to make it an extended PCBOARD.DAT

qkdoor c:\ra\line%NODE%\RA c:\ra\line%NODE%\PCB14
copy c:\ra\line%NODE%\pcboard.dat+c:\ra\ziplab\add.%NODE% c:\ra\line%NODE%\pcboard.dat

rem The next rem will create a 0 byte caller file, expected by ziplab

rem The set statment will make ZipLab think we are running Prodoor,
rem so that ZipLab will not look for extra pcb files.

Rem Run Ziplab Plus (ptest) and pass it the filename and .cfg file to use.
c:\ra\ziplab\ptest.exe %1 c:\ra\ziplab\ptest%NODE%.cfg

rem If a file call PCBFAIL.TXT exists, that means that ziplab considers
rem the test to have failed. EFT does not care about such a filename,
rem EFT only checks if a file called GOOD exists, then the test passed.
rem So here we must create GOOD as long as there is no PCBFAIL.TXT.

if exist c:\ra\line%NODE%\pcbfail.txt goto bad
echo good > GOOD
goto end

erase c:\ra\line%NODE%\pcbfail.txt
rem since a file failed, add the reason and uploders name to the ziplab.log
copy c:\ra\ziplab\ziplab.log+c:\ra\line%NODE%\caller+exitinfo.eft c:\ra\ziplab\ziplab.log
Rem Thats it, now its back to EFT.

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : ZLAB-RA3.ZIP
Filename : ZLAB-EFT.BAT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: