Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : WC!DV7.ZIP
Filename : README

Output of file : README contained in archive : WC!DV7.ZIP

Included in this ZIP are the files that will show you how to run Wildcat
2.xN and 2.xP under Deskview. You MUST be using Deskview 2.26 or higher, Qemm
4.25 or higher, or Deskview 386 which includes the previously mentioned two
programs. You can tell what version number you have by looking at the time on
the appropriate disk: 4:23a, for example, is version 4.23. A TRUE LIM 4.0/EEMS
3.2/4.0 16 bit memory card must be used in lieu of Qemm if running a 286 machine
(a clock speed of less than 12 MHz., 0 waitstates, is not recommended due to
sluggish performance). I recommend a MAXIMUM of two nodes on a 12 MHz. machine,
3 nodes on a 16-20 MHz. machine, and 4 nodes on a 25 MHz. machine (all zero
waitstate). A 33 MHz machine will run four active nodes and a local-only node,
for a total of 5.
(While Desqview CAN be made to run quite successfully on a 286
machine with a TRUE EEMS/LIM 4.0 16 bit card - only the AST card has
proven to be completely compatible as of this writing - and all but 256K
of motherboard memory disabled, a 386sx or 386 machine is the preferable
Desqview/Wildcat platform and is HIGHLY recommended...)
Certain 386 machines have been noted to have problems running
Deskview 386 with Wildcat. To wit: The DTK 386 machines with DTK Bios
(Phoenix Bios is ok), the early Micronics 33 MHz. 386 machines, and
machines with the early Austek cache chip. Recommended Bioses are AMI
and Phoenix, in that order, for both 286 and 386 machines.
This is NOT a tutorial on how to run multinode Wildcat; it is
assumed that you are already moderately versed in what is needed to run
multinode and that you have read and understand the multinode supplement
included with Wildcat 2.x.
I recommend that Wildcat 2.x with a compile date of 9/1/89 or later
be used. This version corrects a time calculation bug that existed in
the first release of 2.x that could cause modem answering problems under
Desqview. If you are planning on using Com 3 or 4, Wildcat 2.x with a
compile date of 9/1/89 or later should be used. This corrects a bug in
the Com 3 and 4 routines that may cause certain I/O cards and machines
to fail. See my WC!HST12.ZIP file for information on setting up a U.S.
Robotics HST or Dual Standard modem for use with Wildcat 2.x.
To maintain adequate throughput and prevent dropped characters, the
NS16550AFN Uart chip is a must! This chip is available from Arrow
Electronics by mail order for about $19 and is a plug-in replacement.
Arrow's number is 800-932-7769.
Those using 286 motherboards with the Chips & Technology NEAT
chipset should read Lim40.tec included herein. The NEAT chipset has
some serious limitations and does not correctly impliment the Lim 4.0
specification! It WILL cause problems under multinode!
Those who have Lim 4.0 or EEMS memory cards and who can not reduce
their motherboard memory below 512K should read 512at.tec. You may have
no choice but to go to another 386sx or 386 motherboard, add a plug-in
cpu replacement such as the 386sx, or use something such as the Intel
386 Inboard or All Charge Card.
I recommend that MS-Dos 3.3 be used. If you require disk
partitions bigger than 32 MB, Compac-Dos 3.31 is your Dos of choice.
MS-Dos 4.01 will also work well and provides more efficent support of
disk partitions larger than 64 Mb. However, 4.01 will use more memory
and your maximum available windows size will be approximately 10 to 15K
smaller, all else being equal. Do not use any version of PC-Dos 4.00 or
4.01 as it has nonstandard EMS memory handling and MAY cause problems.
If your motherboard supports Rom Shadowing, I recommend turning it
off (if possible) and using Qemm's Rom parameter to allow Qemm to do the
Rom shadowing instead. This is generally faster, uses less Ram and is
more compatible... If you do have Rom Shadowing enabled on your
motherboard for whatever reason, and you have disk error problems or
unexplained crashes, you might try disabling the shadowing. This can
particularly be a problem with SCSI drives. SCSI drives often will also
need the DMA parameter changed in the Qemm config.sys line (see the Qemm
documentation on this).
I also strongly suggest that you upgrade to version 2.5x of Wildcat
since this version has even more advanced and efficent Desqview support.
Qemm 5.1x and Desqview 2.3x is also a highly desirable upgrade.
NWORK.TEC is a discussion that may be of interest to those of you
that would like to run Desqview under a network.
If you have further questions, feel free to log on to my system at
818-366-1238/8929 (USR Dual Standard 14400/9600, 2400/1200) which
is running 2.55P and 4 nodes under Deskview 386 2.31. You may also leave
me messages on the RIME network to Tom Tcimpidis at Node MOGUR.

Tom Tcimpidis
Sysop, The MOG-UR'S EMS
818-366-1238/8929 (HST and V.32/V.32bis)
Granada Hills, CA
RIME Network address: MOGUR

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : WC!DV7.ZIP
Filename : README

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: