Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : WAF165.ZIP
Filename : ROADMAP.DOC

Output of file : ROADMAP.DOC contained in archive : WAF165.ZIP
Waffle v1.65 / Roadmap of Waffle Directories
(C) Copyright 1992 Darkside International, All Rights Reserved.


I System Directory
II Text Directory
III Extern Directory
IV Admin Directory
V UUCP Directory
VI Miscellaneous

----------/ SYSTEM DIRECTORY /-----------------------------------------------

The /waffle/system directory contains all configuration and
setup files required, and any files that get changed over the
course of normal operation.

There are quite a few of these:


Mail aliases defined for the system. It is
recommended that the alias "postmaster" point
to the sysop's account. Format:

alias user1 user2 user3

If the first character of a line is a space,
it is treated as a continuation line from above.

When there are many users in an alias, such
as a mailing list, storing them in this file is
inadequate; instead, use a + to point to a
file. For example, a mailing concerning glove
and mitten issues might use the format:

glove-list + /waffle/system/glove.lis

The glove.lis file would then contain a list of
the users on the mailing list, one user per line.

Further information on configuring this file
may be found in the MANUAL.DOC file.


Cookie file. Each cookie is separated
by a | character. As of this writing the
only way to delete an individual cookies is
to use a text editor. It's a good idea to
delete the bad/stale cookies.


Waffle system data file. Format:

xxxxx Total calls to system (long int)
xxxxx Total messages posted (long int)
string Name of the last caller


A list of directories checked by the NEW or
MASTER command in FILES section. Note that
you may have other directories not checked.


DOS only. Sites to which you provide Usenet
feeds to, and a list of the newsgroups to feed
those sites. See RNEWS.DOC for more information.


File typed for the JOURNAL command. This
may be changed by all users whose access
level is at least journal_ok.


A sample forum configuration file. This
normally contains local forums, so-called
"bulletin boards".

Information needed to configure this file
and the companion system/usenet file may be
found in the FORUM.DOC file.


A file containing strings that are not
allowed in the names of new users. If one
is encountered, the user is hung up on and
recorded in the events log.

In general, this file will contain
obscenities and names of undesirable people.

Be careful when adding entries to this
file. Note that placing "root" in refuse
will not allow people with surname DeGroot
to login to your system.


DOS only, the CRON scheduler.

Each line of this file contains time information
and a command to execute at the given time.

See DOS.DOC for further information on CRON.


DOS only, a sample CRON file.

This file must be modified and renamed to
"schedule" in order to take effect.


A default signature file for both E-Mail and posted
messages. This may contain up to four lines. Percent
options are recognized in this file (but not in
personal signature files, however.)

We don't recommend placing more than two lines in
this file (the "maximum obnoxium tolerance" is 4). For
example, the sig file

%A@%n (%W)
Land of the Table Legs BBS -- +1 408 245 SPAM

might generate signatures something like

[email protected] (Lunatic)
Land of the Table Legs BBS -- +1 408 245 SPAM

Personal signature files in user's directories will
override the attachment of this file.

%C or %Z (cookies) aren't effective in signatures.


Newuser questionnaire. This consists of a number of
questions which may be configured by editing the file.
All blobs of text must end with the ~ character.

When *PRINT is encountered, the immediately following
text is displayed. *CONFIRM will display text and
obtain an input line. Other elements correspond to
some (but not all) elements of the password file. Note
that *NAME and *IDENTITY must appear here.

If *COMMENT is encountered, the answer is inserted
into the "comment" field of the user record. This is
not included in the sample signup file.

Generic questions may be asked by using *ASK; the
answers to these are written to the requests file.
Similar to *ASK is *REQUIRE, where the user must
answer the question with at least 1 character. It is
advised you not overdo either of these.

BBS commands may be executed as part of the signup
sequence by "*DO command". It may not make sense to
execute certain commands at this time, as they are done
under the "default" account (for instance, trying a
*DO FEEDBACK will not generate a correct From: line.)

To execute a shell, "*DO !command", or "*DO +command"
if you want I/O redirection under DOS.

Always test the newuser sequence after changing
signup, as a missing ~ may disallow account requests.


Waffle static data file. Contains
information which is read but not written.

This is the most important file used by Waffle;
it is the master configuration file.

See STATIC.DOC for detailed information.


A sample forum configuration file, for Usenet
newsgroups. Contains information regarding the
existance and access to newsgroups.

Entries for all the Usenet newsgroups accessed
by your system should contained be in this file.

Information needed to configure this file
and the companion system/local file may be
found in the FORUM.DOC file.


Zippy the Pinhead cookies.

Zippy is a comic strip character famous for
insane malapropisms.

This file may safely be deleted if you would
rather use the space for something else.

See /waffle/system/cookies description.

----------/ TEXT DIRECTORY /-------------------------------------------------


A file displayed when a user is being forced
to change accounts, with the "#new" special
shell command.

Generally it's rare that you'll want someone to
change accounts like this. Further information is
available in the MANUAL.DOC file.


The question asked each user before chatting.

A tilde ~ followed by a bar | can be used to
signify an EOF to escape this problem.


Banner displayed immediately after connect.
This may contain the name of the system, etc.


Why the SYSTEM 0PERATOR cannot answer chat.
Displayed in DOS when the scroll lock key is
not lit. Always displayed under Unix.


Message printed after 3 unsuccessful login
attempts. After display of this file,
connection will be terminated. See also
../text/logwarn and ../text/loghelp files.


File displayed when asking a user if they
want to send FEEDBACK.

If you don't want this question asked, just
delete the file (a "YES" will then be assumed).


Opening banner for FILES transfer section.
See FILES.DOC for more information on Waffle's
file treansfer section.


File displayed when someone is confused at
the "Login or NEW" prompt.


If present, file is displayed as a user
logs out. Commonly people will put BBS numbers
for display upon logout.


A warning message that is printed the first few
times a bad password is entered.

After 3 tries, the "failure" message is printed.


This file is displayed at the top of
the MASTER command output in FILES section.


For moderated newsgroups, a message indicating
that a MAIL message is being sent to the
moderator, instead of directly posting the message.

(A "moderated newsgroup" is one where a human
filters postings before they appear to the public.)


File displayed to all users on their first call.
System policies may be explained here.


DOS only. Message printed after the
if F5 key is hit and before dumping the user.


The file that specifies what information
is displayed with the STATUS command. This
file contains lots of % parameters.

During display, %i contains the password. If
you consider this a security risk, you can
delete that line of the file.


File displayed when a user runs out of
time, before being disconnected.


If present, displayed when ALT-C is
entered to inform user he is in [chat] mode.

This file is not provided in a stock
installation, as we find the feature annoying.


Displayed when access has been denied on
entry to the FILES section, due to lack of
validation, or whatnot.


Welcome message, displayed after logging in.
Important bulletins, etc. should be placed here.
Also displayed by the WELCOME command.

----------/ EXTERN DIRECTORY /-----------------------------------------------


External editors that are available on the system.
Each line corresponds with an editor, which may be
selected in the STATUS or ADMIN T commands.

If you run a BBS, use special care when making
external editors available.

See EXTERN.DOC for more information.


The DOS or Unix commands used to upload (receive)
file transfers. The default examples include X, Y,
and ZMODEM commands. See EXTERN.DOC and FILES.DOC
for more information.


The DOS or Unix commands used to download (send)
file transfers. The default examples include X, Y,
and ZMODEM commands. See EXTERN.DOC and FILES.DOC
for more information.


Waffle uses the _extern file to run external
components of Waffle as needed; for example, the
network programs are called using command lines
from this file.

This is the most important extern file; its
presence is critical to correct operation of the
system. See EXTERN.DOC for details.


For DOS only; this is a sample extern file for
demonstrating use of an ordinary (ie, no direct
screen writes) DOS program as an extern. The UUQ
command displays the contents of the outgoing
UUCP spool queue.

/access=1 /command="UUQ -u%A %i"

The account name is passed as an argument to -u
to limit access to viewing jobs created by the
currently logged in user (for privacy.) An optional
argument typed by the user is passed in %i.

See EXTERN.DOC and NETWORK.DOC for more information.

----------/ ADMIN DIRECTORY /------------------------------------------------

Contains the password file, /waffle/admin/password, the password
index file, the callers log, and numerous log files created during
Waffle operation. The log files are technically not necessary for
operation, and may be cleaned up or deleted from time to time.
(They do not grow very quickly and we seldom trim ours.)


DOS only. If mail is "bounced" (rejected) from
your site, most likely because of an incorrect
username, an entry is written here. Also mail
incorrectly routed through your site to
somewhere you can't get to will be bounced.


The caller log, accessed by the LIST command.
This contains the caller number, account name,
identity, access level, times of login, number
of moves, and how they logged out.

A full explanation of this log can be found
in USER.DOC under the LIST command.


DOS only; summaries of Usenet control messages.
The majority of these will be "cancel" requests.


DOS only; records all CRON scheduler activations.


All minor errors are recorded in this log. Note
that this doesn't necessarily mean something is
wrong; someone might have given bad arguments
to a command (for example, trying to view a file
in FILES that doesn't exist).


System events file, accessed via the EVENTS
command. Most of the interesting system events
(and certain critical system errors) are
recorded here. This is the most important log;
inspect it regularly.

If you are having problems, check both the


If any external commands are given with the /log
option, their activation is recorded here.


Records all unsuccessful logins. If someone
is having trouble logging in, information here
can be used to help them. Also, attempted
breakins occasionally may show up.


All mail contact to and from the outside world
has its source and destination recorded here.


DOS only. Record of all UUCP contacts with your
neighbors; each line contains the number of
packets sent & received, and characters per second
of the connection.


All account applications. This is kept in case
a user later causes problems; you have the phone
numbers of accounts that have been deleted.
Also, if a user is accidentally deleted a chance
exists of restoring the account.


DOS only. Net UUCP traffic summary, one line
per connection. The first column is number of
incoming mail messages; the second is news.
The third line is the number of relayed messages
passing through your system (Relay-To:'s).


A log of all file transfers. This consists of
"S" (send) or "R" (receive), modem rate, protocol,
size of files transferred, and filenames.


DOS only; the UUCP logfile. Normally UUCP should
be set to errorlevel 3, to minimize the size of
this file. This is the only log that grows fairly
rapidly; generally, it only has to be checked if
and when things aren't working properly.


DOS only; a list of all file transfers handled
by UUCICO other than mail or news (This includes
anonymous UUCP, and other file requests.)

----------/ UUCP DIRECTORY, for DOS ONLY /-----------------------------------


DOS only. Scripts used by UUCICO to initialize
and dial the modem. Each entry corresponds to a
particular modem at a particular speed.

See NETWORK.DOC for information on this and most
of the other files in this directory.


DOS only. For the UUCP mailer, suggested
paths to use for certain sites. See the RMAIL.DOC
documentation for details.


DOS only. Configuration file to determine what
accesses are available to dialup UUCP neighbors.

Don't change this file unless you know what you're
doing, and have read and understood NETWORK.DOC.


DOS only. Connection scripts for use by UUCICO
for logging into remote systems.


DOS only. UUCP sequence number, which is
incremented every time news or mail is sent out.

You should not have to touch this file.


DOS only. List of remote UUCP neighbors, plus login
scripts and information. See the documentation on the
UUCP subsystem in the NETWORK.DOC file.

----------/ DOCS DIRECTORY /-------------------------------------------------


The INDEX file. Basically, an outline of each doc
file, to give you an idea of where to look for things.


The README file. Contains enough information to get
a system minimally installed. Read it.


Release notes for this version of Waffle and also
the previous version. These are just a quick outline
of important new features.


How to use 16 bit compression with Waffle/DOS. The
default is to use 12 bit compression, which is good
enough for most purposes. DOS only.


Installing Waffle/DOS, with emphasis on modem
configuration, troubleshooting, the scheduler, and
getting Waffle to work on a LAN. For DOS only.


External commands with Waffle, including but not
limited to interfacing to the Usenet/UUCP network,
editors, file transfer programs, and adding
commands to Waffle through the external interface.


Documentation on the Waffle FILES section, which
allows callers to upload or download files. Includes
docs on the ARCLIST program.


Defining Waffle's forum configuration files, which
contain a list of the Usenet newsgroups recognized by
Waffle, plus locations and access information.


Future directions of Waffle. Subject to change, since
we have great difficulty predicting the future.


A summary of changes for the last few versions of
Waffle. Read this whenever upgrading, and it will save
poring over the docs looking for new things. Also,
undocumented features are sometimes documented here..


An incredibly brief introduction to Usenet and the
UUCP network. Usenet is an informal network, and its
situation varies greatly within the USA and also
country to country. Thus we can't give 100% perfect
instructions on How_To_Connect_To_The_Network or even
Who_To_Bug, but it can give you ideas.


System administrator's manual. Gives information on
creating accounts, the ADMIN command, and certain
administrative tasks required of a network manager.


Describes installation and use of the UUCICO, UUCP,
UUX, UUXQT, and UUQ commands for Waffle/DOS. You
will want to read this if you run a DOS system that
connects to any other hosts.


Information on getting Waffle/Unix or Waffle/DOS
to work with NNTP, the Network News Transfer Protocol.
This lets you read and post Usenet news over a
TCP/IP based network, instead of UUCP. For nerds!


Product information. I haven't decided whether to put
this in one file, or split it in 3 parts.


Waffle registration form. Please print it out and
send it in if you find Waffle suits your needs.


DOS only; full documentation on the RMAIL.EXE program,
including the uucp/PATHS file. For information on the
system/ALIASES file, see the MANUAL.DOC file.


DOS only; documentation on RNEWS.EXE, BATCH.EXE, and
using compression. This file describes the processing
of news and should be read along with FORUM.DOC,
which describes setting up the configuration files.


You are here. A short description of almost every file
included with the Waffle package.


Description of parameters available in the static file,
/waffle/system/static. The static file is Waffle's main
configuration file, thus STATIC.DOC is very important.

Descriptions of parameters used only by UUCICO are
available in NETWORK.DOC, however.


Functions available in the SYSMAN program. This file
may be combined with MANUAL.DOC in the near future.
SYSMAN is the password file maintenance utility, and
contains indexing and cleanup functions.


Getting Waffle/DOS working with Telebit modems.
(Some Telebits have extra support for UUCP protocol.)


Installing Waffle/UNIX on your system.


Instructions regarding updating to this version of
Waffle from a previous version. (If you are upgrading
from a very old version, more than two versions ago,
we recommend a re-install -- it's easier.)


User documentaiton. This explains the use of the
/waffle/bin/waffle (or WAFFLE.EXE for DOS types) to
the end user. Some examples are included.

----------/ MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORIES /--------------------------------------


The directory that contains the WAFFLE executable.
Additionally the DOS version will contain a number of
executables for UUCP networking operation.

It is recommended that any external programs such as
rz/sz, dsz, et al locate themselves here. Place this
directory in the PATH environment variable if applicable.


Both these directories contain "bulletins" or "menu"
oriented text. There is a file "menu" present which is
displayed by the HELP or INFO commands.

To achieve a hierarchical format, create subdirectories
with "menu" files in them; these menus will be displayed
when entering the individual subtopics.

In particular there should be a /waffle/help/forums file
(or directory), and a /waffle/help/join file.


Contains the source code for those who have purchased it.
Also may have some .o or .obj files lingering about, and a
Makefile. Note that the Unix and DOS Makefiles are very
different in structure.


Voting booth files. These are:

current current results
results previous voting topics & results
topics current topic

Note that the voting booth is contained in /waffle/bin/vote,
which is run as an external program when the user types VOTE.
In theory you could write your own voting booth (or some
other kind of program) to replace this.

If this directory is not present, the system acts as if
there is no voting booth.

[ Not distributed with Waffle ]


When a command is not matched within the program, this
directory is checked for files matching the attempted
command. If found, the file is displayed. As with the
help and info directories, hierarchies are allowed.

This makes it very easy to add simple commands to print
silly messages, BBS lists, "System Library", etc.


admin menu for the ADMIN command
areas for the * command in FILES
browse for the RN message scan command
console for ? at the Awaiting Ring prompt
edit menu for the line editor
editors list of editors available
files menu for the FILES command
join for the JOIN command
local the menu for local sysop terminal mode
mail menu for the MAIL command
main the main ? menu
more for ? at the the [more] prompt
prejoin preliminary JOIN menu
protocol menu for the FILES Protocol: command
scan menu for READ and NEW commands
short for the RN message scan command
terminals menu for TERM command

[email protected]
(C) Copyright 1992 Darkside Int'l

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : WAF165.ZIP
Filename : ROADMAP.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: