Dec 252017
UltraBBS v2.09 disk 2 of 3.
File UBBS209B.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
UltraBBS v2.09 disk 2 of 3.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BI.BAT 39 39 stored
CONTACT.TXT 1476 707 deflated
FEATURES.NEW 21694 8223 deflated
FILES 0 0 stored
10 201 76 deflated
100 245 76 deflated
100G 251 117 deflated
10G 207 118 deflated
20 197 74 deflated
20G 206 116 deflated
30 194 69 deflated
30G 199 112 deflated
ALIASES.DAT 53 43 deflated
BDAY 45 45 stored
BLT1 16 16 stored
BLTS 630 259 deflated
BLTS.DAT 128 38 deflated
BLTSG 759 315 deflated
COMPRESS.DAT 448 113 deflated
CONFDATA.DAT 5434 190 deflated
CONFS 537 173 deflated
CONFSG 577 223 deflated
DIR 856 357 deflated
DIRG 959 418 deflated
DOORS 472 187 deflated
DOORS.DAT 196 97 deflated
DOORSG 519 240 deflated
EXPIRED 175 134 deflated
EXPIREDG 205 162 deflated
GOODBYE 272 174 deflated
GOODBYEG 316 216 deflated
LIMITS.DAT 56 44 deflated
LOWSEC 161 129 deflated
LOWSECG 216 161 deflated
MMENU 1537 580 deflated
MMENUG 2563 735 deflated
NEWUSER 288 206 deflated
NEWUSER.DAT 5427 2065 deflated
NEWUSERG 328 238 deflated
NONEW 48 48 stored
NONEWG 63 63 stored
NOREG 154 112 deflated
NOREGG 169 131 deflated
NOUPS.DAT 86 65 deflated
PAGEBELL.DAT 25 17 deflated
PREUPL 117 103 deflated
PREUPLG 157 131 deflated
PROTOCOL.DAT 763 149 deflated
QMENU 2229 460 deflated
QUES 393 143 deflated
QUES.DAT 126 56 deflated
QUESG 459 189 deflated
SMENU 574 232 deflated
SMENUG 794 298 deflated
VOTING 398 156 deflated
VOTING.DAT 1388 293 deflated
VOTINGG 463 200 deflated
WELCOME 1488 362 deflated
WELCOMEG 1558 526 deflated
HELP 0 0 stored
HLP1 262 169 deflated
HLP10 645 358 deflated
HLP11 428 237 deflated
HLP2 298 179 deflated
HLP3 280 178 deflated
HLP4 181 128 deflated
HLP5 141 111 deflated
HLP6 194 146 deflated
HLP7 166 126 deflated
HLP8 374 215 deflated
HLP9 202 148 deflated
HLPA 144 111 deflated
HLPB 213 155 deflated
HLPBB 285 157 deflated
HLPBI 734 372 deflated
HLPC 567 285 deflated
HLPCH 966 419 deflated
HLPD 753 381 deflated
HLPDO 459 273 deflated
HLPE 1702 694 deflated
HLPED 513 241 deflated
HLPF 571 262 deflated
HLPFL 474 255 deflated
HLPG 91 83 deflated
HLPI 407 195 deflated
HLPJ 522 284 deflated
HLPK 303 191 deflated
HLPL 727 380 deflated
HLPM 256 169 deflated
HLPN 511 286 deflated
HLPNO 966 419 deflated
HLPO 730 384 deflated
HLPOE 1292 433 deflated
HLPOM 727 343 deflated
HLPOP 459 273 deflated
HLPOR 1092 474 deflated
HLPOS 442 222 deflated
HLPP 224 159 deflated
HLPQ 291 171 deflated
HLPR 1665 724 deflated
HLPRE 428 230 deflated
HLPS 1526 670 deflated
HLPT 558 279 deflated
HLPTI 553 286 deflated
HLPU 968 459 deflated
HLPUS 222 156 deflated
HLPV 198 138 deflated
HLPVI 794 379 deflated
HLPW 1962 557 deflated
HLPWH 165 125 deflated
HLPX 285 179 deflated
HLPY 338 191 deflated
HLPZ 908 480 deflated
MANAGER.EXE 64793 61198 deflated
ORIGIN 59 59 stored
PCBV.BAT 120 93 deflated
R1.BAT 53 53 stored
RC.BAT 53 53 stored
READ.ME 1816 922 deflated
REGISTER.TXT 3808 1106 deflated
REMOTE.BAT 79 76 deflated
RG.BAT 50 50 stored
RUNBBS.BAT 686 256 deflated
RX.BAT 50 50 stored
RY.BAT 47 47 stored
RZ.BAT 47 47 stored
S1.BAT 38 38 stored
SC.BAT 38 38 stored
SETUP.EXE 48976 46096 deflated
SG.BAT 39 39 stored
SP.BAT 13 13 stored
SX.BAT 35 35 stored
SY.BAT 36 36 stored
SYSOP 20 20 stored
SZ.BAT 36 36 stored
UBBS.DAT 1522 430 deflated
UBBS.REG 42 42 stored
UBBSFMTS.TXT 39371 10854 deflated
ULTRABBS.TXT 144731 40560 deflated
UPGRADE.TXT 56 56 stored
UPLOAD.BAT 100 96 deflated
UTI.CFG 50 38 deflated

Download File UBBS209B.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

With the UltraBBS v2.09 package, you should have received three files:

UBBS209A.ZIP Contains executables and main files
UBBS209B.ZIP Contains executables, documentation, help, & sample files
UBBS209C.ZIP Contains non-overlaid version of executable (optional)

You should unZIP UBBS209A.ZIP into a \UBBS\ directory. UBBS209B.ZIP must be
unZIPped with PKUNZIP's "-d" option to create the necessary directories to
place its files in (FILES\ and HELP\). If you wish to use the non-overlaid
version, then unZIP UBBS209C.ZIP and rename its UBBSNO.EXE file to UBBS.EXE
The overlaid version requires much less memory (see the documentation for
the exact requirements) but operates a bit slower, especially if you have a
slow hard disk.

As packaged, UltraBBS comes with all paths set to directories on drive D:.
If you use another drive, remember, you must change ALL drive letters--in
the BBS parameters, the conference setup, the DAT files' setup sections,
etc. Also remember to create all necessary directories when first getting

To run UltraBBS, you will need several files in addition to what is
included in the UBBS209?.ZIP files. You will need a FOSSIL driver (common
ones are X00, OPUSCOMM, and BNU), and you'll need DSZ and BIMODEM (if you
use the protocol batch files that came with the package). These programs
are available on most BBSes.

The UltraBBS documentation can be printed with the DOS command:


The file CONTACT.TXT lists beta test sites which will carry the latest
version of UltraBBS, and in most cases, the UltraBBS echomail conference
in which the author may be contacted. Many new features are already
planned for the next version and your suggestions would be appreciated!

Enjoy! -- Bob Farmer

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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